I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 198

They sat in the living room, watching the news on the computer.

While watching the news, Qi Jianfei told Qin Huan what happened in the past two days after he was in a coma.

First of all, the power system of the villa has been installed. Qi Jianfei did not boast. He rebuilt a new ark reaction furnace, and then removed the old one to supply power. Although a lot of electricity was used in the war, the rest is still very considerable. In the future, the villa will not have power failure.

Zhang Leyi and Liu Wei have left. They have to go back to find the previous research materials. These materials are very important, and Qi Jianfei is not too embarrassed. They just ask them to promise not to tell about him and Qin Huan. In addition, they let them leave after a little threat.

On the other side of Xijiang City, the monsters have been basically eliminated. As the red fog has cleared away, even if the monsters have not been eliminated, they will gradually die. With the clearance of the armed police, the riverside district is now basically safe.

However, the subsequent impact of this incident has just been fermented on the Internet.

At this moment, they are watching the official report of the news that happened in Xijiang city before, as well as other news about monsters.

In fact, it's not just Xijiang city. In addition to the problems, similar phenomena have appeared all over the world. There are five places in China alone where alien invasion has occurred.

But fortunately, due to the rapid response, these monsters from different worlds were quickly eliminated.

However, the casualties were not small. Three of the invasion sites were not in the city, but in the sparsely populated countryside or even in the forest. There were not many casualties. Only a few unfortunate Backpackers were recruited. Xijiang city was rather sad, with hundreds of people dead.

Another unfortunate city is Moyan city. It is said that there are many monsters there, and there are several very terrible monsters, which can't be hit by machine guns. Thousands of people were killed and injured. Finally, the army was sent out to use tanks and armored vehicles.

In addition to China, many other countries around the world have also won, especially several countries with relatively large territory.

It is the United States that has been invaded the most, which is unexpected but reasonable.

Several big cities in the United States have been invaded by monsters, which is different from other countries that can only rely on military rescue. Because American civilian guns are too popular, most of the time the invading monsters are killed by armed civilians before they are very angry. Because there are many invading points, they still cause a lot of casualties.

Moreover, the panic and association of the American people are very strong because they read and watch all kinds of disaster movies every day. Although most of these invading monsters were quickly annihilated by the American people with guns, the subsequent riots were more destructive than the invading monsters, and they are still continuing up to now. First of all, the incidents of smashing, smashing and looting Up and down, uncle black once again acted as the main force, and various religious groups also began to stir up trouble, and all kinds of prophecies such as doomsday came to the world.

Some hard core people with doomsday plot have begun to prepare to set up their own shelters. In 2012, there was a wave of shelters boom again. Many of those who spent a lot of money to build shelters began to rent and sell them at a high price. Although the use settings are different, one is natural disasters, the other is defense monsters, but it's almost the same to transform them .

There are even a group of red necked people in the south of the United States who think that a troubled time is coming and are ready to form a doomsday arms alliance in the mountains.

In a word, good plays are staged one after another, and they are extremely lively.

In contrast, it is much better in China, although there are also some confusion. For example, someone said on the Internet that chili oil can restrain monsters, leading to the high price of chili. Later, it was found that the person who made that remark was a chili seller.

Then people found that the monsters seemed afraid of fire, so the gas stations were robbed.

But on the whole, it is quite orderly.

However, some changes have begun to take place in various places. In particular, the police departments in various places have been issued a lot of military weapons, so as to avoid a similar situation again. The weapons are not enough.

Special reaction forces were stationed at all traffic points to avoid similar incidents next time, and there was no way to respond in time.

In addition to threats and casualties, these monsters also bring some benefits. Experts from various countries are collecting and studying the corpses of those monsters. These precious and rare biological samples are likely to have a huge impact on the world's biological science. Because of the large coverage ratio, some monsters are scattered among the people, and some people have sold specimens and samples of monsters on the Internet Products, some people will buy high price collection, after all, is a strange world of monsters, nothing to show off, show off is quite cool.

Some people are publicizing the medicinal value of these monsters, such as brewing wine to nourish the brain, grinding powder to strengthen Yang and so on. Some people even speculate various functions according to the different shapes of monsters.

At present, the most popular one is the kind of meat worm discovered by Professor Li and others at first. The corpse of a meat worm costs 100-3000 yuan. Both a certain East and a certain treasure have been sold.Even in less than two days, it has been reported that someone has made fake monster corpses for profit.

These developments made Qin Yumu dumbfounded, and even had the feeling that he could not laugh or cry.

The two also saw reports about the spirit of steel and the mystery man, and even photos and videos.

I can't help it. Mobile phones are very popular these days. Although the scene was chaotic at that time and few people were left alive, they were still photographed several times, and even a very fuzzy video was sent to the Internet, including a scene of two people fighting boss in front of the police station.

Seeing this, Qin Huan was still a little nervous. He couldn't help it. He usually saw too many movies and novels. He always had some ideas about being caught in the limelight and sliced for research or inviting him to tea.

The photographer should be a survivor of the police station, because it was shot through the glass, which was vague and incomplete.

But it still made Qin Huan a little nervous. However, after reading the comments below, Qin Huan was speechless.

Meteor butterfly sword: Damn, what the hell is this? Cosplay?

Yumianfeilong: it's fake. It's fake at first sight. Wumao special effect is bad.

Pig meeting on the tree: is this the virus marketing of which movie? The shape of the monster is too strange. And the mecha, is it iron man? It feels like a paper shell.

Love you 6531: ask for a movie title, it looks good.

But Murphy: it's true. It happened in Xijiang city. I was at the scene at that time. It's absolutely true. I lied to my whole family. I was in the police station at that time. Thanks to these two people, otherwise the result would be unimaginable.

Rumeng: it's true. I was saved by those two people, two benefactors. No matter what others say, I'm here to thank you.

Smile at life: Yes, it's true. I was at the scene at that time. I fired an atomic bomb at the monster, but the video didn't take me in.

Very 100%: the invasion of monsters should be true. Those two guys must be combined. The grenade launched by the iron man of Shanzhai can still emit colorful light. Are you shooting fireworks?

Gruld: I feel like it's true. Aren't there really superheroes? But not necessarily, even monsters from different worlds have appeared.

"Damn it, I'm so brave that I'm called an actor!" Qi Jianfei said angrily beside him, "besides, that was fireworks."

Qin Huan was relieved. At least he didn't have to worry about being noticed. He didn't believe netizens' replies.

In fact, it's hard to be noticed. Although they killed a lot of monsters in this incident, they saved more than a dozen people in total. It's just that the last battle was quite thrilling.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of Apocalypse armor is not too bad. The main reason is that the weapon system is too poor. If there was a tank on the scene at that time, it would be absolutely easy to kill the monster, but it took a long time for Apocalypse armor to succeed, naturally it would not cause too much shock.

But the message of thanks made Qin Yu very happy. At least his efforts were not in vain. Some people were grateful.

Then they looked at the government's explanation and attitude towards the incident.

Generally speaking, the government's response to this incident is relatively conservative. First of all, it apologizes for not responding in time and expresses its sorrow for the people who were killed or injured in this incident.

Then experts analyzed that this event is likely to be a natural phenomenon that can not be explained by science and technology at present. It may be caused by the earthquake, which made the trapped ancient creatures run to the ground.

However, this explanation has not been approved by too many people. We are not fools. Earthquakes have not happened before, and no monsters have appeared in any major earthquake. Moreover, there are no earthquakes in those monsters' invasion sites, not to mention monsters' invasion all over the world. How can it be related to earthquakes.

As a result, netizens left messages one after another, disdaining the conservative speculation of experts, and put forward their own opinions one after another.

There are various opinions, among which there are three mainstream conjectures.

The first is that aliens say that these monsters are biological weapons put on earth by aliens.

The second is shenchuang theory. These monsters were created by the God kesulu. In short, they were sent by some kind of God.

The last conjecture is alien world creatures. These monsters may be alien world creatures from other worlds, dimensions or dimensions. For some reason, they intersect with the earth, such as the space effect caused by the change of magnetic field. As a result, they run to the earth.

Qin Huan prefers the last one,

"Qin Huan, where do you think those monsters come from? Is it really from other dimensional planes? "

Qin Huan nodded: "I think it's very possible. First of all, these monsters obviously have their own ecosphere. If they are alien biological weapons, there's no reason to be so complicated. Moreover, most of these creatures don't have very strong fighting power. Bullets can be easily handled many times. If they are biological weapons, the alien's brain is much more powerful Pit. “The second one is hard for me to judge, because no matter what God it is, I have never seen it really, so it can only be regarded as a brain hole, but the theory is far from enough.

The third is a more reasonable way to say that these creatures did not come to our world on purpose. Although they caused great harm, they all died in the end, and they felt more like entering by mistake.

In addition, when I was in the game, I participated in many combat missions, generally expelling the alien monsters invading the earth, such as demons, evil spirits, and there are also monsters like insects. "

Qi Jianfei nodded and suddenly said, "do you think the game we are playing has anything to do with the current situation?"

Qin Huan was surprised. He felt as if he had caught something.