I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 123: Holy potion, the gods descend to earth!

at this time.

Su Chen still didn\'t know that he was regarded as a god.

I don\'t know what the future achievements of the white youth he saved will be.

He is rushing to the battlefield of Golden Beach!

"Om! Om! Om!"

There is a huge engine roar from the sky!

Su Chen looked up, his pupils shrank slightly!

"It\'s an Allied bomber!"

"The Ying army is about to fully attack the Golden Beach!"

"Hurry up and collect bullets!"

Su Chen rushed out of the town and rushed to the beach at a very fast speed.

Along the way, I encountered a Nazi artillery reinforcement unit, which was wiped out by his bare hands!

And the price of pretending is--

Shot in the abdomen!

Even the iron cloth shirt and the golden bell can\'t defend it!

"damn it……"

Su Chen used True Qi to force the bullet out, then took out a bottle of life potion, and drank it.

In just a few tens of seconds, the wound healed rapidly.

"The life potion from the canyon loot chest. The effect is not bad."

Su Chen threw the empty bottle away, and then took out another bottle of golden potion!

This potion is similar to a flat-bottomed flask in a chemical laboratory!

The liquid in it. Like liquid gold!

Su Chen raised his head and drank!

Suddenly, a lava-like heat flow melted into the body!

Soon, the sacred and strong golden light tightly wrapped his whole body...

The holy light is surging, bright and dazzling, it can brighten hundreds of pairs of 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!

Su Chen at the moment!

Like a **** descending to the earth!


"The host drinks the sacred potion and is immune to all physical and magical damage within 6 seconds. Only on the third-order plane and below."

The system voice just dropped!

On the edge of the town, a Nazi tank unit found him!

"what is that!"



The soldiers raised their guns and shot!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ...

"Nothing at all!"

"This sacred potion is amazing!"


Under the rain of bullets, Su Chen smiled on his back, unharmed!

Hundreds of Nazi soldiers were frightened!



"Angels go down to earth?"

"Oriental fairy?"

"God came to the world?"

Everyone was stunned!

The commander poked his head out of the armored car and patted the door angrily:

"Fire! Fire!"


A tiger-type heavy tank, the long barrel trembles violently, and a high-explosive artillery shell blasts out!

With the power of destroying the world, fly to Su Chen!

"Hmph, no matter what weird thing you are, you can\'t survive the bombardment of tanks!"

The commander snorted triumphantly, and then ordered the troops to move on.

At this moment--

Su Chen\'s right finger gently moved the Guyan Ring, releasing Na Ling!

Osteitis ring!



In the next second, the tank\'s high-explosive bomb appeared in the Guyan Ring.


The commander\'s long neck came out of the car window, his eyes almost split apart!

"The shells!!"

"Where did the cannonball go!"

"Where is my shell?!"

Shocked and angry roars echoed over the troops!


"Shoot!! Shoot all the bullets for me!"

The commander is mad!

The next moment, hundreds of people fired continuously, shooting Su Chen frantically!

Su Chen didn\'t kill them either, just released the Naling of Gu Yanjie to the maximum extent, and tried his best to contain the bullets!

Just tens of seconds!

Guyan Ring contained thousands of bullets!


"Remind the host, the sacred and invincible state, the last five seconds are left!"






Before the end of the last second. Su Chen started the plane teleportation and disappeared in front of hundreds of people.

Everyone rubbed their eyes!

Are they sleepwalking collectively?

That thing, is it a man or a ghost? !

At this time, more than a dozen bombers passed by here, and the tank troops turned into a sea of ​​flames!

No one survived!


Heshan, Chuzhou City.

Su Chen returned to the hot spring, his heart beating wildly!



"Too red chicken!"

"The famous Normandy landing in World War II!"

"The cruelest and **** landing war at sea in history, I actually experienced it myself!"

"It\'s a pity that the invincibility time of the sacred potion is too short. I only collected more than a thousand rounds. There is also a high-explosive bomb from a tiger heavy tank..."

Su Chen shook his head slightly.

Without the sacred potion, just relying on his golden bell and iron jersey, he didn\'t know how to die, and he was smashed by a few shots!

"The hot weapon is still awesome!"

"No wonder, the rulers of this planet are always countries!"

"Not a cultivator, a cultivator!"

When he lamented the cruelty of war and the awesome modern heat weapons——


"Congratulations to the host, for completing the war history order and receiving five-star praise!"

"Soldier Charlie is very grateful and gave the host a plastic red envelope!"


He knew it, nothing good!

"Take it apart."

"Ding! Unpack the plastic red envelope of Soldier Charlie. Get a beautiful Parker pen (with family signature) and store it in the space warehouse."

Su Chen rolled his eyes and didn\'t bother to look at it.

Anyway, he took this order to collect bullets on the battlefield.

With this 1 round of 7.92mm caliber bullet, under the realm of the generals, you can definitely sweep the invincible!

Because the innate martial artist\'s body guard is infuriating, it can\'t stop the bullet at all!

Even a military commander can hardly stop the bombardment of a tiger heavy tank!

"The acquired martial artist. Innate martial artist, military commander realm, grand master, great master, **** realm!"

"It is estimated that when you reach the master level, you can receive the next high-explosive bomb with your bare hands, right?"

"The power of thermal weapons is really not a blow..."

Su Chen stayed in Shen\'s house for a few days.

There is a natural waterfall on the side of Heshan Mountain.

There is a spacious grassland next to the waterfall, which is perfect for practicing swords.

"I thought my talent in kendo was already very high."

"But compared to the young master, I\'m just like a mentally retarded!"

On the slopes of Heshan Waterfall. Standing two people, it was Shen Junhe who spoke.

"Junhe, don\'t belittle yourself."

"Innate talent depends on whom you compare with."

Father Shen Tong persuaded:

"Young Master is a descendant of Ghost Valley. No matter how enchanting talent is!"

"Your kendo cultivation base is a thousand miles away from the young master, but... you are three years older than him!"

Shen Junhe: "???"


Shen Tong laughed happily and patted Shen Junhe on the shoulder.

He is in a good mood today!

Because last night. God Su Chen mysteriously called him over, performed that magic skill, restored his cultivation base, and returned the Qianjun Sword to him.

Decades of cultivation, lost and regained!

Shen Tong was so moved that he knocked Su Chen ten times, the floor was smashed, and he swore allegiance to him for the rest of his life!

Just when the father and son were chatting.

A servant of the Shen family hurried over.

"Patriarch, Master!"

"The second lady is back!"

The father and son turned their heads quickly, and each said:

"Why did Tingting come back?"

"The University of St. Petersburg is on holiday?"



Suddenly, a shout came from far away.

A little beauty about 18 or 9 years old, with wheat-skinned skin, a beautiful face, and energetic, ran over and slammed into Shen Tong\'s arms!

"Uuuuu...Dad. Brother, I miss you so much!"

"None of you go to Minguo to see me!"

Shen Tingting pouted her small mouth, her pretty face resentful.

"Recently, there are too many family affairs, it is really hard to get away."

Shen Tong smiled ashamed, "I let your brother go!"

"I can\'t get out of my body either, I\'m so busy!"

Shen Junhe argued.

"Huh! Two big bad guys!"

"I don\'t care, I want to buy a new Ferrari. And Koenigsegg!"

Shen Tingting sprinkled, her little cherry-like mouth was almost pouting to the sky.

"Well, buy it for you!"

"Little princess, what do you say!"

Shen Tong stroked his wife\'s hair, his face was full of petting smiles!

The whole family has fun!


"Dad, you are so kind! Hey! Hey!"

Shen Tingting smiled!

Suddenly, she turned her beautiful eyes and pointed at Su Chen who was practicing sword under the waterfall.

"I want that guy to be a horse rider for me!"

"No, it\'s a dog ride!"

Hear the words!

Shen Junhe\'s face changed suddenly!

"It\'s over!"

He felt a chill, and saw that Shen Tong\'s originally doting face was instantly dark!

"You stepped on a horse to die!!!"

The next moment, Shen Tong broke out a furious roar!

He rounded his arms and slapped Shen Tingting\'s face!

Snapped--! !

Accompanied by the loud noise of firecrackers, Shen Tingting flew directly from the hillside, spouting several mouthfuls of blood in the air! The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://www.novelhall.com/book/129398. htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text: https://www.novelhall.com/read/129398 /I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://www.novelhall.com/down/129398 .htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.novelhall.com/read/129398 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 123 Sacred Potion, the gods descend to earth!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online shop in Wanjie", please recommend to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (www.novelhall.com)