I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 278

He's not going to steal the limelight.

Now, the scene in front of us turns into iron man versus whip lock, just like in the movie. However, their equipment is different from that in the movie. One is wearing Mark's improved armor, and the weapon is machine gun grenade. The other is wearing improved whip lock armor, a simple exoskeleton and two long whips.

To some extent, it can be said that vegetables and chickens peck each other.

As the saying goes, the enemy is very jealous when they meet each other. When the whip lock sees iron man show up again, he rushes over directly and the battle starts instantly.

Iron man first used a machine gun to strafe from a distance, but it didn't work. Then he changed it to a grenade to serve him. The whip lock, like in the movie, used an electric whip to blow the grenade away as it approached. A few explosions were heard around. The civilians watching the scene were killed and injured, and they ran away crying and howling.

In the blink of an eye, the whip lock rushes to iron man. With a flick of the long whip in his hand, a twinkling of lightning twines iron man firmly.

Electric current is constantly winding around the surface of Mark 1, but fortunately, Mark 1 improved type is not the thin skin armor of Mark 5 portable type. Although the technology is backward, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick. This attack is nothing at all.

Iron man is too lazy to use long-range weapons. He just grabs the whip and drags it back. The whip lock is stronger than him.

However, the power system of mark I is obviously more powerful. After all, it's a mature model, which can't be compared with the counterfeit goods made by whip lock in his own small workshop. Iron man Yanks the whip lock, pulls it over, and punches the opponent head-on.

When he stepped on the whip lock's chest, he was surprised. However, he saw the white light of the reaction furnace on the other side's chest. He reached out to take down the ark reaction furnace on the other side's chest and looked carefully. However, at this time, a cry of surprise came out behind him -

"be careful of the sky!" Qi Jianfei and Qin Huan yelled in the distance at the same time. As soon as Benxi, iron man, looked up, he saw that two helicopters were approaching from far and near in the sky, and quickly flew into the air about 100 meters away from him. The side doors of the helicopters were wide open, revealing the Gatling machine guns that had been set up on them. The machine guns on the two helicopters almost opened fire at the same time, and the dense bullets stopped immediately The enemy and our enemy are covered.

The Gatling machine gun is a powerful weapon with several thousand rounds per minute. The iron man can't lift his head when he is hit by dense bullets. Fortunately, mark I is thick skinned, but he is still not pierced. However, the whip lock on the ground finds a chance, and suddenly stands up, breaks through the iron man's trample and gets up from the ground.

Qin Huan's eyes leaped. It was obvious that this was another group of players who wanted to stir up the game. Moreover, this group of players did a very thorough job. They paid attention to all the people, regardless of the good or bad, and covered the attack.

"Ha ha ha, steel bitches, die for me!" The man in the helicopter yelled as he fired.

Qin Huan wanted to help, but he didn't dare to go up. Although his magic power was ok, his armor couldn't hold such a fierce fire. He had no confidence to arm the helicopter in the front. If there was only one helicopter, it would be two now. Even if he could drop one, the fire of the other would be enough to fight him It's a sieve, so he doesn't dare to do it easily.

Qi Jianfei, who gave his armor to iron man, had no ability to intervene. He could only watch from a distance and could not help.

Just at this time, there was a sudden whistling in the sky. In the distance, a demon glider was rapidly diving down from the sky with its tail flame. However, the demon glider was not green, but black. It looked very cool. On it stood a black knight wearing a skeleton mask and a black combat suit. He was a death surfer! Qin Huan was surprised. He said that this guy wanted to join in the fun?

The dead surfer was far away, and two of them were catapulted out. The target was the two helicopters.

One of the helicopters suddenly shot a white light and detonated the missile in mid air.

The other plane was not so lucky. It was shot by another missile. Fortunately, the missile was not powerful enough. With a bang, it just blew up the propeller, and several players on the plane began to jump.

Another helicopter saw, quickly turned the muzzle, aimed at the demon glider and began to fire.

Qin Huan Xin said that he was helping, but why did he want to help iron man? No matter, just had the opportunity to output, he did not dare to use meteor burst, that belongs to the single output, can not hit the pit dad.

Qin Huan's eyes were fixed on the helicopter - seratok's eye of destruction!

Two seconds later, his eyes shot two red beams of light towards the helicopter in the sky.

The two beams didn't hit the helicopter at the first time. After all, the helicopter was flying all the time, which was not so accurate. Fortunately, the red beam was continuously outputting. The two red beams swept towards the helicopter and directly swept on the tail of the helicopter. The red laser instantly penetrated the tail of the helicopter. The helicopter immediately lost its balance and began to spin down, Several players on the plane also jumped down.Boom, the helicopter fell into a ball of fire, two helicopters were scrapped, the pilot also died, and a shooter fell to death because the height was too high and the landing position was not good.

The rest of the players have six people. After they get up from the ground, they immediately surround iron man and whip lock.

In the sky, the dead surfer is still shooting down missiles and throwing bombs. These players have been bombed to ashes. Two people start to raise their weapons and fire into the sky to fight with the dead surfer. The remaining four people persevere and divide into two groups to surround iron man and whip lock.

The whip lock is dangerous. The quality of his armor is not up to standard. It is a little damaged by Gatling's firepower. Seeing a werewolf player bump into him, he can't support himself. The werewolf is tearing at him like crazy, and the armor pieces on the whip lock are torn off one by one.

He quickly hit the other side with a mallet and added a whip to repel the other side, but the other two players rushed up immediately. One of the veteran players took out a rocket launcher and aimed it at the whip lock.

At this moment, suddenly, the veteran player was shot in the head. In the direction of the gunshot, another guy in armor rushed onto the racetrack. Qin Huan was surprised to see that he was wearing a white shadow. The white shadow was wearing a set of Chinese ink armored army made by Chinese ink industry, and the weapon was a small caliber rapid fire gun and handgun The linkage machine gun on his arm can't be seen. The armor of Han and Mo can't be used according to the plot now. However, it's obvious that his suit should be specially made. After personal modification, it can be used. It's obviously used to cover the whip lock. But he didn't mean to help fight iron man, that is, to cover the whip and lock.

On the other hand, iron man also found the attack.

"Die! Steel bitches A hulk enhanced player yells and turns into a big green man. He rushes towards stark, carrying machine gun bullets to stark, and punches iron man back and forth, and punches Mark's armor to suppress a piece in the chest. However, it's difficult to smash the armor.

The iron man also began to fight back, and the two big men twisted together, and it was hard to separate them.

Lightning! Qin Huan had a flash of lightning in the past. The two men in the middle of the struggle had an ark reaction furnace to absorb energy. Iron man would not be hurt. The Hulk was not treated so well, and suddenly gave a scream.