I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 250

The shengdun brotherhood is the predecessor of aegis. The characters in the brotherhood are not good, what -

Steampunk Da Vinci, apple leader Newton, doomsday prophecy Nostradamus, Han Dynasty astronomy God Zhang Heng, magic father duo, ultra black technology Tesla, Li Xue Tianzun Galileo, eternal energy body Michelangelo, steel alchemist Abu Musa Jabil Ibn hayan Azadi.

All in all, they are all very powerful characters in the background, but there are almost no hidden characters on the stage.

The shadow brotherhood, as a subordinate organization of the Holy Shield brotherhood, can also obtain relevant inheritance in theory, but it is difficult to find the relics of the Holy Shield brotherhood. In Marvel Universe, due to the relationship of the time line, the Holy Shield Brotherhood has completely withdrawn from the historical stage, leaving only secret relics waiting for players to excavate, as for the relationship with them Guan's plot is a secret affair, and Qin Huan knows nothing about it, so he can't help it.

"But if you don't plan on assassination now, there are three scenarios that may allow you to acquire super abilities. Of course, you still need to have core skills."

Liu Wei hastily way, "what plot event?"

"The first story, the magic four, you know, their ability comes from carrying out scientific research missions in the spaceship. As a result, they are irradiated by the ray storm, resulting in variation. And this story is about to start. If you can get into that spaceship and be photographed by the ray storm, you can definitely get super power Strength, but it's hard to say what kind of ability.

It may cost a lot of money to join the plot in a normal way. After all, space research costs a lot. If you have hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in it, it's no problem to get a quota.

Or if you are an expert in related science, you can go up with technology, but these two are definitely out of the question. Your only chance is to sneak on the ship with Assassin's stealth ability, and then get into the ray storm. The specific operation depends on your play.

The spacecraft will be checked repeatedly before it goes up to the sky, so the difficulty is not low. " "

Liu Wei nodded," that's good. In the magic four, except the stone man, the other three abilities are all strong. It's just that it's a little more difficult to get in. I'll have a try then. Is there anything else? "

Qin Huan nodded, "the second event is the birth of hate. After the Chicago incident, general Ross used the blood of the Hulk to cultivate hate. If you don't mind becoming a monster of hate, you can try it, but you may need to respect the reputation of the military."

"The third event is the evil spirit Knight's raid on the town of San Francisco. In this event, Mephisto will also appear. If you can have a relationship with mephistola and do some trading, you may be able to obtain the ability similar to the evil spirit knight. Mephisto is a devil and likes to trade with people, but you should be careful. It's usually difficult to trade with him There's a price to pay. If you play a normal game, it's certainly not a problem, but if it's a plot skill that can be brought into reality, then the price is likely to play a role in reality. "

Liu Wei listened to the expression of a pair of palpitations, "how do not sound very reliable ah, is not a monster is cursed." Liu Wei shook his head, "let's forget the two behind. I'd better go to the shengdun brotherhood first. If I can't, I'll try to get into the spaceship. If I can't, I'll have to go to the shouhehui."

Qin Huan nodded, "that's it. If you need help, please ask us for help."

After finishing the meal, which was neither lunch nor dinner, they took a bath and went back to their rooms to have a rest.

However, after sleeping for a while, Qin Huan heard something outside. Without looking, he knew that Liu Wei could not help entering the game again.

Qin Huan and the other three didn't wait too long, and soon they all entered the game.

After entering the game, Zhang Leyi decided to go to find the dead waiter. They are both mutants now, and they can be regarded as one milk compatriots. They can just go to find X-Men Lala, maybe they can get involved.

Qi Jianfei ran to work directly, but his Mark type armor was almost scrapped. Although it could be repaired, it took too much time, and Mark's model was awesome enough.

So he decided to build iron overlord armor directly. Although the cost is a little high, the cost of mark I is more than one million US dollars, while the cost of tiebawang is nearly 20 million, which is more than ten times higher.

But the combat effectiveness is also proportional to the increase, in order to the next Iron Man 2 plot, also have to go out.

Qin Huan agreed and gave Qi Jianfei most of the 20 million yuan he had gained before, leaving only 500000 yuan for himself.

All the others left. Qin Huan was sitting alone in his apartment, looking at the two things in his hand, but he was in a bit of trouble.

He went through a set of five plot items in the X weapon experiment log first.

Although the above records the experimental process of x-weapons, it's just a process. It's not very useful for Qin Huan. He probably knows the production process of x-weapons, that is, mutants.The key to this x-weapon is to have enough volunteers (because the success rate is very low, only about 30%, so it takes at least three volunteers to make an x-weapon).

One is x-weapon serum.

But the problem is that you can't learn the formula of X weapon serum. Although you can improve your biological knowledge, bioengineering is a core skill and you can't learn it. It seems that you can only find a player who takes the biological ability route to help you.

When it comes to biological ability, he thought of a person. When he first entered the game, he met a mutant player named Colin Connors. Colin Connors remembered that the mutant was lizard enhancement.

Qin Huan is quite familiar with this enhancement. Lizard mutation is only a second-order ability, that is to say, one more step will be full. In the future, he will have to work part-time for other core abilities, such as 2 + 2 or 2 + 1 + 1.

And bioengineering is a very suitable core ability to use with lizard variation.

Before Qin Huan asked someone to form a team to make a copy, Colin Connors also applied for it. Maybe he can call him the next time he makes a copy.

But before Qin Huan thought about it, Qi Jianfei suddenly sent a message.

"Qin Huan, let me tell you something. Tony invited me to the stark Expo tonight and asked if you would go."

"No, I'll type a copy." Qin Huan said, "wait a minute, where is the fair held?"

"In the fair square in flushing."

Flushing - Expo Plaza! Qin Huan suddenly remembered that this is where Iron Man 2 started. It seems that the plot has finally begun.

"Tell him I'll be there." Qin Huan said.

In the evening, Qin Huan arrived at the Expo Plaza in flushing on time, where several world expositions were held, which is a very representative place.

Just like baihaohui and Times Square, it is also a landmark.

This time the stark industrial exposition also chose to be held here.