I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 818

LV Hushan\'s martial arts are not as good as Yuan Weiqing. Therefore, before this incident, LV Hushan respected yuan Weiqing very much.

In order to close the relationship between them, LV Hushan will invite yuan Weiqing to drink every other period of time.

Of course, almost all of their drinks are treated by LV Hushan. Yuan Weiqing has never invited LV Hushan.

LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, I always want to have a good relationship with you, so I will buy you a drink almost every five days to bring our relationship closer."

LV Hushan suddenly turned his head and looked at Yuan Weiqing and bit his teeth. "Yuan Weiqing, but what about you? You drink my wine and speak ill of me behind my back. You even have to go to hall leader Xue to sue me. I ask you, do you deserve me?"

Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing suddenly changed his face and quickly waved his hand, "Lv Hushan, you misunderstood. I also wanted to invite you to drink before, but you always said it in front. In order not to roll your face, so I can only listen to you.

LV Hushan, it\'s not that I don\'t want to invite you, but that you speak faster than I do. I can\'t blame you. "

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s answer, LV Hushan was so angry that he snorted, "Yuan Weiqing, stop sophistry. I admit that your martial arts are higher than me. I should flatter you. However, for my sake, you shouldn\'t do this to me. Yuan Weiqing, you\'re really not a good man!"

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Weiqing blushed and quickly waved his hand, "Lv Hushan, don\'t mention the past. If you go on, I\'m afraid it will hurt the friendship between us. Are you right?"

"Our friendship?"

LV Hushan nodded, sneered and said, "Yuan Weiqing, you\'re right. We really can\'t hurt our friendship."

Looking at LV Hushan with a sneer on his face, Yuan Weiqing clenched his teeth and suddenly said, "Lv Hushan, no matter what the previous things were like or who was right or wrong, now that we have an alliance, we should work together in the same boat and should no longer think about those bad things.

Otherwise, we all have our own thoughts, which is absolutely not good for us. Do you think so? "

Hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan was stunned and then nodded, "yes, Yuan Weiqing, you\'re right. I don\'t want to say anything about the past. Although you\'re sorry for me, I don\'t care a lot. Is that always OK?"

Hearing this, Yuan Weiqing couldn\'t help but lower his voice and said, "Lv Hushan, you only know that I\'m sorry for you. Can you afford me?"

LV Hushan sneered, "Yuan Weiqing, I must buy you a drink in five days. Am I sorry for you?"

Yuan Weiqing suddenly sneered, "Lv Hushan, since you want to know, I\'ll tell you that you\'re right. You really have to buy me a drink every five days.

But do you think I don\'t know when you treat me to a drink and speak ill of me behind my back? "

Hearing these words, LV Hushan\'s face changed. "Yuan Weiqing, what are you talking about? Since I invite you to drink, how can I speak ill of you?"

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "Lv Hushan, do you really think I don\'t know?"

LV Hushan sneered, "Yuan Weiqing, I haven\'t done it. How can I know?"

Yuan Weiqing nodded, "Lv Hushan, since you haven\'t done it, I\'ll ask you, why do all the disciples of MI leizong in Nanjun know that you buy me a drink?"

Hearing this, LV Hushan\'s face changed again and said with a strong smile, "Yuan Weiqing, we are the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun. They know we drink together. Is there anything strange?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head with a sneer. "Lv Hushan, in fact, it\'s nothing for everyone to drink together, but the question is, why do all people say that I forced you to buy me a drink?"

Hearing this, LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, smiled and said, "Yuan Weiqing, where is this? Don\'t listen to their nonsense. When did you force me, I\'m voluntary."

Yuan Weiqing sighed, "I didn\'t know what was going on before, but I didn\'t understand why everyone knew until someone told me later."

Yuan Weiqing turned his head and looked at LV Hushan, gritted his teeth and asked, "Lv Hushan, can you explain to me why everyone knows?"

LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, how do I know? I\'ve already said that they all talk nonsense. As long as they don\'t listen, there\'s nothing to do?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head. "Lv Hushan, there are too many people who know this matter. I\'m afraid everyone knows it. Even hall leader Xue already knows it."

LV Hushan sighed, "I didn\'t expect that we were just drinking together. How could so many people know?"

Yuan Weiqing gritted his teeth and looked at LV Hushan and asked with a sneer, "Lv Hushan, this is because someone deliberately said this thing. Are you right?"

Hearing this sentence, LV Hushan\'s face suddenly changed and said with a strong smile, "Yuan Weiqing, how is this possible? Is this your worry?"

Yuan Weiqing shook his head, "Lv Hushan, before this incident, I sat down with everyone to drink and eat, but since you invited me to drink and eat, no one has drunk and eaten with me anymore.

LV Hushan, we used to drink together. It doesn\'t matter who gets the money. What matters is happiness.

However, I went to drink with you later. What you mainly looked at was whether I paid or not?

If I paid for the drink, then the matter is over and no one will know.

But if I didn\'t pay for a meal, it would be big. The next day, it would be spread out immediately to let all the disciples of MI Lei Zong in Nanjun know that Yuan Weiqing is a person who eats and drinks! "

Yuan Weiqing turned his head and looked at LV Hushan and sighed, "Lv Hushan, if I go out for ten meals, I pay for nine meals, and I don\'t pay for only one meal, the news can spread immediately. Do you believe it?"

LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, you are too worried. How can there be such a thing? Absolutely not. You think wrong!"

Yuan Weiqing frowned, "Lv Hushan, I didn\'t know what was going on before. Later, several people who had a good relationship with me told me the truth.

LV Hushan, do you know what the truth is? "

LV Hushan\'s face suddenly changed and quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, what\'s the truth? Everyone is talking nonsense. It\'s just fun. Don\'t take it seriously!"

Yuan Weiqing suddenly raised his finger to LV Hushan and said angrily, "Lv Hushan, they told me that you spread all the news. Are you right?"

LV Hushan quickly waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, how is this possible? I\'ve already told you. Don\'t believe what they said. They lied to you."

Yuan Weiqing squinted at LV Hushan and asked coldly, "Lv Hushan, let me ask you why they lied to me. Give me a reason?"

LV Hushan calmed down and said slowly, "Yuan Weiqing, in fact, there are many reasons. For example, they are jealous of you. They are jealous that you can become the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun. Or, you are not very good at ordinary times, so they hate you very much. In short, there are many kinds of situations that may occur. Are you right?"

Hearing LV Hushan\'s explanation, Yuan Weiqing shook his head with a sneer. "Lv Hushan, it\'s still possible to say that they envy you. I just want to know why they envy me?"

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he continued without waiting for LV Hushan to answer his own words.

"Lv Hushan, I ask you, in terms of martial arts, which of them has higher martial arts than me, and in terms of wisdom, which of them has completed more tasks than me?

I tell you, it\'s impossible. Do you understand? "

After hearing yuan Weiqing\'s words, LV Hushan frowned and quickly waved his hand and said, "Yuan Weiqing, you\'re wrong. It\'s because your martial arts are high that they envy you, aren\'t they?"

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Weiqing sneered, "Lv Hushan, I have high martial arts, so I can be the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun. Their martial arts are high enough to be Dharma protector. I didn\'t stop them? Why are you jealous of me?"

LV Hushan shook his head, "Yuan Weiqing, how can jealousy divide those things? You can be the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun, which is a very jealous thing.

Yuan Weiqing, I\'m afraid you don\'t need me to say. You should also know how many people looked at this position before you became a Dharma protector. You should know very well? "

Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing immediately looked proud, "Lv Hushan, of course I know, but so what?

Among all these people, I don\'t think many have better martial arts than me? "

At this point, Yuan Weiqing\'s tone paused, but then he continued without waiting for LV Hushan to answer his own words.

"Lv Hushan, since my martial arts are better than them, is it any wonder that I can become the Dharma protector of the Milei sect in Nanjun?"

LV Hushan sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, why don\'t you understand that when you became the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun, it was very envious. Even if your martial arts are higher, so what, don\'t you allow others to envy you?"

Yuan Weiqing waved his fist, "Lv Hushan, if they are jealous, let them come to me. Naturally, I beat them. They are no longer jealous."

LV Hushan waved his hand, "Yuan Weiqing, your martial arts are really high, higher than most people. It\'s reasonable that you should be the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun.

However, many people believe that although your martial arts are high, you are not handsome enough, so you are not suitable to be the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun. "

LV Hushan turned his head and looked at Yuan Weiqing, sneered and said, "Yuan Weiqing, is this reason very funny?"

Yuan Weiqing\'s face was a little ugly. "What\'s the broken reason? Is it still a reason?"

LV Hushan nodded, "Yuan Weiqing, it may not be a reason here, but it is a very important reason for some people. Do you understand?

Some people feel that you are not handsome enough. Being the Dharma protector of Nanjun Mi Lei Zong will discredit Nanjun Mi Lei Zong. If they are more handsome, they will add a lot of glory to Nanjun Mi Lei Zong. Therefore, they envy you and want you not to be the Dharma protector of Nanjun Mi Lei Zong. "

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, there are many reasons like this. In addition, some tall people think you are short. How can a dwarf like you be the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun?

In addition, some people are very fat. They think that a thin man like you can be the Dharma protector of the South County Miley sect. They are not rich enough to show the majesty of the South County Miley sect.

There are also some older people who think you are too young and feel that you are not suitable to be the Dharma protector of the South County mireyzon. Older people should be allowed to be the Dharma protector, so as to make the South County mireyzon stronger. "

LV Hushan turned his head and looked at Yuan Weiqing and sighed, "Yuan Weiqing, you see, how many people envy you. If these people speak ill of you together, will it cause very serious consequences?"

Hearing LV Hushan\'s words, Yuan Weiqing was stunned. After a long time, he asked in a trembling voice.

"Lv Hushan, you are talking nonsense. How can such a ridiculous reason be regarded as a reason?"

LV Hushan shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Yuan Weiqing, don\'t believe it. This is such a wonderful thing. Many people think that you are not suitable to be the Dharma protector of Nanjun Milei sect for these wonderful reasons, so they spread rumors behind and want to replace you as the Dharma protector of Nanjun Milei sect. Isn\'t it strange?"

Yuan Weiqing frowned, "Lv Hushan, do you mean that they are the people who make rumors and are jealous of me, so they will speak ill of me, right?"

LV Hushan nodded, "of course, can you think of anyone else besides them?"

Speaking of this, LV Hushan paused, but then he continued without waiting for yuan Weiqing to answer his own words.

"Yuan Weiqing, you should know that people who do such things must have their own ideas, and their ideas are that you are not suitable to be the Dharma protector of Milei sect in Nanjun, so they spread rumors.

For example, for the two of us, I think you are higher than leader Xue Tang, and you think you are higher than leader Xue Tang.

Therefore, I speak ill of hall leader Xue behind my back. I want to be more handsome than him and become the hall leader of MI Lei Zong in South County.

As for you, you are taller than hall leader Xue, so you also speak ill of him behind his back. You want to be the hall leader of MI Lei Zong in South County by your height.

Yuan Weiqing, I\'m just talking about the two of us. If anyone is jealous of other things, when he hears someone speak ill of hall leader Xue, he will certainly not miss this good opportunity and will spread the worse news.

At that time, you should know what the result will be? "