I Possessed a Demon Sovereign

Chapter 134

Su Ye's face is a rare expression of eager to try.

In his eyes, there seemed to be black and purple electric light flashing.

This kind of appearance, only in the face of the previous generation of Abbot of Qingliang Temple "sick Maha" master mingjue, had it ever appeared.

His brother Su Wei, Zhang Tianheng, King Kong and others are not surprised.

The powerful sword light that confronts the dark Buddha in the mountains is really extraordinary and heartbreaking.

You don't have to look at people. You can see your identity at a glance just by looking at the meaning of the sword.

Zhongtian Zhengjian.

Huaihuangfei, the first disciple of the five swordsmen Pavilion.

At present, he is basically the first one to be sure of being a master under the age of 30.

Along the way, he has been smooth and steady.

It is generally recognized that the demon sect and the intelligence system of the alien race, and this king is expected to attack Emperor Wu before he is 30 years old.

From King Wu to Emperor Wu, from the 12th to the 13th, many experts have been stuck all their lives.

There are countless amazing talents, young success, but ultimately no hope of Emperor Wu.

For Si huaifei, however, the threshold seems to be within reach, and it is not different from the previous hurdles he crossed. As long as he moves forward steadily, success will come naturally.

What attracts people's attention most is the momentum of accumulating a lot of experience, lifting a heavy load like a light one, and having more and more stamina.

Ten years ago, five years ago, many of his peers were better than him, but now they can't match him.

When Zhang Tianheng and himself talked about the five heroes of the sword Pavilion, they had a low evaluation of the four people outside the invisible sword Xiang Ping, and the leader had a biased comment.

Now think about it, the reason is in front of the sword division huaifei.

The leader of the sect still has a brilliant eye, and what Zhang Tianheng said that day is somewhat frivolous.

However, Si huaifei's road can go steadily, and the scenery is bright and beautiful. Xiang Ping has to cut through the thorns and thorns in the dark.

Think of here, Zhang Tianheng canthus Yu Guang swept Su ye one eye.

If it wasn't for the indulgence of the two generations of religious leaders and the care of a brother who worries to death all the way, this young man would not have lived to this day, and it's hard to say whether he can live to adulthood

Now, the five heroes of the sword pavilion have withered away in the hands of their own leader, leaving only Si huaifei to support himself.

Zhang Tianheng looked a few eyes, but also secretly nodded.

The battle of the southern expedition against the demon alliance was not smooth, and it went up and down for many times. My younger martial brother died, but scattered.

In front of him, Si Huai's flying sword was still stable.

As expected, the sword is like the last mainstay in the torrent.

The dark Buddha stretched out his palm in mid air, and heaven and earth seemed to hang upside down for it.

The people of the demon sect are not the targets of their attacks. They just look on, and their minds are in turmoil. Their perception of the world is confused.

The inverted Bodhi in the Tathagata's hand is really full of fire, and it is already in perfect condition.

The palm of the Buddha directly grasps the mountain like sword light.

It's like catching the blade with your bare hands.

Then, he tried to pull up the mountain which was transformed by sword light.

But the "mountain peak" just slightly shakes, not moved by the magic hand that overturns the universe.

On the contrary, the bright light on the mountain is not sharp, but the absolute hard sword light expands in all directions.

It's just like the whole "mountain" suddenly becomes bigger.

Forced to open the huge hand of the dark Buddha to pick up the stars and take the moon.

The dark Buddha can no longer hold this "mountain peak".

On the contrary, it's a huge Buddha's palm. It feels fragmented under the impact of sword light.

Jianguang stood firm in the face of the attack of the Tathagata palm, but he didn't pursue after fighting back the Buddha palm, instead, he took the initiative to retreat.

Although it was a retreat, but the position was stable, without any flaw, and no opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of it.

At the same time, there are two clouds, one white and one black, converging to form a shadow pattern.

However, Liu Yunzi, the current leader of Taiyi daozong, meets Si huaifei.

They are also aware of the six dragon imperial chariot flying from afar.

On the emperor's chariot, Lao Shou said in a soft voice, "master, I don't know if there's any trace of the sword emperor. I don't know if I'm hiding on the side, or I'm going to the big head and the Xia emperor."

"It doesn't matter where it is." Chen Luoyang leaned back, looked at Su ye and said, "if you want to practice, go."

Su Ye immediately cheered and disappeared from the hall.

Then, in front of the mountain, a black purple ferocious ghost dragon suddenly appeared and hit it heavily!

"Mountain peak" has never been seen before.

However, it has not been broken down or collapsed, and it is still stable.

Si huaifei didn't fight back. He still kept calm and retreated.

Behind the "mountain peak", a group of Taiyi daozong disciples quickly shifted their positions.

Liuyunzi comes forward to assist Si huaifei, and delays Su Ye's step by step.After the black purple ghost dragon appeared, the painted black Buddha stopped.

The dark air flows away, revealing a haggard old man in black.

The old man took a cold look at the black purple ghost dragon, and then looked back at the six dragon imperial chariot flying from the horizon.

He stood in silence for a moment, and ascended to the imperial chariot.

"I've seen the leader." The old man in black gave a little gift.

Chen Luoyang looks at each other calmly.

This time, without the other party's self reporting, he can also match the person's name.

Not to mention the five elders Tan Yunsheng had reported who the opponent of the sword division huaifei was, it was clear just by looking at the old man in black's previous move.

In addition to the two Wudi, the leader and the chief, there is only one person who can practice the Tathagata hand to such a degree.

The second elder of yuanlaoge, the "magic Buddha" of Yanzhao.

The demon sect became the first one in the Zhuque hall. All the thirty-six mysteries in the sect are well-known and proficient.

After that, he only studied one of the Tathagata's magic hands and ignored all the other unique skills and secrets.

In the attainment of the unparalleled knowledge of the Tathagata devil's palm, it can be called perfect.

To be realistic, if we put the leader and the great leader in the same realm as him, the attainments of the Tathagata devil's palm are not as profound as his.

Compared with Yan and Zhao, the monks outside the sect have a long way to go.

Su ye, the "ghost dragon", Chen chuhua, the "devil Fairy", Wang Fei, the "East King", and Yan Zhao, the "magic Buddha", together with Wang mofeng, the "magic magic" are the five strong martial kings in the cult. They form the second echelon under the first emperor and the second emperor of the cult. However, they belong to the old and young groups of the Yuan Dynasty, with deep contradictions.

According to Chen Luoyang's current situation, Chen chuhua is away all the year round, Wang mofeng is used to rowing, and Su Ye is not in tune, so these three people are nothing more.

Yan Zhao and Wang Fei, the old and the young, are tit for tat.

A young frivolous, arrogant, especially despise to teach the elderly.

The other is the core of the yuan Lao school, the most staunch supporter of the chief executive.

The two have become daily programs in the teaching, with a small tear in three days and a big tear in five days.

Chen Luoyang didn't care about these things.

He looked at Yanzhao and asked, "where's Wang Jian?"