I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 230

Although he thought Bai Jianmu didn\'t lie, sun Xinzheng was still a little unhappy about his small tricks to Zhang Lezhi in front of himself.

Sun Xin thought for a moment, but didn\'t answer Bai Jianmu\'s words. He turned his head and looked like Zhang Meng and asked, "childe Zhang, do you have anything else to ask?"

After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s words, Zhang Meng was speechless.

Before they began to ask, these guys began to make random guesses. They had determined that Zhang Lezhi was the one who stole the drawings.

Although it is true that the bronze box was found in Zhang Lezhi\'s room, it is too simple to plant the blame for such things.

Although Liu Huarong testified, isn\'t it possible for Liu Huarong to make false evidence?

If Liu Huarong gave false evidence, wouldn\'t it say that Zhang Lezhi was wronged.

Moreover, Bai Jianmu constantly identified Zhang Lezhi as the person who stole the drawings. Even, he wanted to use some small means to let Zhang Lezhi admit that he stole the drawings.

Most importantly, Bai Jianmu also secretly attacked Zhang Lezhi.

Just now, Bai Jianmu attacked Zhang Lezhi. Zhang Meng saw it clearly. Seeing that Zhang Lezhi was going to be unable to resist, he said something to stop it.

To tell the truth, Zhang Meng doesn\'t know who stole the drawings. However, without complete confirmation, he always believes that it\'s better not to use those small means.

Zhang Meng also sees that if he doesn\'t stop Bai Jianmu\'s means, maybe under Bai Jianmu\'s means, Zhang Lezhi may really admit that he did it.

Now, what we have to do is to find out who is the liar first.

In the end, Bai Jianmu blamed Zhang Lezhi with a bronze box, or Zhang Lezhi refused to admit it.

As long as this matter is found out, the truth will naturally surface.

The most important link to find out about lying lies with Liu Huarong.

Thinking of this, Zhang Meng waved to Bai Jianmu and said, "don\'t start with Zhang Lezhi until the problem has been found out. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences. Don\'t blame me for not reminding you!"

After listening to Zhang Meng\'s words, Bai Jianmu immediately felt a chill in his heart and let him maintain his high martial arts skills. He didn\'t pay attention to Zhang Meng. What\'s more, Zhang Meng is just an outsider. There\'s no reason to pretend here. At the moment, when listening to Zhang Meng\'s words, he sneered and said coldly.

"Childe Zhang, the evidence is conclusive now. What else do you want to ask? Don\'t you know how important this drawing is to our Nanjun branch!

For the South County branch, in order to find the drawing as soon as possible, even if I use some small hands, shouldn\'t I? "

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Meng turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu. After a long time, he said slowly.

"Do you think Zhang Lezhi stole the drawing?"

Bai Jianmu replied with a sneer, "that\'s nature. The bronze boxes with drawings have been found in his room. Is it false!"

Zhang shook his head violently. "However, it may also be that you are lying. The bronze box was originally your thing. You just need to go to Zhang Lezhi\'s room and take out the bronze box. In this way, you can naturally blame Zhang Lezhi.

Isn\'t that possible? "

After listening to Zhang Meng\'s words, Bai Jianmu didn\'t panic. He even clapped his hands and said with a sneer, "childe Zhang, your imagination is quite rich, but unfortunately, it\'s all imagination."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu paused. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to Liu Huarong, laughing and said, "unfortunately, I have a witness. Younger martial brother Liu can testify for me that the bronze box was found in the third martial brother\'s room."

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, Zhang Meng nodded, "Bai Jianmu, this can\'t prove that the bronze box is not your thing, because Liu Huarong can also conspire with you to jointly blame Zhang Lezhi."

Bai Jianmu\'s face changed when he heard the speech. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Meng. The cold light in his eyes suddenly appeared. His tone was a little cold.

"Childe Zhang, you can eat freely, but you can\'t talk nonsense.

You said younger martial brother Liu and I were accomplices. What evidence do you have to prove that we were accomplices? If you can\'t prove it, can I think you\'re framing me? "

At this point, Bai Jianmu\'s eyes became colder. He stared at Zhang Meng and said coldly, "childe Zhang, why do you want to frame me so much?"

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu suddenly brightened his eyes. He turned and hugged sun Xinzheng and said loudly.

"Master, I have a question. I don\'t know whether to speak or not?"

When sun Xinzheng heard the speech, he frowned, subconsciously looked at Zhang Meng, and then said slowly.

"If you have anything, just say it!"

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s words, Bai Jianmu stretched out his hand, pointed to Zhang Meng and said with a sneer.

"Master, the question in my mind is, how can I take it out after the third senior brother stole the drawing?

The disciple was puzzled by this question.

During this time, Shifu has strictly forbidden anyone to go out of Nanjun branch. Then, how can the drawings stolen by the third senior brother be taken out!

Now, the disciple finally figured it out! "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng\'s eyes suddenly coagulated and asked, "Bai Jianmu, what have you figured out? Speak up quickly!"

Hearing the master\'s questioning, Bai Jianmu sneered, "master, this childe Zhang around you, if I guessed correctly, he should be the accomplice of the third senior brother!

Ye Xuan and the third senior brother stole the drawings, and they couldn\'t get out of the Nanjun branch.

And this childe Zhang is here to meet them. By the way, take out the drawings.

As long as childe Zhang takes the drawings out, it will become a dead Cert. even if they know that ye Xuan and Zhang Lezhi stole the drawings, but they can\'t find the drawings, they can\'t be confirmed that they are the real people who stole the drawings. "

At this point, Bai Jianmu paused. He bowed and hugged sun Xinzheng, and then continued.

"Master, thanks to our early arrival, otherwise, as long as we are half a day late, I\'m afraid the drawing will be taken out of Nanjun branch by this childe Zhang.

At that time, not only will we not be able to find the drawing, but this drawing will also fall outside. It is no longer our secret. "

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng\'s face changed.

If things are really like what Bai Jianmu said, it would be bad.

Bai Jianmu is right. If he didn\'t propose to search Zhang Lezhi\'s room today, it\'s impossible to find the person who stole the drawing after Zhang Meng took the drawing out.

Sun Xinzheng knew that if he couldn\'t find the drawings, he couldn\'t find the person who really stole the drawings.