I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 208

In addition to the final drawing, all other drops are assigned by roll points. At the same time, it's fair to use one need and more greed, that is, after you get a piece of equipment, you have to wait for others to get the same points.

The main reason is that Qin Huan guarantees that he will pass. This makes these new teammates look at each other. Most people don't dare to say that.

"Well, let's start cleaning up the little monsters. I won't do anything about the little monsters here. I'll save some money for the blue back. Ah Fei, beast, you two are responsible for attracting firepower. Martian and June, you two are behind, responsible for stopping and triggering!"

With Qin Huan's order, the party immediately began to push forward.

There are many small monsters on both sides of the valley, mainly divided into three kinds.

Ten Commandments Gang shooters - miscellaneous soldiers who use automatic rifles or submachine guns, shoot indiscriminately, with low threat and large number.

Snipers of Shijie gang - soldiers who use sniper guns and wear desert camouflage clothes have a high degree of threat but a small number.

Shijie Gang watcher - a special unit equipped with telescopes and signal guns, which can find players' tracks from a long distance and call nearby Shijie gang members for reinforcement, which needs priority treatment.

There are many Tibetan caves on both sides of the valley. That's where the Ten Commandments Gang's reinforcements are.

Qi Jianfei drove Mark's armor in front of him. The beast turned into a hulk more than two meters high and walked side by side with him. As soon as the two meat shields appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of the nearby monsters. There's no way. The monsters in this game are basically like real people. The warning range is very far away. Basically, when you enter the line of sight, you will have a reaction. It's still tens of meters away, The two were welcomed by bullets, but fortunately, like the villains in the movie, these ten commandments Gang Gunners had poor shooting skills, and only a few shots hit them. Qi Jianfei couldn't get into them with Mark's armor, and the green giant beast had thick skin. Although not all of them were shot, the bullets would still cause minor damage, but with it It's almost like tickling.

As soon as these ten commandments help shooters shoot, June and Martian 9527 immediately start to roll call one by one. One of them uses sniper guns, the other uses alien energy guns, almost one at a time, and their heads are relaxed and happy.

Bang! Walking in front of the Hulk suddenly screamed, but it was a fierce attack in the stomach. It was obviously caused by the sniper gun of Shijie gang. Although the gun did not break through, it was also bloody. There was no way. The second-order Hulk mutation has not yet reached the level of invulnerability. The assault rifle can be immune, the automatic rifle can break through, and the sniper gun has been able to do some damage.

"Damn, it hurts! Ah, ah, die for me The beast roared and rushed to the mountain. The exposed sniper of Shijie Gang shot the beast on the shoulder, but the beast was red eyed and rushed to the other side with a hard shoulder, smashing his head into a pile of mosaics.

"Well, that shot just now really hurt." The beast looked at Qi Jianfei enviously as he walked back. He was wearing Mark's armor, but he was not afraid of being shot at all.

The Hulk can't. After all, it's the body.

Qin Huan, while treating the Hulk's stomach, joked: "where is this? In the future, if you want to be strong, Hulk will have to be beaten. After the three-stage mutation, you can start a talent called endless fury. If you are beaten, you can improve your combat effectiveness. In the future, it's a basic operation to fight for ten minutes before starting boss every time. ”

the beast said, "is it true or not? How do you know so much about Hulk's abilities? "

"Hey, hey, I played Hulk in the internal test." Qin Huan talked nonsense.

The battle went smoothly. The two tanks were very hard, and there was no pressure to attract fire. Soon the party went deep into the valley and killed dozens of small monsters. Although they were very careful and gave priority to the Ten Commandments every time, an accident happened. When one of them was accidentally missed, a signal bomb was lit up in the sky.

"The ten commandments are calling for reinforcements. Ah Fei, prepare to use the grenade launcher to aim at the cave at 3 o'clock."

Sure enough, a team of seven or eight ten commandments Gang Gunners rushed out of the cave in a few seconds after the signal flared up. However, Qi Jianfei, who had been prepared for a long time, sent a grenade to the front of the house, and immediately got into trouble.

Another signal bomb went up. This time, without Qin Huan's command, Qi Jianfei aimed at the nearby cave and turned over the reinforcements again.

After that, there was nothing wrong. With a little effort, they marched into the deep valley.

”Stop! "Qin Huan suddenly yelled, but there was an open space in front of him. An old warehouse like building was sitting on the open space. Anyone could see that there was a problem.

"In front is the location of the No.1 boss. This boss is the batter tank. This tank is an experimental combat vehicle made by Stark industry. Because of the collusion between Shijie gang and obadai, obadai will sell and send many experimental weapons and equipment to Shijie gang. On the one hand, it can be used to buy and on the other hand, it can be used for actual combat test. The batter tank is such a case It's a weapon. It's the one that blows iron man down from the sky in the movie. ""Its weapon is very sharp. It is equipped with a 105mm tank gun, which can't be carried by either mark armor or beast. Hitting is basically a second kill. The gun also has a dynamic fire control system, which can hit high-speed moving targets. Beside the gun, there is a coaxial machine gun and a large caliber air defense machine gun.

Its front armor is very thick, and ordinary bombs or bullets are useless. "

This is a bit unreasonable. No matter how powerful the boss in the general game is, he won't even be able to kill the tank in seconds, and he won't have the defense hard enough to break the defense.

But no way, Marvel Universe is such a game.

"Second kill? Then how can we fight against monsters? " Qi Jianfei was a little scared when he heard about it. His biggest reliance was that his armor was hard enough. Now he heard that he couldn't carry the boss's attack, so he immediately beat the drum. If he was hit by a cannon, it would be absolutely refreshing.

Qin Yudao said, "you don't have to fight against monsters. I'll fight against monsters. You just have to kill him directly."

Qi Jianfei said, "you mean to use Hellfire missile?"

Qin Huan nodded: "yes, your Hellfire missile can pierce the front, but if you attack from the back, you should be able to destroy the tank." Then he took another look at June and Martians. Do you two have weapons with armor breaking effect

The Martian was eager to try and said, "don't bother. I have a mini ion gun in my hand. It's absolutely easy to fight an earth tank with soflin technology."

Qin Huan shook his head: "don't think too much about alien technology. It's Marvel Universe, but if you want to have a try, you can have a try. If you can't get through the front, you can go around with ah Fei."

"This batter tank has a weakness, that is, it will give priority to attacking the nearest enemy, so you two are safe as long as you are not nearest. Although the tank's attack is fierce, its attack speed is very slow. It can only fire in about five seconds. I will induce it to fire, and then you two will quickly approach him."

"In June, your task is very simple. After triggering the boss war, a machine gunner will drill out of the tank to operate the anti-aircraft machine gun. This anti-aircraft machine gun is very powerful. You must kill him at the first time."

"What about me?" Asked the beast.

"You just watch it, and the boss war will use you."

"The boss's warning range is 100 meters. I will use magic to attract its firepower. You two have to go around to the back of my avatar before it dies and launch an attack. Do you understand?"

Qi Jianfei nodded, "don't worry, no problem." Martian also nodded: "in fact, there is no need to be so troublesome, my ion gun can definitely blow it away."

Qin Huan was too lazy to explain, "well, if there's no problem, let's start."

Five people slowly approached the building and stopped when they were nearly 100 meters away.

The shape of Akron!

Qin Huan suddenly split up and split up into seven magic parts.

After continuous practice, his magic control has reached the level of experts. The upper limit of magic is more than 2000 points. With 100 points of magic, he can separate seven.

Arcane shield! Seven Magic parts rub out a secret shield at the same time, and then walk forward with the shield.

Just a few steps away, with a bang, the door of the building was smashed open, and a majestic tank came out from inside.

"Here you go, you two."

Qi Jianfei ran at once, but he ran very slowly, following the others.

But the Martian raised his ion gun, aimed at the tank and shot it.

The ion gun is a bit like a rocket launcher, but it's more sci-fi. The shell is a golden ion energy ball, chirping, right in the front face of the tank. A mass of golden energy explodes on the armor plate of the tank, and then it calms down.

"Shit, what the hell?" Martian 9527 looks shocked and looks suspiciously at the ion gun in his hand. It's shape technology.

Qin Huan was not surprised by this result. What about the technology of aliens? The earth is the leading role in Marvel Universe. Let alone a small ion gun, even if the space warship comes, it will be beaten down every minute.

Boss over there also began to fight back, boom! The cannonball came face to face, and instantly destroyed the two parts.

Coaxial machine guns also began to fire, but fortunately, the secret shield is tough enough to block a bullet.

"Let's go together and run!" Qin Huan commanded the soldiers to run forward, and Qi Jianfei and Martians also surrounded them on the left and right sides.

At this time, the hatch of the tank suddenly opened, and a machine gunner came out to operate the anti-aircraft machine gun. The bullet of the anti-aircraft machine gun could not be stopped by the secret shield.


Bang, the shooter was shot in the head before he touched the trigger of the antiaircraft machine gun, but immediately the body was pushed aside and another machine gunner came out.Bang, another shot! He was shot in the head again.

The tank guns are still firing. Each gun can kill a magic part. Fortunately, there are enough parts. Only three guns have been fired. The Martians are about to get around the back of the tank.

However, the tank knew that chrysanthemum was the weak point, and quickly turned its body. However, the Martian could not escape Qi Jianfei. The shoulder of Mark's armor suddenly opened, revealing the launching rack of Hellfire missile, aiming at the rear butt of the tank and shooting out.

Boom, the tank exploded in a fire.

"That's it? Is that too simple? " The beast was stunned.

The whole battle lasted less than a minute.

Qin Huan laughed: "simple? If I don't tell you in advance, do you know what boss is? When the tank comes out, do you know its weakness? The most likely result is that everyone will rush up, and then the tank guns will be called one by one, one by one, destroyed by the regiment, or fortunately, two or three people will be killed. The rest of the people will go around the back of the tank and kill the tank, but if two or three people are killed, the next boss will not be able to fight. "

The beast scratched his head. "It seems so."

Although the game is very real, some things are still unchanged, such as touching the body.

The burning tank was emitting a faint white light, which could be picked up obviously.

Qin Huan, as the team leader, began to touch the body.

The first one is a drawing.

[tank armor steel (drawing)

use: learn how to make tank armor steel.

Learning needs: reading LV5, metal knowledge LV1.

Item introduction: a drawing of material ratio of tank armor steel, which teaches you how to make tank armor steel. 】

the second one is a skill book.

[quick driving tank (skill book)

learning needs: Intelligence 10.

Item introduction: this book records the learning experience of how to learn tank fast driving technology, and teaches you how to drive this kind of combat vehicle. 】

who wants the drawings?

Several people looked at Qi Jianfei and the Martians. The Martians raised their hands and were obviously interested in the armor steel.

Qi Jianfei shakes his head slightly. His reputation in stark industry is nearly enough to exchange gold and titanium alloy drawings. That thing is much better than this one.

"Well, for the Martians." Qin Huan said and gave the drawings to the Martian 9527.

"who wants fast driving?"

This time June and the beast raised their hands.

In fact, it's useful for everyone, because it's not harmful after learning this general skill book. It's hard to guarantee that it will be used one day. However, Qin Huan gave up after thinking about it. He has a better pursuit.

In the end, beast had better luck and won the drawing.

After the division, several people continued to move forward.

Then there were still a small number of small monsters blocking the way. Soon, a group of five people came to the entrance of the cave. However, unlike the group of soldiers gathered in the plot time, there were few people here.