I'm in a Monster Girl World (MGW)

Chapter 35: Prelims Day 1 (Part 1)


[Candy Apples! Get your candied fruits right here! Best desserts this side of the noble\'s district!] - Vendor

[Don\'t listen to my competitor\'s Frank\'s Crab Shack is the best seafood in town! Grab a bite before heading to the arena!] - Buff Vendor

[Corndogs! Selling easy to eat corndogs! Take em with ya to the arena!] - Greasy Looking Vendor

[Ohhhhh! Look at all the food! Lookit! Ow!] - Veronica

[Calm down Ver! We didn\'t come here to eat, we have to cheer on Rose and Karen afterall! Wait Shade?!?] - Malaise

[<munch> ...hmm?] - Shade

With the tournament finally starting the various vendors around the city had gone crazy and every street was covered in stalls of all kinds with crowds of people from the surrounding towns taking up every available space. Their group had been trying to make their way through the masses of people to get to the student section of the arena but hadn\'t been having any luck and to make matters worse the delicious aroma\'s kept distracting a certain succubus.

Malaise stood over a crouching Veronica, book in hand, as she berated her for getting distracted for the hundredth time today only to hear an unexpected sound behind her. Shade, hands filled with various snacks and finger foods, was currently munching on a crisp candied apple. Caught red-handed by Malaise she didn\'t even have the decency to look ashamed but instead held out 2 more apples when confronted.

[Hah?!? Why the hell are you just nonchalantly eating an apple?!?] - Malaise

[...] - Shade

[I didn\'t say I wanted one!] - Malaise

[Oh! I\'ll take one. Hey Mal you should calm down, I know you get excitable during festivals but now\'s not the time.] - Veronica

[E-Excitable? Excitable?!? I\'m worried about Rose! She still hasn\'t shown up and the Tournament starts in 2 hours! I know the Principal went ahead and entered her name for her but I\'m still worried she won\'t be there!] - Malaise

[Hahahaha! You\'re always acting like the calm one but these kinds of things bring out the real you huh? I wonder what Rose will think if I tell her that the calm beauty Malaise is actually a... Ahh my snack!] - Veronica

Snatching the apple out of Ver\'s hands she took a huge bite out of the side to punish the blabbermouth succubus as a slight smile briefly appeared on Shade\'s face.

[Welcome Welcome WELCOME!!! My name is Judico Affero and I\'ll be your announcer for this illustrious event! Now don\'t let my name fool you though I\'m not a part of the Affero Merchant Company! As much as I\'ve tried to convince them otherwise! Hahahaha!] - Judico

Judico looked out from his floating platform above the arena at the enormous crowd that was still milling in, since today was the 1st day of the competition most of the people that were here already were either students or sponsors. This WAS an open competition afterall. Smirking at the fact that even the most powerful individual here had a lesser view of the competition because of his position as announcer Judico made a quip about the only family that had not managed to insert their own contestant. Those damn merchants always looked down on him and ridiculed him for having the same family name as them so any chance to put a dagger in their rear end was one he took.

[Now putting aside those with no competitors I\'d like to remind everyone watching that during this event the stands will be protected by a magical barrier maintained by the Aegis Adventurer Party! This S-Class Party has graciously offered their services for this event and will be representing the Adventurer\'s Guild during the tournament. Please listen to any instructions they give if an emergency does occur!] - Judico

[Well moving on from those negative thoughts let\'s get right into why we\'re here! The Preliminaries of the Yearly Academy City Tournament! Today we\'ll be seeing the struggles of those that are not seeded and watching as they overcome their limits and achieve greatness!] - Judico

[But before we get into the rabble we\'ll introduce our seeded competitors! These are the individuals that either placed high enough in the previous years competition or have been sponsored by a select few powerful individuals as special. Our first seed is... Julias de la Abelis! Those of you that don\'t know him have either been living under a rock or came all the way from the Faelands! He is, our illustrious First Prince! Currently 9 years old he is set to be crowned the successor to his father\'s throne after his 10th birthday! Known for his good looks and gracious personality he is a favorite among all the young ladies of nobility! And wouldn\'t you know it, he\'s unmarried so good luck all you seekers of love!] - Judico

Taking a breath to allow for the young prince Julias to enter the arena and stand center-stage I grinded my teeth slightly at the script I\'d been given for the rat-bastard of a prince. While in public he was well-known for being kind it was a bit of an open secret that, unlike his father, he was very friendly with the Church of Light. Honestly he\'d never liked the kid, even when the youngster was merely a toddler he\'d always acted like he was better than everyone around him. Clicking his tongue as the arrogant prince soaked up the cheers around him Judico turned on the Loudstone again to continue.

[Well moving on to our second seed we have...] - Judico

Shade watched Veronica bounce in her seat while Malaise attempted to scold her. Originally she\'d been assigned to these two to watch them for her mother but over the few months they\'d known each other she\'d truly started to care for them. That had become even more apparent when a new member of their group had been added. When her mother had told her that she\'d be watching the heir to the Amchier family she\'d expected a spoiled rich kid to show up but instead what had appeared was a sweet girl that acted like everything she saw was a fresh new experience. She\'d suspected that Rose was a reincarnated person for a while now but either her mother didn\'t know or she wasn\'t telling her so it was still unknown whether that was the case.

Of course every known instance of a reincarnated was human so common sense would tell you that it couldn\'t possibly be that. However, her abilities and the fact that she had used an lost language word with familiarity made it more likely in Shade\'s mind. She\'d learned of 2 lost languages that certain hero\'s had once used, Japanese and English is what she remembered them being called. Supposedly summoned hero\'s felt like they were speaking these languages but what actually came out was the language of this world so most people wouldn\'t have been able to recognize the slip of the tongue from Rose several months before. Shade however, was not most people.

She\'d been told back when she first started watching Rose to report any strange occurrences of course but had refrained from mentioning that incident to her mother. Sighing as she brought herself out of her thoughts she realized that the two of them were looking at her for input so she made a random comment as she hadn\'t actually been listening. She had to keep the mysterious silent thing she had going afterall. Honestly she just didn\'t particularly like talking so people thinking that she was some silent character suited her just fine.

Warmly watching as her two "friends" went back to arguing about something she wondered what they would think of her if they learned of the real reason she had initially become acquainted. Would they scorn her? Hate her? Most of her previous targets had blamed her when her mother had moved against them and she couldn\'t blame them for it, afterall she was fake. She just hoped that this time she never had to reveal her dark, manipulative side to them. Rose, Veronica and Malaise meant more to her than any other person she\'d met and being looked at with disgust by them would break her. She knew that.

[Rose Seed Position soon... Listen.] - Shade

[Oh right! Legal Loli Sensei told us that she\'s the last seeded position right? Your mother sponsored her?] - Veronica

Nodding just barely enough to acknowledge her question the three of them paid attention to the announcer once more that had been calling out each seed position until 9 stood on the stage. Rose was next.

[...And now our last seed! Heir to the Amchier Family with blood ties to the Anguis Royal Family! Future Duchess of our neighbor and ally Anguis! And the only first year student to be placed as a seeded competitor this year! Rose de la Amchier!!!] - Judico

[...] - The Sound of Silence

[A-Ahem! R-Rose de la Amchier!!!] - Judico

[...] - Ouch This is Painful

[Lady Rose? If you\'re in the waiting room now is the time to come out of stage.] - Judico

[...] - Hello Darkness my Old Friend

[O-Okay then since the contestant hasn\'t shown up I\'m force to-- Huh? What do you mean I have a note? Principal Night sent it? Well hand it over you moron!] - Judico

The arena, filled with excitement only moments before, descended into confused whispering and murmurs. Looking especially nervous by the change in the mood  several of the seeded contestants worriedly shifted back and forth nervously as they heard the announcer reading the note under his breath. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Judico once more came back to his Loudstone.

[Due to a request from the Principal of the school hosting this event 10th seed Rose de la Amchier is exempted from the rule requiring her appearance before the actual event! So without further ado let\'s give a round of applause to our 9 seeded contestants and wish them luck in the competition to come!] - Judico

A smattering of applause came from several areas of the stands which quickly turned into a roar as the rest of the crowd joined in. Judico wiped his sweat that had accumulated from the stress of changing so suddenly and thanked the host\'s strategically placed fakes within the crowd that allowed him to smooth over the awkwardness of that situation. He didn\'t know why the Principal\'s contestant hadn\'t shown herself but she needed to be here before her own match otherwise he\'d be forced to disqualify her, a prospect that he didn\'t look forward to as Principal Night terrified him. Clearing his throat he activated his Loudstone once more and announced the beginning of the preliminary matches.

[Now I believe we\'ve waited long enough so let us begin the Preliminaries! Contestants! READY YOURSELVES!!!] - Judico