I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 120: Daqin hot pot!

"Money is like a cloud to me!"

"Take it away!"

Su Chen waved his hand.

He didn\'t intend to encroach on the wealth of the Shen family. He didn\'t lack money, and he would earn it himself.

Moreover, he is now the master of the Shen family, and everything in the Shen family belongs to him. Where else can he get it?

"Old slaves should not taint the young master\'s martial arts heart with money!"

"Please forgive the young master!"

Shen Cangxiong knelt in fear.

"Okay, let\'s get up, don\'t kneel at all times!"

Su Chen was a little impatient and said:

"I\'m hungry, so and so..."

"Xiaojun, go to the Jiangnan University snack street and buy me dozens of skewers of roasted kidneys!"

Roasted kidneys?

The corner of Shen Junhe\'s mouth twitched!

"Young Master. That... Our Shen family has hired several five-star chefs throughout the year. If you are hungry, I can let them do..."

"I like to eat roasted kidneys!"

Su Chen glared at Shen Junhe.

"are you going?"

"Go go, I\'ll go right away!"

Shen Junhe ran away in a hurry. Hurry down to drive his sports car.

At this moment, Su Chen\'s cell phone rang aside.

"Let’s learn to cat meow together! Meow meow meow meow together!"

"Little Lord!"

Shen Tong quickly presented the phone.

At first glance, it was Guo Lao.

"Hey, Sister Guo~!"

"Little bastard!!"

As soon as I was connected, I scolded on the other end of the phone:

"What the **** are you doing? Where are these people who call themselves the Axe Gang? Do you want them to eat the poor old lady?"

"...Sister Guo, don\'t get excited."

Su Chen gave a wry smile.

"Yao Mang, Yao Jie, let them go to your place first. I\'ll find them a place to settle in a few days!"

"Xiao Chen, who are they?"

Guo Lao turned around and said with some worry: "You\'re not going to be gangsters, are you?"

"Sister Guo, it is difficult to explain this matter to you..."

Su Chen had a headache and rubbed his temples:

"In short, this group of people are very obedient, they will do what you tell them to do, even if they kill people and set fires!"

"Then... let them dance a striptease in front of the bar door?"

Guo Lao suddenly thought of a good way to solicit business!


Su Chen chuckled twice.

"That\'s great!"

Guo Lao smiled, and then said:

"By the way, Xiaochen, I took your rose heart necklace for auction...Do you know how much you paid for it?"

"how much is it?"

"A full six billion!"


Su Chen smiled slightly, what was expected.

"Boy, your heart is too big..."

Guo Lao shook his head speechlessly, "You are not afraid, I will run away with this money?"

"Hey, Sister Guo, you don\'t have to run away, the money belongs to you." Su Chen smiled.

"I don\'t want it!"

Guo Lao quickly said:

"So much money, so scared to death!"

"By the way, there are those LVs you bought me last time. I also returned some...A total of 622 million, I\'ll call you all!"

Su Chen opened his eyes and called her quickly:

"do not!"

"Sister Guo, you are boring, and I am not short of these six billion!"

The two shoved!

Shen Tong and Shen Cangxiong behind him were sweating profusely!

Young Master, this is, he has a grudge against Qian!

Six billion, not six bombs!

In the end, Su Chen really had no choice, so he collected a whole and left two million for Guo Lao.

Take a glance at the current warehouse assets.

Points: 31

Gold coins: 279

Cash deposits: 700 million 291w! !

"730 million!"

"How to spend so much money?"

"It\'s a headache... Too much money is also an annoyance!"

Su Chen has a headache.

Think about it. He plans to create a hot pot brand using the spirit vegetables in QQ Farm!

"Daqin Hot Pot!"

"Well, borrowing the national title of Brother Yingzheng, domineering!"

"Just use this name"

After making up his mind, Su Chen sent a WeChat message to Chen Baihe, the owner of Rouge Hotpot, to tell him his thoughts.

Chen Baihe told him how annoying it is to open a hot pot restaurant now, including site selection, decoration, equipment, ingredients, publicity, and capital investment. Recruitment... Everything needs to be worried about!

Two days ago, a person just put a dead mouse in the hot pot, claimed 10 million, and made a hot search on Weibo!

He was so busy that he didn\'t want to drive!

"You don\'t want to open it?"

Su Chen is overjoyed!

"Just right! Brother Chen, then you can transfer the hot pot restaurant to me!"

"I double the market salary. Hire you as the supervisor of my [Daqin Hotpot]!"


Chen Baihe was stunned when he was on the phone!

"Buy my rouge hot pot restaurant!"

"Still hire me as a supervisor?!"

"I said Su Chen, do you have so much money? Do you know how much I put in my rouge? Also, after I close my business and plan to travel the world, no matter how much money you pay, I will not help your!!"

Listening to Chen Baihe\'s grumbling over there, Su Chen didn\'t force it, so he intercepted a deposit map and sent it over!

"Ding Dong!"

Chen Baihe received the screenshot and rubbed his eyes fiercely!

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... Fuck! Nine figures. Seven hundred million!??"

"This picture is from P, right?"

Su Chen on the phone chuckled, "Brother Chen. Twenty million a year, are you willing to help me?"

"I don\'t... uh, what are you saying?"

Chen Baihe was taken aback!

"One year, twenty million. Are you kidding me!"

"I didn\'t tease you."

Su Chen\'s mouth hooked:

"If you agree, please feel free! Pass the rouge directly to me!"

"Follow me, your annual salary will be several hundred million in the future, it is not a problem."

After listening to Su Chen\'s words, Chen Baihe was blindfolded!

The annual salary is several hundred million!

Is this kidding him?

The founder of WeChat, Moulong, has an annual salary of only 300 million!

The strangest thing is that such absurd and ridiculous words came out of Su Chen\'s mouth, but they were extremely convincing!

"it is good!"

"I promise for the time being!"

Chen Baihe nodded directly.

"Well, your rouge is open for business first."

"After a while, I will let you know when the output of my hometown\'s spirits and vegetables rises."

After Su Chen and Chen Baihe talked a few more words, they hung up the phone.

In the next second, enter the QQ farm!

Fresh air, green grassland. The gurgling stream and a beautiful and small farm manor are rushing towards you!

Not far away, the red tiger horse was eating fresh and juicy spiritual grass.

Su Chen picked a new batch of spiritual vegetables, put them in his backpack, and replanted them.

"These spiritual vegetables mature once every ten days for two months. The backpack contains more than 3 catties of spiritual vegetables..."

"It seems to be a lot, but once it is put into the hot pot restaurant, it will be eaten up by the Chinese in minutes!"

"At least the output has to be doubled to open a store!"

"This is just a hot pot restaurant, and it will be chained up in the future...I\'ll go!"

"Is it going to be posted?"

Su Chen was overjoyed!

Although money in the secular world is of little significance to him.

But parents, relatives, friends and wives, after all, are mortals and deserve a better life!


"Give me another piece of farmland!"

Su Chen ordered.


"It is about to spend 2 gold coins to expand 1 piece of farmland. Do you want to confirm the operation?"


The voice fell--

On the page of QQ Farm, there is another piece of farmland, from black and white to color!

Unlock is complete!

Full of life!

Gold coins チ2.

Subsequently, Su Chen bought another seed and planted them in a piece of farmland.

The gold coins are returned to zero, and some points are deducted.

"Fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides are all used..."

When Su Chen is in full swing!



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