I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 192

At this point, Bai Jianmu turned his head and looked at Sun Xinzheng. Then he continued.

"Although Ye Xuan\'s attainments in mechanism art are very high, he is not the highest among our martial brothers."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu turned his head, hugged the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, smiled and said, "for example, the eldest martial brother LV Yongkang will never be lower than ye Xuan in terms of mechanism skills."

With these words, Bai Jianmu turned his head, looked at the master and said again.

"Master, is that right?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng nodded and said in a deep voice, "you\'re right. LV Wenkang\'s mechanism skill is really high and definitely not under Ye Xuan."

After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s answer, Bai Jianmu continued.

"For another example, the third senior brother Zhang Lezhi\'s attainments in mechanism art are not as good as ye Xuan, but on the whole, they are almost the same."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu hugged sun Xinzheng again and asked, "master, is this sentence of disciple right?"

Sun Xinzheng heard the speech and nodded. "It\'s true. Zhang Lezhi\'s mechanism is really good."

Bai Jianmu continued, "master, what do you think of the disciples\' mechanism skills?"

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s question, sun Xinzheng didn\'t nod immediately this time, but hesitated.

Bai Jianmu is his own disciple. Naturally, he knows and knows Bai Jianmu\'s strength.

Bai Jianmu is really talented in mechanism technology. In addition, he is diligent and eager to learn. Mechanism technology has made rapid progress. Sun Xinzheng sees all these.

However, there are some things in sun Xinzheng\'s heart that Bai Jianmu doesn\'t understand.

Sun Xinzheng knows Bai Jianmu\'s identity and naturally knows that he is from the Bai family in Nanjun. It is for this reason that sun Jinzheng hesitates.

If the Nanjun branch is mastered by Bai Jianmu, it is equivalent to being mastered by the Nanjun Bai family. In this case, sun Jizheng doesn\'t want Bai Jianmu to become the helmsman of the Nanjun branch anyway.

Sun Xinzheng is very clear that although Bai Jianmu and ye Xuan have not been compared, Bai Jianmu\'s attainments in organ affairs are definitely no lower than ye Xuan.

It was only because he was from the white family in Nanjun that sun Xinzheng alienated him and didn\'t want him to be the helmsman of Nanjun branch.

If Bai Jianmu is willing to work obediently in Nanjun branch, sun Xinzheng will never object. After all, Bai Jianmu is also a talent. A talent of Nanjun branch is definitely not a bad thing.

However, Sun Xin was unwilling to let him become the helmsman of Nanjun branch.

Although he also knows that Bai Jianmu\'s strength is very high, his identity also doomed him not to be trusted by sun Xinzheng.

At the moment, after hearing Bai Jianmu\'s question, sun Xinzheng was just stunned, nodded slowly, smiled and said, "indeed, you are also very talented in mechanism technology."

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s words, Bai Jianmu was annoyed. He had heard it. Sun Xinzheng\'s answer was obviously perfunctory to him.

However, even if Bai Jianmu knows that Sun Xin is perfunctory, he has no way. After all, sun Xinzheng is still the helmsman of Nanjun branch. With one word, Bai Jianmu can immediately pack his luggage and get out of Nanjun branch.

Bai Jianmu took a deep breath and calmed his mood. Then he said slowly.

"Master, it\'s important to choose the next helmsman. I think ye Xuan will worry as long as he doesn\'t become the helmsman. Although we all know that master will let Ye Xuan be the helmsman of Nanjun branch, I think ye Xuan should not be at ease."

At this point, Bai Jianmu\'s tone stopped. He sighed and continued.

"Master, we all know that in the future, you will choose Ye Xuan as the next helmsman.

However, master, you know that among the many disciples of Nanjun branch, ye Xuan is not the highest by his mechanism skills alone. Therefore, I think he should be very worried.

Ye Xuan was worried that he had an accident when he didn\'t become the helmsman, because he knew very well that he was not the highest in mechanism technology, and he might not be the helmsman.

Therefore, he wanted to solve this problem, so he thought of this method.

Steal the master\'s drawings.

Ye Xuan knew that even if he stole the drawing, no one would doubt him, because everyone knew that he would soon become the next helmsman, and the drawing would soon belong to him. Why did he steal the drawing.

It is for this reason that ye Xuan dared to start.

Because ye Xuan knew that once the drawing was lost, the master would be angry. When he found the person who stole the drawing, he would not let him go easily.

Ye Xuan stole the drawing. He didn\'t just want to see the drawing, but had other intentions. "

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu once again threw a fist at Sun Xinzheng and said loudly, "master, ye Xuan stole this drawing, and then he tried to frame others when everyone would not doubt him.

This is his main purpose.

In the South County branch, if anyone is the most threatening to him, he will frame who.

For example, the eldest martial brother, the third martial brother, me and the three of us will be framed by Ye Xuan to achieve the purpose of removing us.

However, ye Xuan didn\'t expect that the master was so decisive. When he just found out that he stole the drawings, he immediately locked him up. "

Speaking of this, Bai Jianmu sighed and continued, "I think ye Xuan didn\'t estimate whether he was so decisive.

Ye Xuan only thought about what kind of response our martial brotherhood would make, but he didn\'t think that he won him without the hand of thunder, which also completely failed his follow-up plan. "

At last, Bai Jianmu saluted sun Xinzheng again and said loudly, "master, do you think this calculation of disciple is reasonable!"

After hearing Bai Jianmu\'s words, sun Xinzheng nodded in his heart.

What Bai Jianmu said is indeed reasonable.

As Zhang Lezhi said just now, if ye Xuan steals the drawing, no one will doubt him, because everyone knows that as long as sun Xinzheng leaves the Nanjun branch, he is the successor of the next helmsman, and he doesn\'t have to steal the drawing.

Since we can\'t doubt him, even if he stole the drawings, no one doubts him.

Ye Xuan took advantage of everyone\'s idea that no one could doubt him even if he stole the drawings, so he began his plan.

It was very smooth to steal the drawings, but ye Xuan never thought that after stealing the drawings, he took him down without listening to him.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng sighed secretly and guessed in his heart that he probably didn\'t listen to Ye Xuan\'s explanation, so he didn\'t hesitate to put ye Xuanguan into the repentance Pavilion, which gave Ye Xuan no chance to frame other martial brothers.