I'm in a Monster Girl World (MGW)

Chapter 10: Random Event #19! What am I, a Manga Protagonist?

Author\'s Note: Some of you may have called this but a certain unnamed group seems to be causing problems. I wonder who it could possibly be... Also damn Rose is a badass! Hope the Prince is okay...

[Introducing his royal highness Arlen de la Anguis and the Lady Rose de la Amchier!] - Announcer Dude

Stepping forward Arlen pulled me along with him while the partygoers glanced at us with curiosity. Frozen with fear I blankly allowed the Prince to lead me down the stairs into the general crowd for one on one greetings without resistance. Cutting us off as we did so was a very fat human man with two slightly less fat henchmen behind him.

[Why if it isn\'t the Prince of Flames Arlen, I\'ve heard that you finally reached the top 100 rank at the Academy. Seems you inherited your father\'s ability as well as his good looks.] - Fat Nobleman?

[It\'s a pleasure to see you Duke Harris, are you here to visit your son? I heard he\'s been having some problems with the curriculum recently and could use some help. I\'d be happy to tutor him if you want.] - Arlen

[.....tch! Well putting that aside why don\'t you introduce me to your young companion here, I believe this is the first of our little get togethers she\'s attended.] - Duke Harris

[This is my cousin Rose de la Amchier, she just joined the 1st years actually. Since I was unable to find a date for this esteemed event I asked her to join me as a stand-in as she hasn\'t had a chance to meet anyone of "your" stature before.] - Arlen

As I looked back and forth between the two of them while they were slinging verbal attacks at each other the Prince squeezed my hand slightly and after a few seconds I realized that he was hinting at me to introduce myself.

[Oh! Uh, it is an honor to meet such esteemed personage as yourself, this one is Rose de la Amchier of the Amchier Vineyards. Perhaps we have had the honor of our family\'s wine being purchased by your esteemed self?] - Rose

Disgusted with my blatant kissassing I didn\'t think the Duke bought it for a second but after exchanging meaningless pleasantries for a little longer he and his henchmen left while grumbling to themselves. Breathing a sigh of relief I felt my hand get squeezed again and glanced up at the Prince.

[Good job at dealing with him, a more unpleasant human I\'ve never met. Be careful with his kid though as his family has known dealings with the Church of Light.] - Arlen

My eye\'s widening I attempted to ask more about that but was interrupted by the sultry voice of another partygoer. I turned to see a fox-eared milf around 40 years old with the largest breasts I\'d ever seen outside of my Aunt. My eyes as well as every eye in the room was drawn to them, especially with her dress that left little to the imagination.

[Ahh "little boy" how wonderful to see you here, you\'ve met my husband, Herald, of course. Now who is this pretty young thing?] - Fox-Eared Milf?

[Oh Baroness Milsett it\'s wonderful to see you well! I actually have the pleasure of having my cousin accompany me, my own plans fell through you see.] - Arlen

[It is a pleasure to meet you Baroness Milsett? I am Rose of the Amchier family.] - Rose

Taking the Prince\'s comment as a cue to introduce myself I greeted the Baroness with a more relaxed air than the Duke. Nodding to herself as if she approved Baroness Milsett circled me while stepping over my tail and lightly grabbed my butt.

[Kyah! Umm, excuse me!] - Rose

[Oho! Childbearing hips on this one! Good catch "little boy", she\'ll make a fine wife.] - Milsett

[I\'m afraid you misunderstand Baroness Milsett, my cousin is only accompanying me tonight because of my failure to procure another date. And I\'d appreciate it if you don\'t try and corrupt her to "your" ways.] - Arlen

[Ara Ara the "little boy" is much more confident now than when I first met him, I might have to start calling you by name soon. Now come Herald, you useless clod, let us go and pester the good Duke. He deserves a little misery every now and then. Ohohohoho!] - Milsett

The Baroness winked at the Prince before leaving, giving every indication that she didn\'t believe a word of his excuse. Hiding as much as I could behind the Prince I watched her leave like a scared animal. Something told me that she was the type to suck men, and women, dry and leave them hanging afterwards.

[Hah... I\'ve never been good with dealing with that woman. Too... aggressive.] - Arlen

[She is a bit... forward. Ah and thank you for covering for me with your story. You didn\'t have to do that.] - Rose

[Heh! Don\'t worry about it, I don\'t particularly like my Mother sticking her nose into my business as it is. Especially with something as important as who I want to spend my life with. N-Not that I\'m against you personally t-though... Uhh.... L-Let\'s move on.] - Arlen

Nodding my head while blushing at his comment we proceeded to greet each of the various important figures present at the party I found myself loosing track of the myriad of names and faces of which only a few stood out. The next hour was much of the same with a multitude of different nobles and important merchants with differing friendliness to the Prince. After several dozen of these greetings I found myself guided to a table around the edge of the party as the Prince smiled at my exhausted face.

[Why don\'t we take a small break? I\'ll go get us some drinks and hors d\'oeuvres, do you have any requests?] - Arlen

[No alcohol...] - Rose

While it was perfectly fine in this world to consume wine as young as 5 years old I didn\'t want my first sip of alcohol to be at an event like this. Nodding the Prince set off after reassuring me he\'d be back soon.


[So the Prince huh?] - Young Female

[I\'m sorry, have we met miss...?] - Rose

Glancing up from my wringing hands at the person addressing me I saw a young lizardman? woman smiling bitterly down at me in the chair. Taking the chair opposite of me she sat down before answering.

[Ah yes I\'m Samantha, just Samantha, my father owns a large mercantile company.] - Samantha

[Well it is nice to meet you Samantha, I apologize for not standing up to greet you but I\'m currently resting my tail. May I ask what brought you over to greet me?] - Rose

[Oh I was just wondering if you and the Prince were....] - Samantha

Staring at her for a few seconds while blinking I finally got what she was asking and raised my hands in front of me in denial.

[No no! I\'m just accompanying my cousin since I haven\'t attended a social gathering yet. He was kind enough to allow me his arm for the night.] - Rose

[Uh huh... Then I\'m sure you won\'t mind if I take a stab at him. Since your not anything more than his "cousin" afterall.] - Samantha

[Ahh! I... umm...] - Rose

Standing as if to leave into the crowd I moved my hand slightly to stop her before pulling it back. She gave me a disgusted look before disappearing into a group of partygoers.

I continued sitting in my seat while thinking of why I\'d tried stopping her.


[Did I keep you waiting for long? I brought us a couple of drinks and a plate of food.] - Arlen

[Ahh! Yes! I mean no! I wasn\'t waiting long.] - Rose

[Hmm...? Are you still feeling tired? We\'ve basically finished greeting everyone so if you\'re not feeling up to it we can leave.] - Arlen

Setting down the two glasses as well as the plate he was balancing on his arm he pressed the back of his hand against my forehead as if to check my temperature. Backing away from him quickly with a blush on my face I nearly fell off my chair as my tail caught the table and dragged it with me.

[A-Ah! I\'m fine, I was just lost in thought nothing is...] - Rose

My explanation was cut off though as the light bell-like noise of someone ringing a glass cup rang through the room. Standing in front of the group was the Duke from earlier, his henchmen nowhere to be seen.

[I\'d like to call everyone\'s attention, I propose a toast to the Prince Arlen de la Anguis and his lovely companion Lady Rose. To snipping rivalries before they can sprout!] - Duke Harris

As if that was their cue suddenly several unsavory looking humans rushed in from the various doors around the event, swords and axe\'s in hand. Arlen went to grab for his sword only to realize that it wasn\'t at his waist as it was a party and was considered improper to have a weapon present among mixed-race parties.

Within seconds all the partygoers were rounded up into a circle in the middle of the room as I was pulled in front of the Duke.

[Hee hee hee! I was told to retrieve you intact but looking at you I might have to sample the goods before turning you over!] - Duke Harris

[Hii! D-Don\'t touch me! If you do I\'ll...!] - Rose

[You\'ll do what little girl, even with that tail you can\'t save everyone here before I kill them! You do what you\'re told and I\'ll let them live...] Duke Harris

[You won\'t get away with this Harris! You think you can escape after threatening us like this!?!] - Baroness Milsett

[Yeah! Who do you think you are!] - Random Noble

[Touch me and your whole family will be wiped out!] - Arrogant Noble

[Shut it! Unless you want to volunteer as an example! Now what do you say little girl? Will you cooperate?] - Duke Harris

Gulping as I looked at everyone being forced to kneel while surrounded by men with swords I noticed the Prince struggling to move while being held down by 3 gruff looking humans.

[I-I understand I\'ll go wi.....] - Rose

[Let her go you Bastard! I\'ll kill you!!!] - Prince

Finally breaking free from the three henchmen holding him down he rushed at the Duke only for Harris to raise one arm lazily. Instantly an arrow pierced through his chest as another hit his right leg, forcing him to fall to the ground once more.

[Did you see that? The mighty and talented Prince Arlen, envy of all, taken down by a weak nobody! Can\'t even claim that another noble killed him can he!?! He and his arrogant bitch of a mother can go to hell!] - Duke Harris

Kicking the Prince in his wound Arlen cried out in pain while crawling towards me, desperation on his face only for a sword to plunge into his back, pining him to the ground.

[Pathetic! Can\'t even save his little slut! Lesser Monster Trash!] - Duke Harris

Seeing the Prince coughing up blood I felt my own blood boil. My vision turning red as a voice in my head kept repeating one line. KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL! KILL THEM ALL!!!

Duke Harris, sensing something wrong, looked back at me with fear on his face and an instant later I felt my sanity snap. My eyes turned black as streaks of black fire circled me slowly and I whipped my tail at the henchmen holding my arms behind me feeling his bones turn to dust.

[HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE....!] - Rose

[Kill the bitch! I\'ll pay double to the one that brings me her head!] - Duke Harris

The rest of the Duke\'s henchmen took a step back in fear as the Duke immediately turned tail to run while shouting at the bodyguards to deal with me.

Glancing at the puny humans before me I lazily raised one hand towards a group of them that were charging at me.

[BURN!] - Rose

Instantly a black flame engulfed the entire group at once, killing them instantly. I turned to deal with the rest of the nuisances only to be hit with extreme exhaustion. I dimly heard the sounds of wood shattering and yelling as my vision faded to black.


With that said I was thinking of doing the first "What\'s in the World of Miscalis!" extra chapter where I answer any questions about the world our adorable Rose finds herself in. We\'ll have Rose and her roommate\'s answer questions about the lore of the world as well as anything about how the world works physically that people send to my inbox. Questions must be submitted before the 23rd and I\'ll post the extra chapter on the 26th of October. I hope to do a few more of these Q/A extra chapters later on as we get further into the story.