I Regard You as Enemies, Yet You're All After My Heart!

Chapter 18

As soon as he said this, bursts of light burst out in the dark pupils of Northern Jiangsu. He looked down and said with a smile: "I also like Wuqing, but I don\'t like it." he raised his head and saw the reflection of Chu Wuqing in his eyes. "It\'s my heart, my God and my soul that please you."

While talking, the finger on Chu Wuqing\'s neck moved down. Compared with Chu Wuqing\'s previous flirtation, Chu Wuqing\'s flirtation was deliberately astringent, but Su BEICI\'s action was ferocious and overbearing, as if he wanted to leave a trace on this snow-white neck.

Before Chu Wuqing came back, Su BEICI put one hand on Chu Wuqing\'s waist and turned around with Chu Wuqing. In an instant, the two changed their positions, and Chu Wuqing fell on the seat, while Su BEICI bent over to look at him.

Before Chu Wuqing reacted, Su BEICI\'s kiss fell down. At first, it fell on his forehead, and then on his eyelashes. Such dense kisses brought bursts of feelings that Chu Wuqing had never experienced, making his breathing faster, and his white jade like cheeks were covered with a thin layer of red.

Now women are not so reserved. He wanted to scold, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was caught and kissed. What\'s more, because he wanted to make a sound, he never kept his teeth tight, guided zh foreign bodies to invade, and his tongue was hooked.

Chu Wuqing didn\'t want to make the visitor happy, and his tongue wanted to dodge, but such action seemed to make the foreign body more excited and seemed to tease him. His action of raising his tongue to resist exposed the root of his tongue and teeth, making the tip of the visitor\'s tongue swim constantly in these places, making his tongue more and more soft and unable to resist, so he was forced to dance together.

The young man\'s body is easy to be impulsive. He has never experienced such exciting things in his previous life and this life. Although he resisted in his heart, his body instinctively responded. The action of rejecting is getting smaller and smaller, and gradually matches with people\'s kisses. The dense senses at the tip of his tongue constantly transmit this indescribable taste to his brain and scalp, Let his eyes become blurred, the water mist in his eyes is misty, and a drop of crystal liquid falls from the corner of his lips.

The liquid rolled down the jaw, over the neck, and into the heavy skirts, leaving wet marks on the snow-white skin.

Thanks to the immortal, the breath lasts a long time. Otherwise, Chu Wuqing can\'t bear this kiss for a long time. The cultivation of Qi refining has not completely removed the * * fetus, so he still needs to breathe.

When Subei CI took back his lips, Chu Wuqing was already out of breath. He wanted to speak, but he couldn\'t say it. He tried to use his skills to gather strength, but Subei CI obviously wouldn\'t let him go.

"Wuqing\'s mouth is so sweet. I don\'t know if it\'s the same in other places." Su BEICI smiled gently. Just after leaving Chu Wuqing, his tongue fell on his neck. He kissed the white skin a little, leaving shallow red marks. When he passed the raised Adam\'s apple, he turned a little, provoked the deepest * * of the body, and bit on the small and exquisite Adam\'s apple, Chu Wuqing immediately sobbed.

Chu Wuqing was overwhelmed by this strange and comfortable reaction. Although he knew about male / Huan / female / love, he had never heard of or felt it in his previous life, which always made him feel a taboo about it. Now he breaks this taboo and makes the sense of stimulation rise with the current. Instinctively... He reacted.

Of course, this scene did not escape the eyes of Northern Jiangsu CI.

Although he had never done such a thing with others, Chu Wuqing\'s astringency was obvious. Great joy filled his heart, but the impulse under his body kept suppressing and could not make Chu Wuqing feel it. But when he saw the reaction under Chu Wuqing, he felt that he could not control Zh, and his right hand trembled and wanted to press on the raised white robe.

However, the stop of his mouth movement made Chu Wuqing suddenly come back to his mind and feel what he was doing with the original female Lord.

The hand of Su Bei CI extending to Chu Wuqing\'s lower robe was firmly held.

"Sister Su," Chu Wuqing gasped, "the girl\'s house should be reserved." her voice was extremely cold.

The development of things completely exceeded Chu Wuqing\'s control zh. Although he wanted to fall in love with Subei Ci, he never thought of doing such a thing with Subei CI.

Moreover, Su BEICI is a female monk. She should be shy in the original book. She will never think about such things. How can she become so unrestrained.

When he wanted to tease himself, Su BEICI should feel angry, shy, but vaguely looking forward to it, and then push him away to escape.

Chu Wuqing hates the feeling that things are completely out of his control, and his uneasiness rises to the extreme, but he is arrested and jailed the moment before playing Mayou street. Only because he was loved by the princess, the princess forced the saint with death, so that he could survive. Although he was still imprisoned, he saved his life for the time being.

Originally, he thought it was just a game in the court. As long as he got through it, he could reverse the case for the family. But when he was put on trial, he clearly understood that a Qi ē The cause of bad luck is actually due to the greed of a cultivator.

The cultivator was a descendant of a poor cultivator family. He reluctantly stepped into the door of the cultivator because of a fragmented book left by his ancestors. Unfortunately, lack of talent makes it difficult to become a great thing. This man has practiced for more than 100 years, but he always stays in the second layer of Qi refining and stops. In an accident, he found that there was aura fluctuation in the Linjia house, and the pure process was quite good, not like ordinary things. So he became greedy, colluded with the minister to bewitch the emperor, and framed Linjia together.

Although this person is only a worthless mole ant in the cultivation world, in this mortal world, he is enough to be called "national teacher and divine envoy", and his status can be side by side with the emperor. God sent down the Oracle,

Emperors naturally cooperate for longevity and magic.

Male frequency Xiuzhen shuangwen doesn\'t know when the wind has changed from ordinary looking male owners to all kinds of high looks, and the great shuangwen of "one sword sealing immortals" is no exception. Male main temporary meaning is that the appearance described by the author in the full text is only inferior to those of Chu Wuqing.

Although the cheeks tortured by the prison are sunken and a little bony, a pair of peach blossom eyes are still tender and affectionate. The tail of the eyes is slightly raised, which is like a hook. Looking forward to it can take people\'s heart and soul.

Ragged prison clothes, dried blood and dirty dust are covered, and long hair that has not been washed for many days is entangled into knots. But even so, the wolf B è I could not undermine his demeanor, so that someone always looked at him secretly in the prison.

"Dinner, top scholar!" with a joking voice, a dirty bowl was thrown on the thatch at the door of the cell. Too much action makes a lot of porridge water pour out, but it increasingly highlights the remaining turbidity.

Linyi still leaned quietly against the corner and didn\'t move.

Pale fingertips fell to the ground powerlessly, especially fragile, but his vaguely tight back refused to collapse.

"Tut!" the jailer stood at the door, enjoying his wolf B è I unbearable appearance with great interest.

The once proud son of heaven has now fallen into the world. Who would have thought that the skinny boy had three yuan three months ago and in order to get the specific information about the treasure, the national master tortured him every day, but he didn\'t get any results.

The original abundant spiritual power fluctuated, and with the collapse of the family, he was bound to prison and completely lost his trace.

The means of cultivators are far higher than those in the secular world.

Soul searching and bone refining, those seemingly ordinary actions are actually the pain of heart cutting and bone digging, which is not one in ten thousand.

Linyi also got a lot of basic information about the cultivation world in the days of torture.

The world is made up of many different planes. Above the earthly world, there is the cultivation world. Above the cultivation world, there is the fairy world. Monks are also divided into three or six or nine grades. The strong fly to the sky and escape from the earth. They are omnipotent and live the same life as heaven and earth. As for the weak, every child has a hundred years of life, just like ordinary people.

The so-called "national teacher and divine envoy" is just a nobody in the cultivation world. If it weren\'t for the fact that this place is secular and no one can match it, I\'m afraid everyone would have condemned such arrogant treatment of human life as despised duckweed. Even if you can get away with * *, you will be constantly possessed by demons because of too many evil karma, and it is difficult to practice on the road of cultivation.

But so what? No matter how sad the enemy\'s ending is, it has nothing to do with him, because he can\'t see it anymore

Suddenly, an iron hook was put on his feet and dragged away. His thoughts were interrupted by the executioner and could not continue.

The inflamed wound that could not be healed was rubbed by the rough ground and kept bleeding.

As his life passed by, he could almost see the faces and old smiles of the Lin clan who had already entered the yellow spring.

"No..." a low voice escaped from his throat and struggled violently.

How can he be willing to die if his great revenge has not been avenged and his family\'s grievances have not been cleared?

Looking back on the generations of martyrs in the family, every merit was forged by blood and sincerity, but in the end, it was ironic and sad to be accused of "conspiracy".

If he gave up, he would just be freed in advance, but what face would he have to face the ancestors under the nine springs after his death?

"No..." he exhausted all his strength and clasped his hands to the ground: "I\'m wronged, I\'m wronged at home!"

The hoarse voice echoed in the gloomy prison like a yellow warbler crying blood and wailing word by word.

Even the most ruthless executioner could not help but stop at this moment and looked back at the dragged man.

And this one eye, but let him never forget.

In the past, most of them were young and handsome. But now they are naked and hurt all over the body.

If it were someone else, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be able to live long ago, but I don\'t know why there has always been light in this person\'s eyes, but now the light is getting dark.

With a low sigh, the executioner tightened the iron chain in his hand and continued to walk towards the iron gate not far away, but his steps subconsciously became much heavier.

Because he knew that after the door of torture was opened, waiting for the boy would be a real death

The surrounding atmosphere became more and more painful, and the door representing Shura hell was in front of us.

The gate made of refined iron is full of mottled marks. At first glance, it looks like old rust, but in fact, it is the dirty black precipitated after the blood dried up. The strong putrid smell spread from it is not the filth that has not been cleaned for a long time, but the deep hatred left by the enemy soul who died in peace.

The harsh metal friction sound cuts through the silence in the air, and the suffocating depression fills every corner around.

Linyi\'s heart is silent bit by bit, and the vibrant eyes have lost their color in the past.

Late, one Qi ē It\'s too late.

The last reason brought him deeper despair, always straight back, and gave up the struggle.

He closed his eyes tightly, unwilling to accept any external information. Even the sympathy and pity of the executioners seemed like great humiliation and scolding to him at the moment.

He is a waste! A loser who can\'t keep his family\'s glory! Even if you live and die, you can\'t do it.

The crystal liquid, along the end of the eye, wet the handsome and extraordinary face.

A man\'s tears don\'t flick lightly, just because he hasn\'t reached the sad place.

But when he was about to be completely attacked by despair, the iron chain that tied him suddenly turned into powder silently. A slender and elegant figure, handsome like heaven and man, appeared silently in the cell.

The gorgeous white fairy clothes are embroidered with repeated inscriptions on the cuffs and corners of silver and gold silk threads.

The plain fingertip porcelain is as white as jade, and its beautiful facial features are extremely elegant.

He has an unparalleled complexion.

Even if we exhaust the words of our predecessors, we can\'t describe one or two.

At the moment, he was standing in front of Linyi, raised his lips and said in a proud tone, "stand up and I\'ll take you to kill the door!"