I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 348

Zhang suddenly calmed down and said with a smile, "what you said is reasonable, but what does it matter? Maybe they don\'t want you to know about it?"

Leng Yeliu sighed, "I hope the second elder martial sister doesn\'t tell us about us."

Zhang Mengwen was stunned, smiled and asked, "what are you afraid he would say?"

Leng Yeliu shook his head, "I was mainly worried that the second elder martial sister would tell tiangongmen about my mother, so that tiangongmen could be on guard. It was difficult to do at that time."

Zhang Meng understood what lengyeliu wanted to say, "so you\'re worried. Your second elder martial sister is careful?"

Leng Yeliu nodded, "now Qiqiao gate is weak, and Tiangong gate is huge. I\'m afraid the second elder martial sister wants to leave Qiqiao gate and join Tiangong gate."

Zhang Meng asked suspiciously, "no, I just saw your second elder martial sister and an Jiahui. They don\'t look like that kind of person!"

Leng Yeliu turned his head and looked at Zhang Meng, blinked, smiled and asked, "childe Zhang, can you see who is good and who is bad?"

Zhang Mengwen was stunned, and then shook his head with a bitter smile. "Without this ability, people are unpredictable. Relying on the surface alone, you can\'t judge who is good and who is bad."

Cold night Liu smelled the speech and nodded. After pondering for a moment, he whispered, "no, I\'ll tell my mother about it."

Zhang Meng nodded. "You\'re right. If it\'s really like what you said, tell your mother as soon as possible and let her prepare."


Sun Qiaoer was about to go to the production room, but he saw his eldest disciple Han Guyun come in.

"Master, I have something to tell you."

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech and nodded, "you say it."

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s words, Han Guyun said slowly, "master, does he remember what I told you yesterday?"

Sun Qiaoer was stunned when he heard the speech and asked suspiciously, "what\'s the matter?"

Han Guyun said hurriedly, "it\'s about the second younger martial sister."

After Han Guyun reminded, sun Qiaoer remembered what he said yesterday. He nodded, "what\'s wrong with an Hongyu?"

Han Guyun said, "master, the disciples have found out that the second younger martial sister does have contacts with people from Tiangong gate."

When sun Qiaoer heard the speech, he turned his head and looked at Han Guyun. He asked in a deep voice, "really, have you really found out?"

Han Guyun nodded hurriedly, "master, since we competed with Tiangong gate, the disciples have found that the second younger martial sister has contacts with Tiangong gate people."

After listening to Han Guyun\'s confirmation, sun Qiaoer\'s eyes suddenly coagulated, frowned and asked, "why does an Hongyu want to communicate with the people of Tiangong gate? Is there any misunderstanding?"

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s question, Han Guyun hesitated for a moment, and then said softly, "the disciple is afraid, afraid of something between the second younger martial sister and Tiangong gate."

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech and asked coldly, "do you mean that an Hongyu will take refuge in Tiangong gate?"

Han Guyun nodded, "now Tiangong gate is powerful, but our Qiqiao gate is weak. Coupled with this game, our Qiqiao gate has little chance of winning. If we fail this time, it will belong to Tiangong gate.

Originally, our strength is weak. It is difficult to win this game. If the second junior sister tells tiangongmen about our side again, we will have no chance to win. "

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech and nodded, "are you afraid that an Hongyu will tell tiangongmen about us?"

Han Guyun nodded, "exactly, if the second martial sister tells tiangongmen about us, we will never have a chance to win."

After listening to Han Guyun\'s answer, sun Qiaoer turned her head and asked, "do you think it is possible for us to win this competition with tiangongmen?"

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s question, Han Guyun\'s face changed. A moment later, he said frankly, "master, according to the disciple\'s experience, we don\'t have a chance to win this time."

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech and nodded, "why don\'t you have a chance to win?"

Han Guyun replied, "originally, the equipment we made was not mainly defense, but the equipment of tiangongmen was mainly defense.

If we both compete for the flexibility of armor, we still have a chance to win, but compete for the defense of armor. I think it\'s difficult for us to win anyway, unless a miracle happens. "

After listening to Han Guyun\'s words, sun Qiaoer nodded secretly. Although his eldest disciple has a bad temper, he is second only to himself in Qiqiao gate in terms of production technology and experience.

"Han Guyun, if you are responsible for this matter, what should you do?"

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s words, Han Guyun\'s face suddenly looked a little embarrassed. After a long silence, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Master, disciple is stupid. I really can\'t think of any way to defeat each other."

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech, nodded, sighed and said, "this competition between us and Tiangong gate is also a helpless move.

It\'s actually very disadvantageous for us to compete for defense on the two kinds of equipment.

What gives us a slight advantage is the weight of the equipment.

The weight of both sides is on the same level, which is somewhat helpful to us. "

Han Guyun shook his head when he heard the speech. "It\'s useless. If we reduce the overall weight, we may have a chance to defeat them, but the minimum weight they said is also the minimum of their equipment."

At this point, Han Guyun paused before continuing.

"With the weight set by both sides, each other can make stronger equipment than us as long as they use the lightest metal.

In terms of defense, it is absolutely impossible to surpass light metal equipment with the defense of leather armor. "

Sun Qiaoer heard the speech, nodded, and then asked, "sky silk is indestructible. You said, if we make a piece of equipment with sky silk, is it possible to beat them?"

After listening to sun Qiaoer\'s question, Han Guyun was silent for a moment. Then he shook his head, "it\'s hard to do this.

Although tiansilkworm silk is extremely tough, in principle, if tiansilkworm silk is woven into cloth, it can resist the cleavage of the sword. "

At this point, Han Guyun paused in his tone, and then continued.

"But in fact, although tiansilkworm silk is extremely tough, this is its advantage, but at the same time, it is also the disadvantage of tiansilkworm silk.

Tian silk has toughness. Even if it is woven into cloth, its toughness still exists.

If you put on the equipment made of heavenly silk and chop with a knife, there should be no big problem, but as long as it is a sharp blade, it will immediately break its defense and play no role.

Therefore, if you want to make equipment from natural silk, it is too single and expensive. There is no need to make it. "