I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 258

"Yes, there's no way to explain it." Stark said with some guilty heart. The reason for his guilty heart is that he vaguely remembers that he seems to know the woman.

It's not his fault. There are too many women who have played in the past. I can't remember clearly that I had sex with someone before, and then I abandoned her. As a result, the other party came to settle with me because of the change of love, right? Stark couldn't help worrying.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he felt. He was not afraid. As long as he put on his latest design of Mark 5 portable armor, he was basically not afraid. But pepper was not so safe. If he was just a dead waiter, he always felt uneasy.

I'm afraid we'll have to hire some more bodyguards for pepper, he thought, but ordinary bodyguards certainly can't do it. Today's attackers seem to have super abilities. The woman can disappear all of a sudden. Maybe she also has similar abilities. So it's better to be a bodyguard with special abilities like death attendants.

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin Huan.

"Merlin, thank you this time." Tony Stark suddenly said to Qin Huan.

At the same time, the party also walked out of the building.

System prompt: you have successfully participated in the iron man inquiry meeting. According to the fact that you have to drop the line in this event, your reputation in the military has been increased by 100 points, your reputation in stark industry has been increased by 100 points, Tony Stark's liking for you has been increased, and your reputation has been increased by 47 points.

Hearing the sound of the system, Qin Huan said with a smile: "don't thank Mr. stark. After all, are we friends?" Qin Huan patted stark on the shoulder.

"Please, call me Tony." That's what stark said.

Tony is usually called by someone close to him, which means that stark really regards him as a friend.

Qin Huan nodded, "OK, Tony." Two people looked at each other a smile, intangibly intimate some.

"Well, Merlin, I'd like to ask you a favor. I need to further improve pepper's security level. I've always felt insecure recently. Do you have someone like Mr. deadman to introduce me to?"

Qin Huan thought about it and nodded, "this is no problem. I'll help you pay attention to it."

Iron man, pepper, and the dead man flew back to New York.

Qin Huan also opened the portal and left directly.

At the same time, the assassination of a military commissar soon exploded, causing great repercussions in various fields.

First, all kinds of news media are broadcasting.

At the same time, players are also talking about it.

Jianxin justice, I love Bobo, King saru, magic tower and lundstead are the names of these five attackers. However, three of them have been deleted and re practiced, and the other two have been isolated from all kinds of plot events ever since.

Nevertheless, the names of the five attackers are constantly being praised.

A lot of people didn't expect that they could still do it.

At ordinary times, although there are many people who kill NPCs at leisure, and some even form teams to assassinate the president of the United States, they all come back to life soon after the killing, so we don't take it seriously.

But this time, it's obviously different. The speaker who was killed didn't come back to life. In a word, he is a famous plot character. He not only appeared in Iron Man 2, but also was the leader of the villain in the US team. Unexpectedly, he was killed by the players.

This is to let a lot of players move the mind, later can not really save the world in the plot? What whip lock, mieba, Ronan and rocky, they'll be finished if they're killed anyway. It's great that we can solve the problem by ourselves.

Therefore, there is a lot of controversy among players, and many people are discussing whether they want to do something with it to show off.

Meanwhile, Qin Huan began to help iron man find bodyguards.

Superheroes obviously don't have to be found. Death attendants are quite special. He only knows this one. Although there are modu, Wang, and others, they don't have such a good relationship with Qin Huan, let alone being bodyguards for iron man.

So Qin Huan finally decided to ask the players to help him. It's kind of close involvement in the plot to be a bodyguard for pepper. Although he's not an important part of the play, he's almost like harpy.

So he thought that some people would accept it.

In the list of friends to a group, sure enough, this message immediately many people want to participate.

Martian 9527: "Damn, I'll be a bodyguard for pepper. That's a good feeling. Count me in.

Beast: "I, count me in!"

Liu Wei: "boss, I have to do this."

Lucifer: "Damn, I can't get away now. Can you give me a seat?"

Looking at the dense reply, Qin Huan suddenly found a strange fragrance. How could it be all men? And why is everyone so enthusiastic?Although he can participate in the plot, he only works as a bodyguard for pepper. It's not a big deal. He has to pay 100000 dollars a week, which is nothing for the players. Why are they so excited?

"Hey, I can say good to you first. It's not a pity for my friend's wife. Iron man and I are friends at least. You're not allowed to think of pepper. Besides, you're not allowed to be a troublemaker or make trouble."

Martian 9527: "ha ha, don't worry, boss Merlin. I'm not interested in pepper. I just want to get close to my sister."

Liu Wei: "Qin Huan, you don't know if you really don't know. How can I do something to pepper? It's a black widow to do something."

Lucifer: "Hey, I'm that kind of person. I don't mess with things."

Damn, that's what happened. Qin Huan suddenly realized.

The first appearance of the black widow was in Iron Man 2, and the black widow appeared next to pepper at the beginning. It was this idea that these guys originally wanted to make. In other words, the black widow in Iron Man 2 had the best face.

He has seen a lot of these superheroes, so he doesn't take them seriously. However, for the players who think of this time, superheroes are still very new, especially the beautiful superheroes like black widow who appear for the first time.

However, there were so many people who signed up that Qin Huan could not recruit all of them. Finally, he chose three people.

The first one is Liu Wei. Naturally, a good brother is the first one to be selected.

What's more, he also considered one thing: Liu Wei belongs to the shadow brotherhood, which is a subordinate organization of the shengdun brotherhood, and the shengdun brotherhood is the predecessor of the aegis. To say, there is a little connection between the two. If Liu Wei comes into contact with the aegis, maybe he can gain something.

The second one is beast. This guy is a reliable melee unit. If he blocks bullets, it's absolutely easy to use. Moreover, if he plans to establish a guild in the future, beast will be a good candidate for tanks.

The third one chose Colin Connors. This guy was the mutant who formed a team together when he first played the boss green devil in the wild. His ability was to transform into a lizard man.

Qin Huan was going to investigate and see if he could help him make mutant serum.

After choosing the right person, Qin Huan directly opens the door and brings it to stark.

A line of four went straight outside Stark's mansion.

At the sight of the mansion, three people were shocked.

Beast: "Damn, it's iron man's home! This is amazing "

Colin Connors:" Oh, my God, it's really luxurious. "

It looks like an expert: "Captain, you have a good relationship with iron man. Can you bring us in directly without being attacked by the security system?"

Qin Huan was speechless about the humiliating performance of the three men. "Why are you so excited? It's just a house. You'll be more reserved when you go in. Don't give me shame."

Then he rang the doorbell and Jarvis's voice immediately rang out, "Hello, Mr. Merlin. Mr. Merlin is waiting for you in there."

As they walked into the living room, they saw Tony Stark, pepper and the dead waiter talking.

"Tony, I've got the man you want." Qin Huan said.

"Eh, why is the dead waiter here?" Colin Connors and the beast were surprised and muttered in a low voice that Liu Wei had met the dead waiter. It was not surprising.

But the waiter had sharp ears, "huh? Do you know me? "

"Of course I do. You're a famous servant. Who doesn't know you?" Qin Huan said, squeezing his eyes at them.

But the dead waiter did not ask again, and happily accepted the "reality" that he had become famous.