I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 245

Just when Qin Huan and Qi Jianfei were fighting angel, the battle between Francis and the dead waiter over there gradually became white hot.

Both of them are typical agile fighters. They are swift and fierce, and their actions are extremely fierce. One is holding two daggers, the other is waving a fire axe, and the weapons in his hand are frantically greeting each other.

He used to be a special forces soldier before he died. He has a good way to fight with cold weapons. After mutation, his reaction becomes faster and his fighting skills become more exquisite.

As a boss, Francis also had a bloody past. He didn't show off his fighting skills. He and I fought back and forth for dozens of times, and they won't win.

However, Francis is a villain in the end, and he makes the usual mistake of villains, that is, he talks too much and mocks at the same time.

"Ah, it seems that the transformation of you is very successful. Has your reaction become faster?"

"Ah ah, this knife almost stabbed me, but you still can't compare with me."

"Waste, as expected, is a waste. Even if it mutates, you still can't beat me. Your expression looks angry. I said, forget it. You're not my opponent. Besides, I didn't cheat you. You've been cured now, and side effects are unavoidable. At least you look much better now. By the way, you're welcome."

The dead waiter laughed angrily, "when I take you down, I'll make you feel my feelings. At that time, you'll tell me you're welcome."

As he said this, he suddenly roared and put down his double swords. Francis raised his axe to hold up the dead waiter's attack, but the dead waiter made a fierce attack. He suddenly somersaulted 360 degrees and spun Francis's axe with the help of the rotating force.

At the moment of landing, Francis kicked the dead waiter out with his abandoned foot. When he flew out, the dead waiter hurled a dagger at the other side in mid air. With a hiss, it hit Francis's left shoulder.

As soon as they got up, the dead waiter rushed towards Francis again. Francis pulled out the dagger inserted in his body, and the dead waiter jumped on his face. The other dagger in his hand stabbed Francis in the chest. Francis grabbed the dead waiter's wrist, and they froze.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt very much. You don't feel it any more. Just let me poke. I won't poke more. Come on, don't be shy. Let me enter your body." The dead waiter tried to press the dagger down while he was reading.

Francis lost decisively, but he didn't want to be stabbed like this. He resisted and said, "do you really want to kill me? Ha ha, here only I can cure your face. If I die, you will be like this all your life. "

As soon as he said this, the dead waiter's action immediately lost his sharpness. In essence, the dead waiter was a very naughty person. He was quite concerned about his appearance. Now he was more miserable than killing him. When he heard that he could be cured, he couldn't do it.

But the mouth is still hard: "it doesn't matter, I go back to Korea, to find a better plastic surgeon." Although the words say so, the action on the hand has a trace of hesitation obviously.

That Francis is waiting for this opportunity, suddenly a head hammer, will die of a servant hit back.

Backhand pull the dagger inserted on the family background, directly stabbed into the heart of the dead waiter, deeply stabbed into his heart.

The dead waiter looked at the dagger in his chest, his face was unbelievable. He staggered back and sat down on the ground. His heart said that he was playing. Would he die like this?

Francis was very proud. "I forgot to tell you that my mutation ability not only made me feel no pain, but also made my vitality extremely strong. Your knife just now is nothing to me. In addition, your face can't be cured. I just lied to you. Waste is really waste. It's so easy to cheat now -"

Fu Then he picked up the axe beside him and said, "die for me!" I was about to chop it down, but I just saw Angela was aimed by Qi Jianfei's missile.

He was startled on his face and suddenly turned his axe towards Qi Jianfei's missile.

This guy's throwing technique is really accurate. This axe is hitting the trigger point of Hellfire missile's warhead.

Bang, the missile was detonated directly, and Qi Jianfei was blown away by the explosion.

Qin Huan looked at his heart and said, "Damn it, how powerful is it?"?

At first, I thought Francis was a loser because he wanted powers, no powers, technology and no technology. I didn't expect that he was really fierce in fighting. The key point was that just now, he was very uncertain whether it was technology or luck.

Fireball! Qin Huan raised his hand is a fireball, Francis a somersault to hide in the past, Qin Huan a look immediately I call not good, fireball flight speed is not as fast as the bow and arrow speed, for Francis this agile warrior obviously not so easy to hit, this if rushed to the front can not be good, just his two handed fighting skills, can not play close combat with this pure warrior boss.

"Hey, you hurry up to help," Qin Yu yelled at Qi Jianfei. Qi Jianfei struggled to get up again, and his body sparkled. The armor was about to be scrapped.Most of the weapon systems are broken, and only one machine gun can be used. Qi Jianfei raised the machine gun and started shooting.

This time, he finally restrained the momentum of the other side's charge. As soon as Francis turned over and rushed to the back of a wall, he picked up a pistol on the ground and shot back at Qi Jianfei.

Qi Jianfei didn't hide.

However, this shot did not hit him, but hit a guard on the ground next to him. The guard was the guy with the liquid nitrogen injector on his back. He had hung up for a long time, but the liquid nitrogen tank behind him was intact. With a bang, the liquid nitrogen tank was detonated directly and immediately sprayed Qi Jianfei sideways. Fortunately, the liquid nitrogen tank had a small capacity, which was just a small accident It just froze half of him.

He raised his hand and aimed another shot at Qin Huan.

Qin Huan quickly hid behind Qi Jianfei, raised his hand and began to rub the fireball.

However, his magic consumption has been 7788. He can't play the eight lightning tactics before. He can only use the fireball to throw one shot, hoping to be lucky to blow up the other side.

However, Francis is worthy of being the boss. He can avoid the explosion range every time, which makes Qin Huan anxious but helpless. Now he can understand the helplessness of those soldiers in the movie.

At this time, Zhang Leyi, who has been floating in the air, finally began to descend slowly.

"Get up, Wade. It's not the time to stand up. Don't you want revenge?"

"It's no use. I'm too hurt. I can't do it anymore." But the dead servant covered his chest with a gesture of saying his last words.

"It's too serious. It's a risk. Get up now." Zhang Leyi said to force the upper part of the body back to the human form, a will be dead on the chest of the dagger pulled out.

"Oh, gee, I'm not dead!" The dead waiter touched his chest in disbelief, "eh, I'm really OK."

"I guess it's the mutation - I don't want to help yet." Zhang Leyi said and handed the dagger to the dead waiter.