I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 247

But once the drawing is fierce, the contents of the drawing will fall outside.

A moment later, Tang Jian\'an watched LV Wenkang bite his teeth. He was overjoyed and knew that LV Wenkang had finally made up his mind.

Sure enough, just as Tang Jian\'an thought, LV Wenkang gritted his teeth, took two steps, hugged sun Xinzheng, who was hesitating, and said, "master, disciples believe that if you have strength, it makes sense.

Now, we can basically confirm that the person who stole the drawings is among us, which shows that the drawings have not been known by outsiders.

Moreover, this case also has an eyebrow. The disciple thinks that if childe Zhang is interrogated again, it will be a little inappropriate. Please take back your orders and take a long-term view. "

Sun Xinzheng, who has been thinking down, did not see the process of dialogue between Tang Jian\'an and LV Wenkang. He thought that LV Wenkang remembered these words.

Just now, when Bai Jianmu talked about this matter, sun Xinzheng hesitated, but he never made up his mind. At this moment, after hearing LV Wenkang\'s words, his heart wavered again.

Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong are with Bai Jianmu. Sun Xinzheng has some doubts about this. Therefore, although their words are reasonable, sun Xinzheng

Still hesitant.

LV Yongkang is different.

Sun Xinzheng is sure that LV Wenkang will never conspire with anyone. What he said is also what he thought in his heart and will not be affected by anyone.

In fact, what Liu Huarong said is exactly what sun Xinzheng is worried about.

Only in order to find the drawings as soon as possible, he would let Zhang deal with it.

However, the words of LV Wenkang and others once again made sun Xinzheng start to consider this issue.

If Zhang Meng discovers the secret of the drawing, it\'s no different from the drawing being stolen by outsiders!

What\'s more, what LV Wenkang said just now is very reasonable.

The people who steal the drawings are their own people, which shows that the drawings have not been known by outsiders.

However, if Zhang Meng continues to investigate, he won\'t dare to say.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng finally made up his mind. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Meng and said slowly.

"Childe Zhang, this matter is very important. I think we should investigate it ourselves!"

After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s words, Zhang Meng nodded and replied with a smile.

"Since helmsman sun doesn\'t want me to take care of this matter, I won\'t take care of it. Please don\'t worry, helmsman sun."

Although Zhang Meng promised sun Xinzheng to ignore it, he felt it was really funny.

Such a thing of losing drawings has made these people so complicated.

The key is that sun Xinzheng still believes what Bai Jianmu and others said, which is really.

However, if you think about it in turn, you don\'t blame sun Xinzheng for believing it.

As the saying goes, people know their faces but not their hearts!

That drawing is extremely precious. Who knows if Zhang Meng would be malicious when he saw it and took the opportunity to steal it.

In order to prevent this kind of accident, it is understandable that sun Xinzheng did so.

At the moment, Bai Jianmu was ecstatic when he heard sun Xinzheng\'s words. He had seen that childe Zhang was very difficult to deal with. Maybe he had discovered his secret. If he asked again, he might really succeed.

Now it\'s OK. Shifu won\'t let him take care of it directly. It\'s easy to do this.

Although he is now suspected, Bai Jianmu doesn\'t care. As long as childe Zhang doesn\'t care about it and wants to deceive Shifu, it\'s still very simple.

Since Zhang Meng won\'t take charge of this matter, sun Xinzheng can only finish the next question by himself.

Sun Xinzheng recalled what Zhang Meng said just now. Then he turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu and asked slowly.

"Bai Jianmu, what else do you have to say?"

Hearing sun Xinzheng\'s first question, Bai Jianmu was startled. He quickly hugged his fist and said, "master, what did you say? Did the disciple do anything wrong?"

Sun Xinzheng snorted coldly and asked sternly, "Bai Jianmu, don\'t think we didn\'t see it. When childe Zhang asked you that question just now, he deliberately asked the question wrong, but you don\'t know the answer to the question. Can\'t this prove anything?"

When he heard that Sun Xin was asking about this, Bai Jianmu was a little relieved. If Zhang Meng asked this question, Bai Jianmu had to think about it before he could answer it.

However, when sun Xinzheng asked, Bai Jianmu had nothing to worry about. He just thought a little and said.

"Master, is the answer the disciple just answered different from that of younger martial brother Liu?"

Sun Xinzheng sneered, "Bai Jianmu, your answer is the same as Liu Huarong\'s answer. There is no mistake."

At this point, sun Xinzheng paused, and then he continued in a louder voice.

"Bai Jianmu, do you think others are blind? How did you answer the correct answer? Can\'t we see it?

Your answer depends on Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong winking at you before you can answer it. "

At this point, sun Xinzheng\'s tone stopped. He suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Bai Jianmu and shouted.

"Bai Jianmu, tell me, if you really know the answer, why should others remind you?"

Bai Jianmu guessed sun Xinzheng\'s question long ago, because he also knew that his only flaw was that Tang Jian\'an and Liu Huarong prompted him to answer the flaw.

Although this flaw is obvious and everyone has seen it, is it rare to live in Bai Jianmu for this small problem?


After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s question, Bai Jianmu didn\'t even think about it, so he hugged his fist and said.

"Master, let me tell you the truth. I really can\'t answer the question asked by childe Zhang!"

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s answer, sun Xinzheng suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the table. "In that case, do you dare to say that the bronze box is Zhang Lezhi\'s thing?"

Seeing the master\'s anger, everyone present was scared to death.

Tang Jian\'an was even more frightened. He thought that after the eldest martial brother spoke, the master changed his mind. This was their chance to turn defeat into victory.

But unexpectedly, Bai Jianmu directly admitted their cheating.

At this moment, Tang Jian\'an really felt scared.

He stared at Bai Jianmu tightly and stepped on the ground slightly. If the situation was slightly wrong, he would turn around and run immediately.

It\'s better to run out of the south to branch the rudder than to be locked up in the repentance Pavilion.

Liu Huarong even secretly scolded Bai Jianmu for his incompetence. Now the situation has gradually improved, but Bai Jianmu admitted it directly.

Liu Huarong believes that as long as Bai Jianmu doesn\'t admit it, sun Xinzheng won\'t do anything to him, because this kind of thing is groundless. If you want to take it as real evidence, the weight is still not enough.