I Reincarnated as a Losing Heroine, the Hero's Childhood Friend Who Lost to the Main Heroine, so I Switched Jobs to Alchemist

15 15: Knights Mage (tentative)

A few days after he became an “apprentice” of the genus Wang and began to be coached by Senior Lina. We were trained in a small conditioning room for apprenticeships, but there came a sudden visit from Arnold.

"Oh, Arnold. What can I do for you?

"I\'ll get in the way....... ampere"

If you say no, Arnold comes into the mixing room. With reluctance and knowing nothing, he approached me.

"Mr. Arnold. Good luck."

loving laugh. Besides, Arnold didn\'t even show the bare gesture he was trying to respond to, and took away the container with the recovery pills I was formulating. I wonder if that\'s a glitch.

Surprised by his sudden behavior, he accidentally puts his hand on Arnold\'s arm with the container in his hand. But he didn\'t have to shake my hand off, and he drank it as it was.

After drinking, put your glasses back on with a cool method for nothing. And I said “the word” away to the flattering me - not only to the flattering me, but also to Chelsea and Senior Lina.

"... you\'re the same angry guy, you are"

- Omae, upset.

Reminds me of a few years ago in a voice that came back to my brain. This guy hasn\'t changed, and his mouth was loose without knowing it.

"... Mr. Arnold is the same."

"... what is it?

"No, I just thought"

I was accidentally stuck in a spilled word, but I smile at it. I was no longer overfrightened by Arnold\'s abusive language - rather, I was getting feelings similar to giving up that he was this kind of person.

Unsympathetic - Mr. Merzedes says he knows people - and he has a bad mouth, high pride, but, in fact, he has the emotions that he deserves every year. And you do things that just can\'t read your emotions and you don\'t even have a thump from me.

That\'s who he is, Arnold.

When I was convinced by myself, a bell rang announcing a time. It\'s evening - it\'s time to finish training.

"I\'ll show you the herb gardens in the castle."

After hearing the bell, Arnold mentioned that. This is another word that is too sudden.

I don\'t give a shit about me rounding my eyes to surprise, and Arnold grabs my wrist. I thought maybe he was pulled abusively and walked forcefully trying to hang on in front.

To its warmth, which is completely different from that of Lukersch, I\'m sure for a moment - instead of doing so, I honestly became more dissatisfied than sometimes with the way Lukersch pulled his hand, which is much more abusive than Lukersch.

But before I speak of dissatisfaction, Arnold tries to leave the mixing room. If I had no choice but to swallow the words of dissatisfaction, to Seniors Chelsea and Lina, who will suddenly drop us off,

"Good luck!

That\'s right. I managed to say hello out loud.

A little while out of the mixing room, Arnold loosens his stride. The wrist was also released with that.

Take a peek at the side of Arnold, which goes a few steps forward. He is the youngest and “genius” to become a King\'s cook, but will he have time to guide the herbal garden to the "apprentice"? I have no intention of making a fool of myself, I simply questioned it, so I\'ll keep my mouth shut.

"... Do you have a lot of time?


Nod lightly at my words. It wasn\'t a solid nod, it was a nod somewhere in the sky - like a flush of talk. Perhaps it\'s not because of that reaction that we have that much time.

I wonder why you told me you\'d show me the herbal garden in the first place. Even if Arnold himself doesn\'t show us around, he\'ll go so far as not to like in future training.

The question was also jumping out of his mouth if he noticed.

"Why are you bothering to guide me?

For the next inquiry, Arnold stopped.

Shit, I mouthed it all I could think of, but was it an over-conscious thing to say? When Arnold is purposefully dedicating his time for me, he may have gotten pregnant making it sound unintentional like he was proud.

Line up next to Arnold in a hurry to correct him. And when I asked him about his complexion - he had a very thoughtful, harsh look on his face. It\'s not anger from that look, it\'s profound sadness.

I stopped by surprise at that look,

"... I want to borrow your talent in the near future"

That\'s what I said clearly.

I don\'t know when the near future is referring, Arnold says. He didn\'t say anything about how he wanted to borrow my talent. But Arnold had a clear “purpose," and I realized he was getting closer to me to achieve that “purpose."

Whatever the intentions, however, the guidance on the herbal garden is simply appreciated. I don\'t know what that “purpose” is, but now I\'m going to be honest with you about that kindness. And when the "near future” arrives, I don\'t know if it will help, but you just have to cooperate with me for the kindness I get. That\'s all.

- Then often, Arnolt visited me in anticipation of the evening when the training was over. And took me straight out to the herbal garden. That\'s not all, there were times when he went down to Wang Du to show me how the recovery pills were actually being sold.

I want to borrow your talent in the near future.

Arnold\'s words, his voice, are burning on his eardrum. I don\'t know who he is, though he has it in his chest. But this is all I know.

It must be Arnold who recognizes my talent more than anyone else.

Months after becoming an "apprentice” of the genus Wang.

One day I was finally used to working for Royal Castle and my training was going well. Senior Lina stopped me at the end of my training.

"Laura, you\'re close to Arnold."

I was cleaning up the tools. Stop the hand.

Senior Lina was very eager to coach me. After acknowledging that my skills are adequate, he does not disgust me and carefully mentors the foundations in the foundation - which is the correct way to wash the formula tools, etc. - that my master just did not teach me to be lethargic.

But when I think of that compelling smile I showed you when I first met you, I react so terribly excessively to the fact that the name "Arnold" came out of my senior mouth. I\'m sure the seniors have some feelings for Arnold - but they felt an unnaturalness that couldn\'t be said to be favored.

The voice you are called is the same as usual, a soft voice that is hazy and yet seemingly clear in your care for juniors.

"You care because our masters were in a mentoring relationship with each other... Senior Arnold\'s master is a very kind person, so maybe you told him to care about me"

Half-reflexively, Arnold and I don\'t get along that well - we fall short of the prevention line. Pity.

Senior Lina gave my words a bare gesture to contemplate for a few seconds. Then I look around busily. And

"Chelsea, I\'m sorry for the hassle, but can you pick the same thing as this herb for a small amount?

I handed Chelsea, who was cleaning up the mixing room as well as me, the medicinal herbs and cages I had appropriately taken.

Chelsea snaps her neck as she receives herbs for sudden instructions from her senior.


"I\'m sorry, I forgot Mr. Caspel asked me to. I\'ll take care of Chelsea."

If Mr. Caspel tells me you were asking me to, I can\'t possibly not accept it. Chelsea nodded loudly and rushed out of the mixing room.

Patterns and adorable footsteps keep away. After confirming that, Senior Lina quickly approached me.

"... I think it\'s such an exploratory imitation, cowardice"

Senior Lina whispered so foreboding. I frown at the root of my eyebrows and that look looks so sorry.

- From what I thought was unfolding, I feel off.

The moment Senior Lina got rid of Chelsea, she wondered if she could possibly be tightly questioned about her relationship with Arnold. But I can\'t feel any hostility from Senior Lina\'s voice or from her expression, and on the contrary, she\'s giving me a ghoulish body. I don\'t want my voice to leak outside, but I can assume it\'s a late act, but it would be an act that people who hate can hardly do.

"Arnold\'s... Talk about magic, are you listening?

Arnold\'s - Talk about magic?

The topic Senior Lina had cut out was not even a millimeter to the topic I had imagined.

I shake my head a few times, honestly, "I don\'t know," even as I get confused about that. Then the senior did his hand to his mouth and gave him a bare gesture to think about again.

"I thought Laura might be asking something... sorry to hear something weird"

It was the usual gentle smile that was directed at me.

And while I said "no," this time it bothers me. I wonder what the hell Arnold\'s magic story is.

I hesitated for a moment to ask if it was something I could ask, but I couldn\'t bear to put that question in my mouth.

"Um, what\'s the magic story... what\'s the story?

Senior Lina answered my question without any hesitation, but more subtly than earlier.

"Arnold has a very strong magic power... and there are rumors that he will be joining the Knights as a sorcerer"

- Surprisingly, I almost dropped the container I had in my hand.

Arnold has a strong magic power?

Well, that could be a story. He is an elf. Elves are supposedly more individuals with stronger magic than we do. One of the future heroes, headed by his sister, the genius mage Elvira.

That\'s understandable. But - what does it mean to join the Knights as a sorcerer? I remember hearing in the explanation within "Last Brave" that the Chevalier Knights also belong to the Sorcerers, but now I\'m not talking about whether the Sorcerers can belong to the Knights.

"Not long before Laura and the others came in, Arnold was summoned by the Knights Commander. It\'s not like that."

Senior Lina continues, roughly losing me the surprise less words.

Who\'s the Knight Commander? - It\'s Vake. He\'s also one of the heroes of the future.

"He\'s the youngest and he\'s gone from being an apprentice to being a regular Kings connoisseur, right? Since the time I came in, I\'ve only been noticed by Arnold, and I can compare... and he\'s not that disgusting personality, either? I\'ve always felt sorry for you!

The last one was either out of remorse or out of voice. But soon Senior Lina returns to me and makes me shrink.

Senior Lina apparently, she\'s not concerned with Arnold - she\'s rather hostile. But certainly, the emotion is understandable given the position she is in.

The boy, called a genius from the time he entered, was the youngest and became a regular King\'s genus conditioner from an apprentice. If such a person were in sync - they could have been compared from around and sometimes branded impossible.

Plus that, that personality of Arnold. Honestly, when it comes to his personality, all I can think of is the phrase, whether we follow him or not, he\'s not a bad person.

"So when the Knights Commander summoned me, I was around again. Genius. - Make a scene... if that\'s all you have to say. Still, even if you ask around me what the requirements were called for, he just says, \'Nothing...\'! That\'s it, too! I\'m upset again! I\'m scurrying!

Fishing his kick-ass eyebrow butt, Senior Lina stares into the void. I\'m sure you\'re thinking of Arnold\'s wretched face there.

I\'ve only seen Senior Lina, who is graceful and grown up, so while I was surprised at how she seemed to squeeze out her emotions, "I” remembered the smile. No matter how firm she is, she\'s only 16, too.

He also solved the mystery over a few months.

When I first met her, I had ascertained the sincerity of the example rumors while drifting disturbing air, because I was fond of Arnold, and I was jealous of me for the rumor that she was - not because I was opposed to Arnold. Perhaps the hated man\'s girlfriend included feelings worthy of what it was like.

Besides, as far as I can tell, our meeting is right after Arnold was called to the Knights. It must have been just the time when confrontation was also at its climax.

"I was trying to find out why he was called away, even though I thought he was stupid."

Senior Lina drops the volume of her voice again. I nodded and waited for the next word.

"Then I heard rumors whispering among the Knights.... he asked Arnold Rocco, the famous genius chef, to join the Knights directly as a magician."

- Arnold wants to borrow my talent, what have I said, but isn\'t he more talented? I didn\'t know you even had magic talent. But it\'s still a rumor.

Passing the surprise, the dry laughter spills. "Something\'s already made you laugh," Senior Lina nodded loudly if she revealed her current honest mood. "God isn\'t fair, is he?

Even if you don\'t think about it carefully, it could be enough that Elf, the species and brother of the genius sorcerer Elvira, has a strong magic. However, “I” thought unconsciously that he had no talent for sorcery while leaving his parents and being an apprentice to Mr. Mercedes from an early age. Honestly, I\'m very surprised at what Senior Lina told me.

Arnold is a character that doesn\'t exist in my memory. I have no idea what path to follow in the future - when I thought about it, I now realize it.

That\'s the same with Senior Lina right now in front of me, Chelsea in sync, and her boss, Mr. Caspel.

“Me” and Seniors Lina are a genuine first meeting, and I have no idea what character they really are, what they think of me Laura, or how I\'m going to get involved.

From now on, there is more "unknown” than ever before. But that “unknown” is what I wanted.

"Ah, this rumor is just a secret here. Bella, Bella, I can\'t convince you to talk to me."

Senior Lina smiled like an older girl, somewhere younger than usual. She just thought I was a grown-up on my own, and she\'s making me have the year-to-year side that she showed me today.

Nodding loudly at Senior Lina\'s words. And then I quickly resumed cleaning up.

Nevertheless, what is the youngest King\'s genus conditioner and talented Knights sorcerer (tentative) - Arnolt was given a great vocation (makeshift).