I'm in a Monster Girl World (MGW)

Chapter 109: Boobie Spider Culture?


I wrote the interactions between Zhizhu and both Rose as well as her family as if from the perspective of a stereotypical naive princess type character. It makes me laugh when Zhizhu tries, and fails, to hide how out of her element she is around strangers. Especially given how forcefully she introduced herself. The way she\'s scolded by her Master made me laugh a few times.

Just a reminder that the next chapter is on Patreon as always! You can also support me on PayPal if you can\'t afford monthly amounts! Please support me there if you enjoy my novel and can afford to do so! Thank you and enjoy the new chapter!

- Arachne Hidden Village, Riyuegu Xiamen - Rose\'s POV -

Cute. If I had anything to say about our guide that\'s what it was. After our initial meeting at knifepoint the Arachne had quickly grown on me with her extremely innocent reactions. I felt almost bad tricking her by pretending to be some kind of official delegate. The voluptuous Arachne smiled once more as she unguardedly recounted exactly what they\'d done to take down the Feronid Matriarch so quickly despite how much trouble it had been giving us. Even Annabelle, clearly the strongest combatant between the group present currently, had been having difficulties dealing with the massive spider. Apparently, the Matriarch had a single weakness behind the head. On the back of it\'s head, behind the eyes, was a soft spot that was where the venom sacs were located. A strong blow directly to this area would rupture those sacs leading to an instant death as the spiders own venom flooded it\'s brain. I guess even a spider wasn\'t completely immune to it\'s venom. Made sense since spiders hunt each other all the time after all.

After she\'d explained that Malaise had taken over the conversation, her more and more pointed questions clearly making the rest of Zhizhu\'s party uncomfortable. The innocent spider, completely unaware that she was sharing what were most likely state secrets, spilled the beans on where we were currently headed as well as chatting about just how "amazing" her family was.

The way she explained it her family was originally part of a massive empire of Arachne spread to all corners of the Eryx Spine and even some limited surface cities for trade with the other races according to someone, or something, called the Guardian who kept all of their old stories for them. And old stories they certainly were with more than 3,000 years since these events had supposedly happened predating even the assault by the Demon Lord that Master Gil had fought. Anyway, after the dissolution of their empire due to some unnamed calamity their race had split up into various hidden villages throughout the same mountain range. Their own family, in charge of the religious teachings of the original empire, had continued that function even in their more spread-out civilization.

Unfortunately, however Zhizhu\'s explanation was interrupted when we came within sight of the so-called Hidden Village.

[Ooooooooh! This has been hidden this whole time!] - Veronica

[Hmmhmm! Are you amazed!?! Well, are you?!?] - Zhizhu

[Yes, yes, we are all considerably impressed now what were you saying about your clan again?] - Malaise

Traditional Chinese-style architecture that I vaguely remembered from a business trip to China came to mind upon seeing the tiled wall embedded into the cave floor before me. The defensive wall, obviously intended to protect against the larger creatures of the underground, was still somewhat cunningly built insofar as when viewed from any angle other than the one we were approaching it on, it would look like any other nondescript cave wall. Honestly, looking at the colorful tiles above a walkway that I say several Arachne already responding to our presence, I wasn\'t sure how they\'d managed to hide it so effectively. It didn\'t seem possible to not bring attention to the stark color difference between the wall we were approaching and the grey of the cave itself yet when I moved a few feet to either side it still vanished into obscurity even though I knew it should be directly ahead of us.

Zhizhu, smirking as we each expressed our amazement at their seemingly impossible achievement, was interrupted in her desire for praise by our bookish Foxgirl as she demanded more information on what was essentially lost history to the outside world.

[Nainai! I\'m back! We have guests Nainai, delegates from the Amchier family!] - Zhizhu

The next few minutes were far more uncomfortable however as we passed within the walls of the city. Stares, both those of curiosity and those of animosity, were directed our way as we made our way to the clearly larger building along the back wall. The only thing that seemed to keep those surrounding us from open hostility seemingly the fact that we were guided by their beloved Apprentice Priestess. I caught more than a few warm smiles directed towards the silly Arachne as we passed the townsfolk.

And then we finally arrived at what looked like a small castle, high walls and impressive tiled roofing told us all we needed to know of the importance of the person that lived here, and I felt a twinge of fear that I\'d made a mistake that would lead us all to our deaths. The severe looks on the guards faces as they opened the gate did nothing to alleviate those worries unfortunately as I briefly noted that despite them being female, they were more built that a brick shithouse. They\'d put professional bodybuilders to shame with the amount of toned abs they were displaying.

Flinching as the gate closed with a loud boom, I noticed my friends all nervously shuffling their feet as we looked around with a bit of trepidation. Only Annabelle, with her supreme confidence, was calm in this unsure situation. Her determined expression letting me know that despite everything she was still confident in her ability to get us all out of here in the worst-case scenario. That was until her expression suddenly hardened when the person that Zhizhu was calling for approached.

[Stop yelling Sunnu! I\'ve already been told of the ones that follow you, you go inside while I talk to our... delegates.] - Nainai?

[I-Inside Nainai?!? B-But I didn\'t-] - Zhizhu

[I said inside! I\'ll speak with you later!] - Nainai?

Seemingly annoyed at the girl\'s tone as she attempted to argue with who I assumed was Nainai the old woman chastised the girl while forcefully directing her to leave. The old Arachne, still retaining a hint of her previous beauty, was tall, even for an Arachne, with refined features that wouldn\'t look out of place on a Queen of a kingdom. The way she held herself betrayed the utmost confidence in her skills as she harshly appraised our group.

Sweeping her eyes over most of us in disinterest she hovered momentarily on Annabelle before smirking slightly and moving on to me. The look that she gave me the longest by far.

[A-Ahem! Excuse me ma\'am, we come as delegates of Anguis. I am Rose de la Amchier of the Amchier Dutchy. May I ask your name or...?] - Rose

[Drop the act I already know that you aren\'t here in any official capacity. As for my name? You may call me Head Priestess Lao Ji Si if you wish. For as long as I allow you to stay at least. Now tell me your true purpose here.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

Stuttering out my supposed reason for coming I nearly blanched when her eyes narrowed even more, the glare she was giving to me in particular nearly scalding my skin with its intensity.

Her response? Complete awareness that we had made up our reason for coming.

Raising her hand as she demanded to know our true reason, I noticed several dozen well-armed Arachne surround us as Annabelle readied herself for a fight. The rest of us, not used to moving so quickly from friendly to aggressive, hesitated.

[But I\'m...! No, you are correct in suspicious of our goals. I am truly sorry for the ruse that I tricked your Apprentice with. After the fight with the Feronid Matriarch our group was too exhausted to make the return trip to Calidus safely and I took advantage of Zhizhu\'s naivety to garner shelter for the night. I humbly ask for your forgiveness.] - Rose

[Hmmm... And you? Skilled one. What do you think of this apology of hers?] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[I believe you know that antagonizing us would lead to too large of losses on either side. The Young Miss has sincerely apologized. I suggest you accept it.] - Annabelle

[A-Annabelle!?! Apologize right now! Head Priestess I am so sorry, she didn\'t-] - Rose

[No it\'s quite alright, she\'s completely correct after all. I believe that we would definitely come out the victor if our forces fought one another but it would not be without significant loss. Fine then. I accept your... Young Miss\'s, apology.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[Then the shelter?] - Rose

[That I must refuse. We are a closed community and have rarely entertained visitors, I will allow you to leave but I will not put our safety at risk more than that. However...] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

My heart sank as we were denied even the chance of shelter. My gamble had failed, and we were even further from the rest we truly needed. Her last words though, the pause before she continued, made me consider that she might be willing somehow. Although the malicious glint in her eye made me nervous as I asked her to continue her train of thought.

[However?] - Rose

[Umu, I suppose I might be willing to overlook your status as outsiders if you took part in a ritual of our community.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[A ritual?] - Rose

[Oh, it\'s nothing dangerous, just a rite of passage that all children go through in our community to become adults. Think of it like a test of your trustworthiness.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[Okay so if our group does this... ritual, of yours you\'ll allow us to rest here for the night?] - Rose

[Just you. This ritual will be done by only the leader of your little band.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[Absolutely not! I won\'t allow you to separate Rose from the rest of us!] - Karen

[Ahh... a humanoid slime. I\'m surprised you managed to tame one given how... independent they are. Do you always allow IT to speak to it\'s betters?] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[I warn you, and I\'ll only say this once, Karen is her own person, and I will not accept you treating her as anything less than an equal.] - Rose

[Haha! Good answer! So, your response?] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[Rose no!] - Karen

Filled with anger at the insinuation that I\'d enslaved Karen in some way rather than treat her as the equal being that she was I put my all into filling my eyes with every bit of intimidation that I could muster. My attempt, eliciting barely a reaction at all, only inspired laughter from the aging Arachne as she looked at me with a bit more respect.

Karen, panicking at the thought of losing me, seemed intent to stop me as I thought about the alternatives seriously. We... really had no better options, did we?

[I\'ll do it. Karen, I know you\'re fine but the rest of us are exhausted from that battle. We\'d be easy prey if we attempted to make it back without rest.] - Rose

[Rose...] - Karen

[Good, then follow Zhan Shi here to where you will be staying tonight. When we are ready for you, I will send her to pick you up as well.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

Seemingly realizing how much we were at the mercy of our "hosts" we followed the guard that stepped forward to guide us. This one too was an extremely fit looking woman.

- Arachne Hidden Village, Riyuegu Xiamen - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si\'s POV -

[<Slam!> Are you a fool to be taken advantage of?!? What were you thinking bringing outsiders to our village?!? What would you have done if they truly HAD been violent bandits?!? You put us all at risk with your stupidity Sunnu! And worse is you put yourself at risk! You are the future of this village Zhizhu and you can\'t be making such foolish mistakes.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[N-Nainai. <sob> Nainai!] - Zhizhu

[Oh, come here my little Sunnu, I\'m sorry to yell at you. I was just worried when you showed up with strangers.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[<sniffle> W-What about Rose and her friends?] - Zhizhu

[Don\'t you worry about them little Sunnu, our Guardian will take care of them personally.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[And if they pass her test?] - Zhizhu

[Then I truly WILL have to welcome them into the village.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si

[<sniff> R-Really?] - Zhizhu

[Oh, put that out of mind child, the girl will most definitely fail the Guardian\'s trial. Undine is not a Goddess that suffers fools after all.] - Head Priestess Lao Ji Si