I'm in a Monster Girl World (MGW)

Chapter 31: Shadow Link! Wait Nevermind…


[That\'s it right?] - Rose

[I believe so yes.] - Grampa Mor

[Good cause the giant boss door with a key on it was too much of a stereotype to be anything else...] - Rose

[Stereotype? I\'ve never actually seen a door with a keyhole that big in my long life.] - Grampa Mor

[Don\'t worry about it, video game logic never makes much sense and my mind is filled with it. Call it a product of my generation.] - Rose

[Uhuh....] - Grampa Mor

Slowly approaching the massive door that resembled a boss door from a popular Nentindo Game I hoped that I wouldn\'t need to turn around and find a compass, dungeon map and boss key after coming all this way. Cautiously pushing on the door I realized it wasn\'t budging and tried again with all my might only to be stymied once more. A second later my internal directions suddenly changed on me, directing me back into the maze behind me. Are you serious right now?

[Are you fucking kidding me? I was just joking about the gods damned compass and dungeon map!] - Rose

[Hmm... so your goal is beyond a door with a missing key? Hold on a second...] - Grampa Mor

Not realizing that my grampa was saying anything as I was so far into my rant, about game realism and the stupidity of having giant fucking doors in the middle of a dungeon, that I didn\'t hear him I was frozen stiff in surprise when a massive explosion rocked the chamber. Whipping my head around I just managed to catch the moment when the door, that had once been blocking me, fell with a massive crash, sending debris in all directions.

[Nani the fuck?] - Rose 1I REGRET NOTHING!!!

[I too wish to hurry this adventure onwards. The less time you spend in this realm the better.] - Grampa Mor

[That\'s cheating!] - Rose

[Huh? I thought you\'d be happy with the outcome?] - Grampa Mor

Glaring at the new opening in front of me that every gamer instinct was screaming at me for I considered whether to ignore what just happened and take advantage of the new shortcut or not. Even the mental direction in my head seemed confused on what to do about this situation as it flip-flopped between directing me into the boss room and back into the maze. After a few more seconds of this it apparently decided to wing it and pointed directly into the room before me. Sighing I decided to follow suit.

[Hah... whatever, might as well take advantage... It\'s not like there\'s a point to wandering around anymore...] - Rose

[That\'s the spirit! Keep positive!] - Grampa Mor

[I was being sarcastic.] - Rose

[As was I young one.] - Grampa Mor

Climbing onto the remains of the massive gate in front of me I marveled at the force it must have taken to blow it off it\'s hinges. The thing was 2 feet thick and it\'s hinges looked like they were made to hold up a literal semi-truck. Whatever spell my grampa had used was so far beyond anything I\'d seen done and even heard stories usually focused on how difficult such a spell was and how many practitioner\'s were required that I was having trouble believing it. Not only had a small fraction of my grampa\'s power cast the spell but he\'d done so like it was an afterthought, like it wasn\'t even any more difficult than a Firebolt or Candle spell.

Granted both of those spells had been a challenge to me not a week ago and the Firebolt spell was still one I was working on. The point stood however and it made me wonder just how powerful my grampa actually was, and just how powerful his enemies were. Shivering slightly at the thought of any of those enemies using me as either a hostage or bait I decided to move on from that thought as I couldn\'t do anything about it regardless.

[So do you have any idea what we should be...] - Rose

[You\'d have a better idea than I would it\'s your... what\'s wrong?] - Grampa Mor

Not being sure what I was looking for I decided to ask the old dragon if he had any idea\'s only to trail off as I found exactly something that shouted BOSS BATTLE HERE with a giant arrow pointing down. Grampa, noticing that I\'d slowly to a stop with a dumbfounded look on my face worriedly asked me what was wrong.

[Seriously?] - Rose

A tree, in the middle of a shallow lake of water. On top of a small island of sand. With an inviting door in the distance. A mirror of the only cool part of a specific dungeon from a old game that everyone hates. Water levels can die!

[Heh... I should be angry at my mind being creatively challenged but honestly I\'m just happy I didn\'t have to deal with a water dungeon to get here...] - Rose

[I\'m not sure why you are bringing up a water dungeon but I agree with the sentiment. Water dungeon\'s suck.] - Grampa Mor

[......] - Rose

[What? We breath fire, not water.] - Grampa Mor

Shocked that my grampa had gotten the reference I was disappointed a second later when I realized he was talking about "actual" dungeons under the water instead of recognizing a game reference. Damn! Now I was upset for two reasons. Shaking away the idea that I\'d have to deal with real water levels in the future I decided to approach the lone tree as if this boss was anything like the one in the game it wouldn\'t appear until after I\'d made it almost all the way across the room.

Nothing. When I approached the tree nothing appeared to attack me. No shadow or even ripple in the water. Passing the tree slowly to make sure nothing tried for a stealth approach I moved towards the door that was very clearly tempting me with it\'s accessibility. If this was anything like the game bars would slam shut any second now. Any second. Any time?

[Huh? I guess nothing is gonna ha....] - Rose

Reaching out to grab the handle for the door that still hadn\'t done anything I yanked my hand back an instant before sharp metal bars could snag any outstretched fingers. Wheeling around I expected to see a shadowy figure that looked like me and unsurprisingly I was correct as directly under where the tree was planted was a shadow shaped like me. Red eyes staring into mine and obvious malice in it\'s gaze I flinched a little at the intensity of it\'s stare.

[O-Okay. I guess I just have to beat... myself? Same as in the game... Just far more terrifying...] - Rose

Staring me down as I cautiously approached I nearly missed it as it suddenly crouched and sprang forward, using it\'s tail to propel it like a rocket. A scary, snake shaped demon rocket.

Quickly regaining my wits I used my experience with dodging I\'d gained over the last few days and used my massive body to pull my torso out of the way. Barely missing me with a fist I attempted to attack before it could recover from it\'s charge only for a strong arm to block my strike easily. Surprised at the demonstration of skill I couldn\'t react in time as it reversed it\'s grip and pulled me into a throw.

[Shit shit shit shit! OW! Oh shit dodge!] - Rose

Slamming into the ground as water was blown away from the impact I immediately rolled out of the way of a downward swing of the shadow\'s tail, the impact gouging out some of the floor with the strike.

Gasping for air already I attempted to bring my breathing back under control as we circled one another, eying each other for openings. The shadow me apparently found the first one as it once more launched itself at me. Crossing my arms in front of me to block the strike I was blown backwards, my bones groaning in protest.

Slamming into a far wall I tasted blood in my mouth from the impact. Keeping my eyes on the doppelganger I was able to react this time as it\'s figure blurred and I dodged to the left only to be showered in shards of rock as it ran straight into the wall were I\'d been moments before.

Pulling itself out of the wall as it made a distorted sound I realized that it was laughing and I was instantly filled with an anger that blew away the vestiges of fear in my mind.

[You\'re laughing at me?!? You bastard! How dare you make fun of me when you\'re just my shadow! You\'re just a copy after... what the hell is that?!?] - Rose

Continuing to laugh as if to taunt me it drew attention to it\'s claw tipped hands as sparks of white fire formed around the presented hands. Those sparks quickly concentrating into a full fire that spread along it\'s body until the shadow looked like an enormous snake shaped bonfire.

[Oho? It seems to have mastered using fire to cloak itself? That\'s unexpected... Give it up child, you can\'t win this battle. If you ask me I can help you out though.] - Grampa Mor

[Screw that noise! It\'s just a piece of me and I\'ll be damned if I\'ll lose to a copy!] - Rose

[Hahahaha! That\'s the spirit! Just remember that pride is the worst kind of folly. Imprint your current weakness into your heart so you can grow beyond it. I look forward to seeing you try to overcome this.] - Grampa Mor

[Hmm? Oh you\'re awfully polite. Waiting for our conversation to finish before attacking. Well bring it on then!] - Rose

Seemingly content to wait until I was ready the shadow me seemed to be bored as it absently poked at a piece of stone rubble. Seeing that I was finished talking a grin appeared on it\'s face as it said something in it\'s garbled voice that I took as something along the lines of, "Like I would need to attack before you\'re ready."

Circling to the right while it tried to get my back against the wall I did the same on my side to stop it from trapping me. No matter how brave I sounded earlier I wasn\'t foolish enough to think that this would be easy. I\'d already underestimated the enemy before me too many times to not realize that it was like me except fully in control of it\'s powers and thus far beyond where I was currently.

Letting out another garbled laugh it suddenly motioned for me to make the first move in breaking our stalemate, to which I happily obliged. Launching myself in a similar way to how the shadow had done so mere minutes before I nearly cried out in pain as my skin blackened from the fire writhing around the doppelganger. Biting my lip from the pain I pushed through and delivered a solid hit to it\'s stomach, launching it a few yards back towards the tree.

Fighting through the intense burning coming from my arms I once more closed the distance only to be swatted out of the air by the shadows tail. Hitting the ground with the same force that I\'d used to launch it earlier I felt my vision darken slightly as my consciousness nearly left me but shook my head to clear it.

[Y̷͙̿̓ǫ̴̙̝̟̼̥͖̥̞͘u̸͕̅̒͐̅̈́͆͘͘ ̸̧͖͎͈̤̹̳̝̦͍͕̬̟̏̈́̽̕̚ͅt̶͈̫̫͉̓̌̅́̀̃͛̓̔͛́̓̆̎h̸̢̹͎͎̹̻͙̲̲̔̄̂̈̈̈̍̈́̈́̚͝͝i̵̻̫͎̳̭̅̽͒̀n̷̜͈͊͌̐̍̑̑̑̈͊͐̒͠͝ķ̶͚̥͎̖͆̈́̃̋͗͊̿͒̇̓̃̈́̎̕̚ ̵̧̡͓͎̙͉̥̫̫̜̯̭͔̮͙͆̓̊̅̅͗̅̇͂̑̾̕͝ẙ̶̱̥̪̥͕̻̳̳̋̓̔͑̒ó̴̢͈͔̼͉̟̖̩͙̥̱̖͙̣͑͗̃͆̾̌͊̈́͛͂̍͐͝ư̸̢̡̨̛̖͚͓̲͔̙̗̰̒̊͒̐̒̈́͑̈́ŗ̶̢̧͎̯͚͉̤̅͛ͅs̷̞͍̖͓͔͕͎̙̙̙̬̣̜͐é̶̢̛̩̯̋͑̐̽̌̓̒̕͝͠͝͠l̵̗̫̝̤̖͕͇̐̄͜͜͝f̵̱͚͉̠̹̎̒͌͑̈́̃̌͛̍͐̇͂͋͝ ̴̨̖̞͈̰̖̗̜̰͍̪͇̇̄̇̑s̶̨̞̤͙͙̏̓̈͜͜t̷̘̞̩̆r̷͓̘͕͈̖̳͔͓̬̓̒̂̍̅͆͠ͅo̵͚̩̫͉͉̳̩͎̬̮̤͐͂̀͂̏̒̎̍̄̆͝n̸̳͍͔̭͎͔̓̀ġ̴̨̡̛̹̫̪͔̞̜̱͎͔̹̉͂̿͋́̉ ̵̞̟̻̪̝̥̤̳̻͇̝͌̇̇͘b̸͔̳̭͈͎̮̼̭̂̈́͂̎̈̾̀̊̏̽͝ú̷͇̝͎t̶͓̠̐̐̋̀̄́̌͐͗̽ ̷̲̤̠̗̱͖͎̖͕͆͊̽͑͐̋͛̈́̐̋̅̂̚b̸̼̳̳̣̦̦̠͈̰͇̩͐͒̔̈́̐̈́̾̽͘è̸͙̗͇̼̗̰̠̟̰̞̯̦͙̃́̄ͅ ̴͚͇̹̫͕͚̪̬͖̜̰̿ớ̴̧̨̩̟͓̰̋̈́͂̒̊͗͘͝͠ņ̷̢̢̘̙͍̪͈̳̩̤͂̀̍̿̍̒̾̉͆̀̕͜l̶̹̲͉̞̬͖̃̔̑͗́͂̈́͒̏͌͌y̵̨͖̦͙̮̭̞͈̯̯̬͚̦̝̍͆ ̸̳̙͍͓̌̑͠a̵͖͈̞̟͚͙̪̗̞͐͌̾̂̂͠ ̶̛͔̺̼̯͍͉̹̭͋̍͗̈́́̏́͛͋͗c̶̡̡͓͙̖̻͇͇̜̻̮͒̇̑͐ͅḩ̴̬̱͔̻͔͙̫̠̯͈̇̈̓͊̋͒̍̾͂̊̔ì̵̢̧͓̥̠͈̼̮͙̩̬̺̩͋͋̍̐͊̔̃̒́́̊̊l̵͖͚͇̙̯͓̙͕̭͚̘͖̞̠̉ͅd̵̛͓͓͙̯̫̪͊̽̃̂̉͒̿̿͛̀͘.̵̛̛̛͎̩̪̩͙̥͇̘̘̝̯͙͙̇́̅͌̒͑́ ̶̦̞̟̲̺̫͍̲̌͑̑͒̃̆̿̀̂̌̋͌Ẅ̶̢̙̯̜͕̺̠̖̮̯͎̲̲̓͋̉̀̀̒͐̎̋̒͘ö̷̠̹̳̝̼̦̞̩̯̱́̿͛̒̚ȩ̵̩͕̰̺̭̼͛̂̓̿̑ ̵̡͚̟͖͎͙̳̠̰͓̭͉̝̋͊̿͑́̒́̈́̇͜͠ͅb̷̢̗̺͉̋͒͋͆̏̀̆̍̕̚͝e̵̡͇̮̝̱̮͉̯̹͎̳͓͈̍̾ ̷̡͍̎͆̽͂͝t̵̡̢̤͚̥̭́͋̊̋͛́͘͝ḧ̵̘̙̥̰͚̟͙́̆̎̇͆͗͌͝ö̷̢͈̺̲̪͙̯͔̜̞̮̟̓́͆̀̾̂̑̾̈́͘ͅŝ̷̢̗̮͕̼̩͎̘̜̳̺e̸͈̞͕͜͝ ̶̹̤̠̜͚͖̍͒ţ̷̟̦͔̳̫̹̘̘̗͓̝̦̈̔̂͆̾͛͜h̷̘̭̣͇̟̑̀̇́̈́͝ą̴̧̬̪̬̺͙́̎̿t̶̨̨͚̮̞͚͇̙̙̠͋̈̈̓̂̌̋̐͗̈̋ ̸̟̗̪͓̼̱̤̘͚̤͉͐̒̀̑̈́̈́̉̿̏̿͆̏͑d̴̡̨̧̢̢̹͍̥͖̼̳̠̈́̒͋͒̇̚ë̷̼̭̳̗̳̔͂̆̑͆́̌͆͋̚͝ṕ̸̣̦̼̝̠̺̙̜̼̈́̅̋͛ë̶͔̜̜͖͓n̴̩͔͇̩̜̹̩͚̹̠̯̫̈̆ḑ̷͓͉̖͙͚͕̖̻̓̓̒̇͋͆͘ͅ ̷̲͎͇̀̿õ̶̧̨̥͙͖͉͙͈̤͊̂̈́͑̂̅̈́́̇͘͜ṅ̸̲̥̔͋̄͑́̈́̒̽͑͘͝ ̴͙͊̓̈́y̸͉̿̈̍ę̶͖̣͖̣͔͑͐͑͋͗̈͌̚.̸̧̮͔̫̼̘̬̲͖̱̼̯̋͆̓̾̈́́̇͠ͅ ̷̨̧̱̱͚͎̳̺̠̝̤̬̽̂͑͒͠ͅB̴̢̨̺̥̭͚̠̮͈̌̀͐̂̋̓̄̎̽͛̈́̈́̐͠ë̴̢̩̥̬̲̮̼͔̙̳͓̱̤́̆͜͜t̶̰̻̗̫̖̟̓̇̕t̵̙͕̩͙̭͖́͆̎́è̵̢̢̥̜͇̘̹̦̮̮̈́̿́̈́͌̐̑̈́ŗ̴̣̤̜͔̫̠̭̯͉̳̃ ̷͕̔͆̂̅́̄̉̔͘͘͝t̸͕͙͙̹͉̙̑̈̇̃̇́̓̑͋̽̕͜ḩ̸̳͉̦̙̻̪̮͐̊̐͊͐̓͛̑͌͑̚͠ǎ̷̙͉̤͎̜͇̌̀͝t̶̗͙̼̹̪̗͓̟̥͗̈̀̾̓̔̓̌̈́ ̶̧̺̠̞̥̻͕͖̣͉̽͂͒̽̋͝ǫ̶̛̞̭̠͙̯̬̗̥͆̉̃̏̏ṇ̷̨̡̟̣̘̟͖̙̜̌̌̎͆̀̊͑̽̓̈́͊͊̂̃͜͜͜ȩ̵̢͉̱̬͍̀͒̊͒̌̓̿͘ ̴̡̛̩̫͇̯̩̝̯̲̲͋̈̀̍̓͊̾̂̃͛͘m̸̢̪̄͌͐̑̆̉̇̃͌̔̒̔̓̿́ȍ̴̥͕ŗ̷͇̮̹͇̳̦̯͙͎̭̊͗ͅé̴̛̠̮̻̥̼̳̗̫͚͍̹̎̋̈́̏̅̐̋̋́́̋̚ ̵̛̛̭͈͎̋̔̔̈́̃̅̔̽̐͠ͅș̷̢̢̫̤̜͕̺̻͚̲̦͛̎̅̍̆͋̾͋̈̕͜ū̵̡̡̡̘̥̩̤̘̱̣͇̺̪͉̖͑į̸̢̜͉̝̭͍͍̽̈́̄̉͗̀̽͗̀͌͝͝t̴̛̛̳̬̖͖̗͖̼͍͉͉̩̀͒̀̕ȩ̸̯͇͉͉̼̣̥̍̕ḑ̶̙̪͕͑͋͐͐͌̍̃́̋̏̉͜ ̴̛̣͕̫̦̗̙̜̠̙̹̜̪̳͔̠̆͠t̸͚̭̳̗̙̱͈̟͔̓̀̉̿̈́̂͜a̴̛͓͉͙͂́̊͐̐̎̆͊̂̇͆̚͝k̸̢̦̾͗̂̒̓̔͌̈̿̕̕e̶̯̥͚͇̟̺̦͔͕͉͓͈̍̓ ̴̹̯̲̜͍͇̭̲̞͓̮͇̓̕ǫ̴̢̱͍̻͇̖̬̳̱̝̩͍͚͆̃͑͜͝v̶̨̦̥̬͔͈̹̤̬̥͇̈̎̐̇ͅe̶̡̯̣̪̜͕͎̲̞̱͉̤̓͒̎̊͝͝͝ŕ̴̬̹̩̤̞̟̝̜̘͗̈́̃̂̄̒͆̔̍͆͝͠ ̶͖̺̰̩̖͖̲͎͔̽̈̀̓̾̕͝t̸̢̗̗̟̣̣̖̘͚͗̇͊͛͊́̂̿̒̒͛͒͘͝͠h̴̢̡͇͚̤͓̠̳̰̻͙͊̔͂͠͠a̴̛͇̜̘̞̺̫͊͒̂͒̿̓̅̾̉̕̚͝͝ņ̵̙̤͉̦̲͖̳̯̂̊͑̔̽̓̚͜͠ͅ ̶̗̯͎̰̲̈́̑̉̉̈́̅̔̈́̅̓́͜͜ḷ̸̐̐̋̈́̀̎͌͘o̷̢̯͙̤̳̯̦̭͇̦̝̦̪̓̋́̚͜͠š̵̤̰̦͖͕̽̄̂è̸̼̱͎̘͒͋̓̋͊͑́̏͆͝͠͠ ̷̢͍̗̬̩͍̅̃́͒̾̀͒̊͠ͅͅm̵̺͇͉͍̹̯̺̘̬̼͍̥̈͜͜͠ǫ̷̯̬̫̺̪̝͓̲̼̆̐́̾́̓͂̉̋͗̇r̴̨̹̖̱̩̃̎̈́͒̏̅̕̚͠͝ê̵̢̧͓͔͍̫̗̣̫̼̱͎͓̾̐̅̑̀̎̓͒͑̆̊̎͜͠ͅ ̸̛̠̪̫̻̜̭̅̐͛̾̿̇͊̓͛̒͗̀ḻ̷̛͋̆̊͂͐͊̅̅̍̌͊̅͘ở̷̡͕̺͙͓̤̳̮̮̲͉̾̊̉̑̍̄͒̍̄͛̾͊͗v̴̨̮̪̤̬̜͔̾̀̓͆̇̏͊̂͛͘͜ͅë̷̢̞͔͚̯̖̫̝͕̖̼̤̦͍́̊̀͂̓̄̅́̋̅̚͝ḑ̸͈̹̊͋̀̇̇̌̍͐̚͜ ̴̛̮͚̞̠̤̦̙͂̀͐͌͂̄ơ̷̡̧̢͚̯̩̯̩̩̩̱͙͌͗̎̈́͆̿̃̒̏͌͜͝ͅn̶̨̢̥̜̞̯̹̼̄̉͒̓̍͌̇̇̀̔̉͝ȩ̸̗͙͕̫̳̳̙̖͈̐́̄͂s̸̡̛̜͎͚̜͉̺͖̗͎̮̈́̏̏̍̚.̸͕̱̲͖̠̟̹̣̫́̀̅̾̃̏̒̆̓͑͗̿͝͝͝ͅ] - Shadow Me 2You think yourself strong but be only a child. Woe be those that depend on ye. Better that one more suited take over than lose more loved ones.

[Huh?!? You can talk?] - Rose

Surprised by the sudden, if garbled, sentence from the so far mute shadow I was further incensed when it refused to respond to my question. Anger building at the continued ridicule and my inability to deal with the enemy before me I suddenly realized that I was surrounded by writing black sparks just like I had been earlier in the maze.

Staring at my hand that was covered in little sparks that were quickly growing in number I nearly missed the sudden attack from the doppelganger, dodging only at the last second when I saw a blur in my peripherals. Smiling slightly at the first real sign of haste I realized that the shadow of me seemed to be panicking now instead of gloating.

[Oho? So I\'m guessing that I wasn\'t supposed to have learned how to use these then? Keep this up and I\'ll learn all your tricks...] - Rose

[Probably shouldn\'t have provoked it after only one success child.] - Grampa Mor

Realizing that I\'d made a mistake as soon as I said it I nearly blanched as the pressure from the foe in front of me doubled in intensity, the flame\'s wreathing it\'s body increasing in size and heat at the same time.

Obviously angry that I had taunted it the power radiating off of it buffeted me like a strong wind, hot and dry. Holding myself up against the change in intensity I kept my eyes directly on the doppelganger that was clearly no longer playing around. Only, it didn\'t matter as a second later the pressure stopped as the shadow vanished in front of me only for my sight to turn sideways at the same time before I was slammed into the ground and dragged through the shattering stone until being thrown against the wall.

Vision swirling due to the pain as well as the injuries that were starting to pile up I shakily pulled myself up, using the wall for help, before turning to face the far more dangerous creature in front of me. Behind it I could see a line of broken stone that I knew had been where my face had been dragged through moments before.

[Are you sure you don\'t want some help? Something of this level would take less than a second to finish.] - Grampa Mor

[No! I have to do this myself! I need to win! I need to... I need to prove to myself that... that I can grow! Ever since I\'ve gotten to this world it\'s been one out of control event after another! I haven\'t made a single actual decision in this new life and I\'m sick of it! I kept holding myself back because of my mistakes in my previous life, holding myself back because I was unsure what the right move was, letting others tell me what I should do because it was easier to go with the flow! I\'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!!!!] - Rose

Spitting out the blood in my mouth I once stared down the creature in front of me only for my resolve to be tested by another offer of help. Wavering as the whether to accept I suddenly remembered something Karen had told me in my last life. It had been before I had rescued my sister from our parents and their expectations, I had been holding myself back from taking her in and had asked myself if I was truly making the best decision for Mary\'s future. I hadn\'t wanted to make that final push if what I was doing was going to do more harm than good.

At the time I\'d been wallowing in my feelings and refused to talk to anyone or even attend my college classes but Karen had literally kicked down the door to see me and told me, "Are you so weak that you\'ll refuse to make a move because it MIGHT be the wrong decision?!? Only a child refuses to choose because they\'re afraid to stand up for what they believe in! Are you going to sit in here forever avoiding what you know is right because you\'re afraid?!? Or are you going to stand up to those assholes and show them that you and your sister cannot be ignored?!?"

Because of that decision I had brought far more difficulty into my life but I had also saved my sister from a fate that would have left her a broken shell of a person that only followed orders from our parents instead of pursuing her own dreams. And here I was making the same damn mistakes! Only instead of it being Mary\'s dreams it was my own! I was giving up my own future because it was easier to go with the flow! This had to stop! How long would I keep making the same mistakes without learning!?!

Finally resolving to stop floating with the current and start swimming instead I felt a vast power rising from my chest, the fire that had been on the verge of sputtering out gaining new strength as it roared to life around me.

[Oho! Would you look at that?!? I may have underestimated you child.] - Grampa Mor

[H-How? I wasn\'t able to use it before so why now?] - Rose

[Isn\'t it obvious? You finally resolved yourself to determine your fate rather than allow other\'s to do it for you. Now look alive, that Mirror Demon seems to have decided that your an actual threat!] - Grampa Mor

[Thank you for your help Grampa! I\'ll kick it\'s ass!] - Rose

[Heheh... Go get em.] - Grampa Mor

Finally deciding to take me seriously the doppelganger attempted to pull the same vanishing act that it had done moments ago. However unlike that time it seemed to be moving slow enough for me to see and I threw myself backwards as it flew in front of me, landing where I had been less than a second before.

Noticing that it was putting too much weight on one side to dodge after it\'s unsuccessful attack I immediately counter attacked, pushing forward with my tail to get extra strength and speed as I landed a strike to the it\'s shoulder. Feeling something give when I hit it I attempted a follow-up strike but was a second too late as it jumped back out of range, it\'s arm hanging limply.

Not letting up my attack I pursued the shadow and grabbed onto it\'s tail that was trailing behind it. Putting all my strength behind it I yanked it back towards me and over my body as I slammed it into the ground, dazing it. Realizing that it would recover before long I immediately followed up that throw with a downward strike of my tail, pushing it into the stone as I made a crater with it\'s body.

Shakily pulling itself out of the rubble I was already launching myself at it once more, readying myself for a final strike. Only it had already began crumbling, it\'s shadowy body dissolving slowly in front of me. Barely stopping myself before impact I watched as it weakly tried to crawl along the ground towards me, opening and closing it\'s mouth through the pain.

[̶̧̡͙͍̠̘͉̮͙̙̯̯̓̏͛̓̑̊̽̈̏̽̀͝C̴̫̹̞̩̥͎̐̈͋͊̇̈̈́͛̿͠ọ̴̈́͒̄͂͛ͅņ̸̢͙̮̥̭̮̩͔͈̼́͆̈́̓͐̔̃̓͌͛͝g̶̨͎̱̲̥̠̖͈̋͛͆͒̓̚̚ȑ̸̢̧̢̪͙̗̦̜̟̞̟͔̗͋̎͛͆͋̏̒͘͜ͅa̷̱̜̰͍͌͊̌̉̃͐̐́͊͝͝͝͝t̸̢̡̛̪̻͕͔͙̹̤̟̣̲͉̘̿͂̈́̽̊̊̊̉̒͌͋͘͝ū̴͎͔̟͖̖̙͔͕̤̪̭̜͔͂̈́̎̉͝ľ̵̦̼͎͙̬a̷̖̼̮͓̘͎̭̾̔̽͆̒́͜ͅt̴̫̖̥͍̯͎̋̒͌̇̈́́̎͊̾̄̉͛̏̕͜i̷̡̘̙̜͔͕̎̑̽̄̊̈́̾͗̾̏̋̉̎o̸̲̣̭̟̝̺̓̀̓̓͌̿̇̃̾̽͠ņ̵̢̗̥̺͓̹͠ŝ̴̳̹̙̂̉̉ ̴̛̮̻̬̖̤̝̼͔̭̹͔̙̟͙̂̐̀̒̃̏̐́̈́̈́͑̌̽͝ͅy̸̹̫̩͊͒̃ͅǒ̵̠̬͠u̵͓̖̱̫̩̭͙̓̀̓ṅ̵̢̡̢̡̧̡͔̭̘͙̝͇̻̬̋̂̿͌͂͂̈́́̈́͛͑̿͝͠ģ̷̨̤̝̼̜͑̑̇̈́̉̍̓ ̸͍͉̘̍̓̈́̕̕ͅD̵̡̨̯͎̪̹́͊́̾͂̓̕͘̕͘͠ẻ̷̢̬̰̳̖̬̲̹̖̯̎̐̋͗̽̉̎͊̿̍̊͆̾͘m̷̧̫̰̳̬̗̫̞̘͆́́̀͛̋̕͝ö̷͇̼̰́̈́̅̅͑̽̚͝ņ̷̩̳̝͕͔̹̀̏ ̴̮̜͕̬̰̘͙̥̜̼̣̖̲͚̆͂G̸̨̡̳̹̫̦̭̘̰̥̱̅͊̎̉̓͐̕͝͠͝o̵̟͖̼̠͕̝̍̆͋ͅͅḑ̸̢̼͔͓̙̝̻̹̟̓̔̈͗͜ͅ,̴̣͍̫̎̕ ̶̭͇͇̮̐̀̏̓́̓̅͑̐̿͜͠͝͠͝y̸̢̡̢̛̞̼̙̫̫̳̟̺̪̮̩̖̋̋͌̒̈́͂̕̚͠o̵̢͔͕̼̜̗̺̣̻̥̿͝ų̶̟͖̫͒̿̈́͂̅͆̀̊ ̶̬̗̹͖͚̠̟̖͙̹̦̳́͘p̵̢̖͚̻͙̗̞̬̬͕̺̘̥̦̭͐̇̃͊̍̃̀́̈́͂̅͆͊̔͠ạ̵̹͚̦̮̱̞̾s̵̩̰̀̃͂̚͜͠͝s̷̢̲̼͓̳̮̲̯̘̮̙̹̺̈̈́͌̓̀̓͌̉̚͠e̷̟̾̊̑̐͘d̷̢̢̨̮̣̜͙̫̥̦̙̰̤̓̊̌̂͊̔̈́͆͜ ̵̨̡͙̹͕̤̼̠̞̉̊̽͛̓̋̏̕͜͝ţ̷̨̨̦̫̣̲̭͓͈̟͎͉̘̬͛̀̈̋̔̈́́́̚͝͝h̵͖̖̦̘̮̖͔̘̦̣̻̮̑̍̂̓̒͛͛̐͑̈́̂́̑̿ę̶̧͎͙̠͎͔̤̦̗̟̈́̾̔͒̑̒̐̏̈́́̇͆͘͜ ̴̨̧̼̙͙͚̲͈͎͎̘̺͎́̐̿̓͆̋̒̓̕͠t̴̢̢̝̣̯̗̩̮̮̪͓̤̭̩͊̆̓̀̔é̴̡͔̝̬̝̃̉͛̿̆̑̏̆̊̂̌͘̕͘͜s̵̢̛̛͚̟̟̥̫̟͍̩͇̙̓͊̂̾̇̾́̒̽͝ͅͅẗ̷͈̺̭̮̺́̀̽͆̐͑̀̐̆̄̐̒́̓͠.̴͙͉̙̓̇͒͋̓͝ͅ.̷̡̬̻̱̪̟̼̗̫̘̀̅̍͋̄̑́̇̇̚͠.̵̨̢̧͖̹̠͎̝̟̪̞̖͎͉̀̏̈́͌͑̀̾́́͊͐͝͝ͅ ̵͙̍̑T̶̨̬̼͔̬̰̖̥̠̻͚̠̬̔̇̉̂̎͘͜h̴̬̯̳̙̃è̶̜̔̂͆̓̾̾̓̑̔́͗̏͘̚.̴̨̨̛̆̎̇̊́͋͗͆̿̏̕.̴̛̪̲̗̜̲̦̮͖͑̑̔͆̏͊͌͂̽̕.̴̛͇͕͙̼̩͓̠̩̄̏́̍͌̉͘͝ͅ ̵̧̛̼̯̽́̀͋͐̽͝F̴̼̼̙͊͐̌̈́̿͠i̵͔͂͗͘ͅr̶̢͎̳̱͙͚̦͚͓̖̱̄̉͐̔s̸̢̛̩̻̭̣̲̲͎̙̫̜̩̠̃̄͊̔̃̍͊̆̈́́́̏͗̚t̸͎̭͐̾͆̔̍̐͛̈́̃̚͜͝.̸̨̙͚̈́͛͜͝.̷̨͈͕͇͍̟̗̿.̸͍͕͉̤̝̥̥̮͎̦̝̩͑͒̇̈́̐́́̓ͅ ̴̡̡̮͈̗̤̯̭͖͉̝̗̫̪̬̈̔͛͘o̷̢̯̹̬̲̫̹̠͕̹̥̻͓͋̇f̴̧̛͚̺̗͂͌̎͌͒͋͑͐̚͠.̶̨̳̬̹̙͙̥̹̤͈͕̥́̈́̅.̶͖̠͚̻̞͓̫̳̹̒̏̂͛̂̏.̸̠͚̰̤̭͕͌͋̒͛̚̕ ̷̩̯̺͎̰̺̙͖̹̙̤̥͔̯̼̎͂́͝M̸̛͔̟̰̝̗͚̣͊̉͒̈́̊͌̀͝ä̴̡̼̺̟͎͚͎́̆̂͜ͅȁ̶͕̠̞̠͎̜̓͒́̌̓̉͐͑̌̕ͅà̸̢̙̖̺̬͚̾̈́̃̍̈́͆̆̽̈́̓̆͛̾̈a̷̡͉͔̻̘̥̺̼̺͖̥̓̋͆̈͒ͅn̵̨̺̣͖̭̳̪̦̅̂͌͒̐̀͐̇̚y̸̡̥̣͍̖̟͓̻̝̼̳̖̲̐͊̅̀̕̕͝ͅ.̶̢̥̦̬̻̪̪̜̱́̽̾̆̇̄̀̄͒͑̓̕̚͠.̵̡̡̧̼̟̤̖̙̹̙̫͓́̑̈́͛̉̀̃̽̈́͘.̸̛̟̦̖̈̃]̷̢̜͇̝̭̲͍̘̼̱̈́͛̈́͑̑̎̀̚̚͜ ̸͍̗̦̜̤͇̼̭̱̙̦̏̇ͅ-̸̨̨̡̙̳̲̯̬̯͎͎̹͍̐̾̈́̀̒̄͂̊͌̅̀́̃̎ͅͅ ̴̤̪̮̖̘̺͇̌̈̎̆̈̉Ş̶̛̪̰͈̈́̂̽̍͂̑̓h̸̨̝͉̬̬̣͕͓̪͓͎̞̮̺̆́̋̂͜a̷̠̟̍̇̂̒̂̏̉͑̄̃̀̇͝͝ḑ̸̢̢̧̳̯̙̫͍̘̰̰̙̫̌̌͆̿͒̍̈͗̕͜͠͠ȏ̴̰̭̤̗͛̈̅̈́͗̀̀̃̇͘͝ͅw̷̛͍̦̠̳̝̤̒̉̍̊̂̒̎̌͆̊̂͗͊͜͠ ̵̢̣̱̰͑͐̈́̔͆͝M̷͈͖̱̮̦̾̀̒̑̅̓͑͐̋̌̕͠ḙ̴̟̞̝̠̬͎̖̟̺̘̍̍̊̎̐͌͑̈̃̄̆̍͝

3Congratulations young Demon God, you passed the test... The... First... of... Maaaany...

Watching as it approached it dissolved completely just as it\'s finger tapped my chest, something glowing leaving it and being absorbed into me. For better or for worse I\'d finished this trial, and I hoped that my growth here would continue into the future. No. I\'d make sure it did.