I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 387

Han Qingyun has used a few deep-sea cold iron, precious pure gold and priceless Lingshui in this competition.

If so many rare materials are used, it still fails.

Han Qingyun can be sure that as long as he fails in the competition, he will go away if he holds the position of sect leader for another two days at most.

It took so many years to become the vice sect leader. How can Han Qingyun give up this position.

Why did Han Qingyun hold this competition?

Just want to challenge the position of sect leader.

If you succeed, you can recruit a large number of small sects to expand the strength of Tiangong gate, which is equivalent to expanding the power of Tiangong gate.

With this credit, Han Qingyun believes that the position of the sect leader will be his sooner or later.

But now, an unknown Qiqiao gate chased him to this point.


The female disciple of Tiangong gate slowly raised the level 18 knife over her head. When she reached the peak, she looked at the Tiangong gate equipment in front of her, suddenly opened her eyes, roared, exhausted her strength in her life, drew a semicircle in the air and cut it on the equipment.


The female disciple of Tiangong sect took back her knife and looked at the equipment there. After seeing it clearly, she was overjoyed.

"Sect leader, I cut the mark again. I cut the mark on the Tiangong gate equipment again, ha ha..."

Looking at the Tiangong sect female disciple who laughed up to the sky, sun Qiaoer\'s eyes suddenly lit up.

This time, the equipment of Tiangong gate has been marked. Then, the defense of this equipment will be broken in nine cases out of ten next time.

Thinking of this, sun Qiaoer took out her handkerchief and wiped the sweat exuded from her forehead because of tension. A smile also appeared on her face.

Smelling the aroma of sun Qiaoer\'s handkerchief and looking at the smile on sun Qiaoer\'s face, Han Qingyun suddenly felt ridiculed.

Although sun Qiaoer didn\'t look at him, Han Qingyun had this feeling.

Sun Qiaoer is laughing at him!

Laugh at his incompetence, laugh at his lack of vision, laugh at his overestimation.

Looking at the smile on the corner of sun Qiaoer\'s mouth, Han Qingyun suddenly slapped the table and said coldly, "if you want to beat me, don\'t think!"

With these words, Han Qingyun suddenly stood up and flew towards Ge Yun.

Looking at Han Qingyun who left his seat, sun Qiaoer had some doubts.

She knew that Han Qingyun had asked Ge Yunfei to discuss a way, but now she can discuss a good way!


Looking at Han Qingyun coming, Ge Yunfei has no idea of beating him.

Because it\'s meaningless. Up to now, Ge Yunfei can\'t think of any way to break the defense of this leather armor.

As for taking medicine, Ge Yunfei has already thought about it. He can\'t take it anymore.

It\'s better to enjoy the 10 years by yourself than to waste the 10 years here.

Ge Yunfei has even planned that as long as he leaves here, he will go around immediately and enjoy this beautiful ten years.

Han Qingyun came to ge Yunfei. Without saying a word, he knelt down and kowtowed three heads and said sincerely.

"Shifu, you are willing to eat the Zengshen pill for the sake of the reputation of Tiangong sect. I really admire you. I wish I could eat the Zengshen pill for Shifu as a disciple. I have reported the kindness of Shifu\'s teaching."

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, Ge Yunfei reached out to help him up and sighed, "Qingyun, I\'ll forget the game. That leather armor is too strange. I think it\'s like heaven to break the defense of that leather armor.

I think it\'s better to have a good talk with sect leader Sun in this game. Let\'s draw. In this way, our treasure Qiankun Ding will not lose to Qiqiao gate.

If you do this, the loss is not too great. Although you wasted a few drops of spiritual water, I will make peace for you. Don\'t take it to heart. "

As soon as GE Yunfei finished his words, Han Qingyun hurriedly said, "master, don\'t let outsiders know if we say we want to tie now. Wouldn\'t it make outsiders laugh and think that Tiangong gate is afraid of Qiqiao gate.

Master, it\'s impossible to make peace. "

Ge Yunfei sighed when he heard the speech. "It\'s not the teacher who wants to make peace, but the leather armor of Qiqiao gate. We really have no way to break his defense!"

After hearing Ge Yunfei\'s answer, Han Qingyun hesitated. Then he said tentatively, "master, you just ate some Zengshen pills!"

Ge Yunfei smelled the speech, stretched out a finger and sighed, "I just ate a Zengshen pill, but it\'s useless. I still can\'t break the defense of that leather armor."

After listening to ge Yunfei\'s answer, Han Qingyun bit his teeth and said softly, "master, I think you might as well eat all of them. Then you can increase your strength by five times. You should be able to... Ah!"

Han Qingyun was photographed two or three meters away by GE Yunfei before he finished his words.

Ge Yunfei quickly came to Han Qingyun, grabbed Han Qingyun\'s clothes and lifted him up. He angrily said, "Han Qingyun, do you know that eating five Zengshen pills will reduce the life span of 10 years. Open your dog\'s eyes and see how many 10 years I have left for your master?"

After hearing the master\'s words, Han Qingyun was surprised.

If Ge Yunfei doesn\'t take medicine, with his current strength, there must be no way to pick up the leather armor knocking on the door.

Thinking of this, Han Qingyun quickly squeezed out a few tears and sobbed, "master, disciples shouldn\'t make such unreasonable demands, but disciples can\'t help it. For the reputation of Tiangong gate, disciples are willing to go through fire and water for Tiangong gate. They don\'t hesitate. Even if they are powder and broken bones, they will never regret it.

If the disciple\'s strength is enough, the disciple will never ask the master to take these medicines, but the disciple\'s strength is not good. Even if he takes all these medicines, I\'m afraid he can\'t catch up with the master\'s current skills and waste these medicines in vain.

Master, you can see that most of the small sects are supporting Qiqiao gate. If we lose this time, Tiangong gate can\'t increase its strength. I\'m afraid the original disciples of Tiangong gate will also be in turmoil. I\'m afraid they will flee Tiangong gate and join Qiqiao gate!

At that time, you and my teachers and disciples will become sinners of Tiangong gate and can\'t lift their heads anymore.

If Tiangong gate goes down for this, I\'m afraid we\'ll die!

Master, we have to find a way. It\'s OK! "

After saying these words, Han Qingyun secretly glanced at GE Yunfei. Seeing his anger on his face, he hurriedly continued.

"Shifu, I will never trouble you. Please give me the medicine. I\'ll take these energy enhancing pills and I\'ll test them myself."

After listening to Han Qingyun\'s words, Ge Yunfei was stunned and asked, "but it\'s no use even if you eat it!"