I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 141

Since others doubt Ye Xuan\'s head, even if ye Xuan stole the drawing, no one will know.

However, he forgot that there was another Bai Jianmu, an opponent who was equally competitive with him.

Facing such a good opportunity, Bai Jianmu will not waste it.

Perhaps this is also ye Xuan\'s mistake.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi has felt a headache. Thinking of now, he really can\'t remember what happened.

Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu, Liu Huarong and ye Xuan walked around like a lantern in his mind, making him constantly doubt them and veto them.

Seeing Zhang Lezhi looking down and meditating, Tang Jian\'an came forward and patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Third younger martial brother, I know you don\'t want younger martial brother ye to be wronged, but think about it. It\'s basically impossible for other people except ye Xuan. Everyone doesn\'t know the location of the drawings. Only younger martial brother Ye knows. Think about it. What else is possible except younger martial brother Ye."

Speaking of this, Tang Jian\'an\'s tone paused. He photographed Zhang Lezhi again and said sincerely, "third martial brother, I know you are for everyone\'s good, but you should distinguish the true from the false. Don\'t be deceived by others."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, he looked up at Tang Jian\'an and thought about what he had just said, but he replied, "second elder martial brother, I just doubt it. Although younger martial brother Ye knows where the master hid the drawings, can this prove that he stole it? I always feel that there is something wrong."

Tang Jian\'an shook his head, "what\'s wrong? We all don\'t know where the master puts the drawings. In addition, we are all people who learn mechanism art. I think if the master doesn\'t say the place where the master puts the drawings, outsiders may want to find it or can\'t find it."

Speaking of this, Tang Jian\'an turned his head to look at Zhang Lezhi and continued, "third martial brother, are you right? Master, where the old man put the drawings, if he didn\'t tell us, how would we know?

So, since we all don\'t know where to put the drawings, of course Ye Xuan, who knows where to put the drawings, is the biggest suspect. "

After listening to Tang Jian\'an, Zhang Lezhi nodded, "Second senior brother, you\'re right. According to the truth, ye Xuan, who knows the location of the fun drawing, should be the most likely person to steal the drawing. However, in this case, why did ye Xuan steal the drawing? He\'s only doing harm to him now. I just can\'t figure out why he stole the drawing. I doubt it."

Tang Jian\'an heard the speech and nodded, "you\'re right. According to the truth, younger martial brother Ye really didn\'t have the possibility to steal the drawings, but he just stole the drawings. What can we do?"

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s words, Zhang Lezhi hurriedly said, "second senior brother, this is what I suspect. Why did ye Xuan submit drawings? He has no reason to steal drawings."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi paused and continued, "second senior brother, I think if ye Xuan directly asked the master to see the drawings, I\'m afraid the master will agree."

Tang Jian\'an was stunned when he heard the speech, and his face changed a little. Then he said with a smile, "third martial brother, these are just our imagination. In fact, ye Xuan did steal the drawings. Even if we want to doubt this, you can\'t find someone to doubt, because everyone doesn\'t know where to put the drawings."

Speaking of this, Tang Jian\'an looked deeply at Zhang Lezhi and asked, "third martial brother, do you doubt anyone? If you really doubt anyone, please say it and let us meet the person who stole the master\'s drawings."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s words, Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t help frowning again.

If he knew who stole the drawings, why would he talk nonsense here? He would have caught the person who stole the drawings long ago.

Seeing that Zhang Lezhi didn\'t speak, Tang Jian\'an smiled and patted him. "Third younger martial brother, do you have any scruples? Don\'t be afraid. As long as you say it, there is a second elder martial brother. It\'s no problem."

Zhang Lezhi shook his head when he heard the speech. "I don\'t know who stole it. I don\'t even know whether ye Xuan stole it."

Tang Jian\'an was stunned when he heard the speech and asked suspiciously, "third martial brother, you don\'t know anything. How can you say that ye Xuan didn\'t steal the drawing."

Zhang Lezhi shook his head with a bitter smile. "I don\'t know whether ye Xuan stole the drawing or not. I just feel that he is guilty just because he knows where to put the drawing. It seems a little childish, so I invited all martial brothers to discuss this matter together and see if there is any new discovery."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an nodded and asked, "third martial brother, are you just skeptical? Really don\'t know who stole the drawings?"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head with a bitter smile. "I don\'t know. Today I just want everyone to discuss it and see if there are any new clues."

This time, without waiting for Tang Jian\'an\'s answer, Liu Huarong, who has been listening to the two people\'s conversation, suddenly said, "third senior brother, however, because of your doubt, you believe that the drawing was not stolen by Ye Xuan, but by one of us. It seems unfair to us to do so."

Zhang Lezhi shook his head with a wry smile.

Whether the drawings were stolen by Liu Huarong or not, it\'s not quite right to do so.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi hugged the martial brothers around him and said apologetically, "today is really a little reckless, which has brought a lot of trouble to the martial brothers. I\'ll make amends for you."

When they heard the speech, they were all busy returning the gift.

After saying these words, Zhang Lezhi hugged his fist again and said, "please discuss it with your martial brothers to see who did it, so as to catch the real person who stole the drawings."

Although everyone heard Zhang Lezhi\'s question, no one answered.

Because there are only three people left, including the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, the seventh martial brother Mei Guangji and the eighth martial Sister Li Xueyan.

To tell the truth, these three people are also the least important of sun Xinzheng\'s eight disciples.

The eldest martial brother, LV Wenkang, although he is the eldest martial brother, he really has no sense of existence. He doesn\'t care about trifles and only knows how to study mechanism every day. Therefore, although everyone respects him on the surface, LV Wenkang has no deterrent.

Mei Guangji, the seventh younger martial brother, doesn\'t have a strong sense of existence. Usually, only Ye Xuan is kind to him, and the rest ignore him.

Li Xueyan, the eighth martial sister, is not much better. She is young and has not been introduced for a long time. Naturally, she has no right to speak.