I Slipped into Another World and Became this Demonic Guy's Pet

Chapter 95:... Leads to Perfectly Understanding Chinese

Nastasia's brow was twisted in a sort of confused wonder.

At first, she had been upset over the sudden attack on her lips, but that soon fell away after this stunning turn of events. Each and every word that graced her hearing as the strange man, Li Yu Rong and Paoxiao conversed was in such perfect clarity it felt as if everyone was speaking English.

She considered the possibility that she was still sleeping and everything happening at this moment was nothing but a dream. The slight pain, clearly pricking her hand as small splinters pierced her soft flesh from the rough wood of the cart, sobered her mind from that thinking.

Quickly, Nastasia disentangled herself from the blanket she had somehow gotten so securely tangled in. Everything that had been said, since the other two had joined the scene, she understood without having to give it any real thought. Once free, she jumped over the edge of the cart and grabbed Li Yu Rong's arm excitedly.

"Say something to me." She demanded.

Rather than say anything, Li Yu Rong tossed the elder away and pulled the red-haired girl into his arms. He didn't notice the words she spoke correctly in perfect Chinese as his eyes traced over her moving lips that had been violated by someone other than him.

That someone else touched those lips, had tasted her, was infuriating.

This thought led him to act without warning, tossing aside his usual gentle approach. He slammed his lips over hers, dominating her mouth. He ruthlessly attacked her, plundering every inch of her sweetness. Hoping to overwrite any lingering sensations that may have been left behind.

All the while Nastasia fought against Li Yu Rong's crushing hold. She hadn't come over for this embarrassing display of PDA in front of everyone. Confirming her newfound ability to perfectly understand Chinese had been her aim. That's why, even though she was being ravaged breathless and it felt incredible, her struggle for freedom didn't let up.

Though he was frustrated she kept trying to pull away, Li Yu Rong didn't exert any force to put a stop to it. Once he was satisfied both the memory and any lingering feeling of the elder was dashed from all parts of her mouth did he slowly let her go after lightly biting her bottom lip.

Breathless and a bit dazed from the thorough kiss, it took Nastasia a moment to form a reaction as he held her close. Her hands fisted around the material of his robe as she bowed her head into his chest, cheeks dusting pink. As she was catching her breath she made the mistake of looking into the stunned faces of the others. More so, her reaction was for the strange man who Paoxiao called Elder Liao Xing.

Was it really necessary to look so horrified?

No, she gave herself a mental shake, this isn't what she was supposed to be worrying about. Getting back to matter at hand, Nastasia pulled herself away from his chest and her embarrassment. Looking up into Li Yu Rong's dual-colored eyes, she demanded of him to "say something."

Asya had said this earlier as well, though he hadn't paid attention to it as he slammed his mouth over hers. So, while he was confused over her reasons for wanting this, he obliged her demand without question. Or rather, he obliged her demand to fire off a barrage of complaints. Still feeling stifled at heart for being unable to prevent the travesty of Asya's lips being stolen.

"Couldn't you have," he began but then shut his mouth before his desired complaints could be made. It wasn't her fault. He was the one who put her in this position by using her as bait. His want to fuss and gripe that she could have fought back and kicked up a row against the perverted elder wouldn't make him feel any better and would only make her feel worse.

He had been witness to it all. Had seen how she tried to escape, had seen how she was pinned and unable to move due to the blanket he wrapped her in. Li Yu Rong bit his tongue and took a breath to calm his heart that just took a dive into a barrel of vinegar.

The bite taken out of his voice, Li Yu Rong began again as his hand tenderly cupped the side of her face. "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner, chǒng​'ér." He apologized.

He hadn't known the elder protecting Youyun Village was a pervert that couldn't control his urges. At most, he thought that the presence constantly hanging out at the edge of their perception would use the opportunity of their absence to investigate and sate curiosity. During the moment the elder let his guard down would be the moment they ambushed him.

After all, the writings of the man in the archives of the Spirit Realm carefully kept in his study claimed Liao Xing to be a man easily captured by his curiosity. While it did mention he was a lover of beauty, It never occurred to Li Yu Rong that Elder Liao Xing would dare to steal a kiss.

Nastasia had stiffened in his arms after his apology. Her expression a little off. As he started to ask after her, her strained voice filled the silence.

"Am I dog?"

Li Yu Rong didn't understand why this question came about. Yet, for some reason, it brought a cold sweat to work its way down his back. A sense of foreboding snaking about.