I'm in a Monster Girl World (MGW)

Chapter 1 : Aloha Truck-kun!

My name is Austin Johnson, yeah I know it doesn\'t roll off the tongue very well but my mother originally wanted a girl and when I was born they winged it and chose the first name they thought of thus leaving me as Austin. Anyways with the introduction out of the way I\'m forced to confront my current situation. I\'m a baby. Now I don\'t mean that I whine a lot or anything like that, I mean I do of course but rather in this situation I mean it quite literally. What\'s worse is I\'m pretty sure this is all my own damn fault too.

To understand how I got into this situation we must go back about a week or so to what I\'d thought at the time would be a normal boring day of work.


I had just finished up a proposal for a major account and leaned back in my chair while sighing to myself out loud. It was at this moment I felt two soft hills press down on my shoulder\'s as a pleasant aroma assulted my senses. Looking upwards to see who it was I recognized my boss who was currently lightly pressing her breasts down on me while checking my work over my shoulder. My boss, Beth, was a very beautiful woman in her late 30\'s that, despite being married, was very flirtatious with most of the younger interns and wageslaves. This included me of course and while I usually liked Milfs the threat of losing my job if HR heard even a hint of improper conduct made sure to stop any libidinous thoughts from manifesting in reality. Seemingly my work got her approval as she nodded to herself and, after a few seconds more than required, extricated herself from me.

[Good job Darling, it\'s sure to go over well at the morning meeting tomorrow. If not I\'m sure I can push it through for one of my "favorite" employee\'s.] - Beth

[N-no I don\'t think that\'ll be necessary this time, I\'m sure they\'ll accept my ideas for the Windy\'s Smug Anime Girl account.] - Austin

The way Beth emphasized "favorite" while pushing her breasts up made me nervous as I swallowed back any impulse to act on her very obvious come-on. Honestly speaking despite the risk to my job it took a lot of willpower every day not to just take the plunge and say "fuck the consequences" but I couldn\'t do that because losing my job meant far more than just myself being out of work.

Now I bet some of you are wondering what I do for a living, it\'s simple actually. I work for a third-party PR company that does things like clean up scandals such as MacRonald\'s Coffee incident or SandwichWay\'s lolicon scandal as well as doing large advertisement campaigns for larger companies just in general. My job in particular was running the social media accounts for companies that hire us and currently my biggest account was Windy with their viral smug anime waifu wars being the biggest marketing campaign at the moment.

Hearing the bell that indicated that it was the end of the day I quickly got up to leave but was stopped by Beth grabbing my arm and pulling it so that it was sandwiched between her breasts. Feeling the heavenly sensation around my arm I froze and looked back at her.

[I was hoping we could go get some drinks after work Darling. Some of the other office ladies rented a booth and I would be a laughing stock if I showed up empty-handed when they all brought their own.... toys.] - Beth

I shuddered as lewd thoughts raged all through my brain at both the situation and her words but soundlessly shook my head limply in refusal.

[I-I appreciate the offer but unfortunately I\'m busy after this with an important appointment that I can\'t miss...] - Austin

[.....Oh well maybe next time then. Darling.] - Beth

After a momentary pause Beth shrugged then winked at me over her shoulder while blowing a kiss, fully emphasizing her phenomenal ass as she sauntered out the door with a final look at my now fully red face. I could have sworn I saw a smirk on her face as the door closed behind her but shook my head to dispel any lingering lewd thoughts and hurried out the opposite door.


[Hah!] - Austin

[Hah!] - Many Voices

[Hah!] - Austin

Expelling air as myself and several dozen other people struck a large wooden pole with our arm we repeated our movements while taking half a step forward each time. I don\'t quite remember what this practice is called but it was some kind of martial art from Japan or something. My best friend introduced me to this dojo several years ago to help get me in shape and blow off steam, apparently it was some super powerful war-focused martial art that was specifically for killing people. I even had to sign an agreement that I would not use this outside of the dojo except in life-or-death situations and supposedly the Master of this dojo helps train the local police force periodically as well.

Wiping my sweat off with a towel as I leaned against the wall I suddenly lost all of my sight when another towel was thrown over my head from out of nowhere. Hearing a laugh I recognized I smiled while throwing my own towel in the general direction which I had heard the voice from only to hear a squeal and rapid foot movements.

[Hey! Don\'t throw your sweat soaked garbage at me, it almost touched me!] - Unseen Woman

[You did it first, how do you think I feel having that same disgusting sweat soaked towel tossed at my face Kare Kare?] - Austin

I said all this while laughing and removing the offending object with an expression of mock disgust. At my question the woman gave me an expression of shock while responding.

[You would call the heavenly fluids from a goddess like myself disgusting? I\'ll have you know that I once sold my used towel online for almost $200. Even called is lesbian juice!] - Woman

This woman, real name Karen, was the friend that had originally introduced me to the dojo in the first place and if you haven\'t guessed it by now she is a raging lesbian. Like BDSM equipment in the Pride Parade level of lesbian. I was of course dragged along to that particular event and forced to wear a matching outfit along with about 10 other people that she referred to as her "harem". Giving her a bemused look as I handed her the towel she had tossed at me I laughed at her comment.

[And I\'m sure the towel was actually taken from one of the other disciples right Kare Kare?] - Austin

[You know it! I even used one from the fattest most disgusting dude I could find, it was hilarious! Even better is that he gave my listing 5 stars and left a comment about being able to "smell" the lez. Haha!] - Karen

[Gross. Also don\'t call Mike disgusting, poor guy is trying his hardest.] - Austin

[Didn\'t say it was Mike now did I? Profiling much?] - Karen

Karen danced away from my grabs as I playfully swiped at her to rebuke her comment. We both knew the other wasn\'t serious though so neither of us tried all that hard while we horsed around.

I reminisced about our past together and all we\'d been through together as I pretended to be out of breath and she made a fake face of concern. We\'d actually originally dated in high school before she found out she was a lesbian and because we broke up mutually we ended up becoming even better friends than we ever were as lovers. Although periodically she would have me help her out with some of her girlfriends that were bisexual, she\'d even join in sometimes. Apparently she said that while she wasn\'t attracted to males she did enjoy the look that her girlfriends would get when they were double-teamed by both of us. She even once called me her "Super Realistic Interactive Dildo". Honestly I enjoyed those fun play sessions but her attitude at all times was so over the top sexual that it was a little tiring sometimes. Noticing my change in expression she showed an actual look of concern and stopped playing.

[What\'s wrong Sauce? Everything okay?] - Karen

[Everything\'s fine, I was just thinking about our past... Also don\'t call me Sauce!] - Austin

She only called me Sauce when she was being serious or trying to console me. I honestly hated the nickname because it reminded me of my embarrassing childhood but when she called me by that I couldn\'t be too mad since she did it out of love. Seeing that I wasn\'t in a bad move a mischevious smirk appeared on her face as she slapped my shoulder.

[Oho! Little Sauce thinks he can tell Big Sis Kare Kare what to do huh?] - Karen

[B-Big Sis? I only called you that when we were like 5!] - Austin

<cry> [Big Sis is so sad! Little Sauce doesn\'t love her anymore!] <cry> - Karen

With a blush on my face I once again chased her to stop her teasing but she suddenly stopped and with a completely serious look on her face that made me pause my pursuit said,

[I feel a disturbance in the lesbian force, I must away!] - Karen

With that she dashed out the door before I could react and when I ran to the door and looked down the street I saw no sign of her in either direction.

[Damn she\'s as fast as always!] - Austin

[Who\'s as fast as always boy?] - Familiar Voice

[Oh crap! Oh Master Lao Shi! When did you get there?] - Austin

I jumped at the sudden voice behind me but calmed down after seeing that it was the Dojo\'s Martial Arts Master who was lightly chuckling to himself as he patted my shoulder.

[I wouldn\'t be too concerned about it boy, when you get to my level someone like yourself has no chance of detecting me unless I let you. Although with your current strength that\'ll take another hundred years! Hahaha!] - Lao Shi

Master Lao Shi was Asian descent but where exactly he was from wasn\'t something I could even guess at. While he normally spoke with a heavy accent every once in a while he\'d say something with no accent whatsoever so I\'d long ago come to the conclusion that he was just messing with us and playing the stereotypical Master as some kind of elaborate joke. I had no proof though.

Seeing that I didn\'t have any intention of disputing his jab at my powerlessness he sighed and shook his head mumbling something about a waste of talent as he walked back into the building. After a few steps he suddenly stopped and turned halfway back.

[Oh yes I almost forgot boy. I need to talk with you about something important so can you meet me in my office after tomorrow\'s practice?] - Lao Shi

[We can\'t talk about it now?] - Austin

[It\'s not the time quite yet but tomorrow should work just fine.] - Lao Shi

While his question and subsequent vague answer to my question were strange they weren\'t out of character as he always puts off the mysterious Master kind of vibe. So much so that Kare Kare was convinced that he was some "1000 year old immortal deity and when the time was right he would reveal that she was the true successor of his techniques!" Or some such nonsense, the backstory she came up with changed every couple months to the point I wasn\'t sure what her current theory was as I usually zoned out whenever it came up.

[I guess tomorrow should work fine, my sister is out at a friends tomorrow so I won\'t have to go home early.] - Austin

[Oh that\'s right you live with your little sister right? How old is she again?] - Lao Shi

[17. She insisted on staying in her current school when our parents moved and since I was living here for work I guess it just made sense for her to stay with me rather than by herself. Speaking of it\'s getting late and she\'ll get worried if I\'m not in time for dinner! Have a nice night Master!] - Austin

I turned and ran out the door while waving to a couple other disciple\'s that were also finished changing into casual clothing. Because of my haste I didn\'t hear Master Lao Shi\'s comment that he muttered under his breath.

[I feel something odd about that Boy today, may need to keep an eye on him afterall...] - Lao Shi


[You\'re late!] - Scolding Voice

I flinched as soon as I opened the door and looked up at the person scolding me with both hands on her hips and a apron around her waist. Just as I thought it was my little sister Mary with a severe look on her face and a dripping sauce spoon in one of her hands.

[Big Brother wasn\'t out with that harlot again was he?] - Mary

[H-Hey Kare Kare isn\'t a harlot! Plus she\'s not interested in men anyways so you have nothing to worry about!] - Austin

As a Big Brother he was a bit worried about how attached Mary was to him but she was so adorable that he didn\'t care enough to seriously scold her for it. And of course he would never tell her about the instances with Karen\'s different girlfriends and always tried to plan his night\'s out around her schedule so he didn\'t negatively affect her schooling. He didn\'t want her thinking that his and Karen\'s sexual adventure\'s were a normal relationship. God forbid she turned out like Karen and became so loose with her partner. If he had a choice he wouldn\'t let a single boy come near her until she was 30. Hmm now that he thought about it his own relationship with Mary wasn\'t all that normal either. Oh well let\'s just ignore that thought and focus on placating the currently pouting Mary.

[Putting that aside what did you make for dinner?] - Austin

[Oh! Oh! I made Big Brother\'s favorite! Beef Stroganoff with rice and Buttered Spinach as our greens!] - Mary

I made a face at the Spinach component but the rest of it sounded fantastic so I patted her head and quickly took off my shoes before proceeding to the living room/dining area. Being too poor to afford anything too extravagant in regards to housing we lived in a two bedroom apartment within walking distance of my work and even the dojo. The only real distance we had to go was to Mary\'s school as she refused to ride a bus and would only accept me dropping her off. She\'d even demanded a goodbye kiss several times recently and being unable to really refuse her I relented to a kiss on the cheek. She seemed to be somewhat irritated when I did that though for some reason.


Sitting down at the table to eat we turned on MetFlix to watch some anime during dinner, the one Mary selected was some siscon type love story that she seemed to like for some reason. I even recognized the one she selected since we\'d finished it before.

[Huh? Didn\'t we watch that one already?] - Austin

[Yeah but I absolutely love the ending with the sister finally getting her love returned and living happily ever after with her beloved brother! So Romantic!] - Mary

I frowned at her comment and beaming face but decided not to comment on it since it wasn\'t a road I wanted to pursue. Plus my favorite genre, Isekai, had it\'s fair share of brother/sister type relationships so I didn\'t really have the right to criticize. Right as I was thinking about these things the wall phone rang and I got up to answer leaving my sister to her daydreaming.

[This is Austin. Who am I speaking to?] - Austin

[.......] - ???

[Hello? Is anyone there?] - Austin

[.......] - ???

[I can hear you breathing on the other line, who is this?] - Austin

[.......the prophesized time is upon us. Your role will be the most important but not as you are.] - ???

The voice that finally spoke was extremely gravely and sounded like several voices layered on top of each other but before I could respond to his? her? mysterious statement I heard the dead line tone.

[Tch! They hung up! Who was that anyway?] - Austin

I turned to sit back down at the dining table but noticed that Mary was nowhere to be found and after panicking and calling her name a bit she yelled from the bathroom that she was taking a bath and not to peak.

[W-Who would peak at their own little sister stupid?!!?] - Austin

After our exchange I decided I was no longer hungry and scooped the leftover\'s into two container\'s, one for each of us. Putting the two Fupperware into the fridge I suddenly realized that I\'d forgotten to start laundry and quickly gathered up each of our hamper\'s before heading towards the bathroom, completely forgetting that Mary was still inside while humming to myself.

Opening the door to the laundry room I saw the steamy door of the bathroom ahead of my and suddenly remembered that my little sister was still currently in there and after worrying a bit I decided to quickly finish up starting the laundry machine before she finished and came into the laundry room for her change of clothes. Reality had other plans though as just as I leaned towards the machine I heard the creak of a door opening and heard my little sister behind me.

[B-Big Brother? W-What are you doing?] - Mary

[J-Just doing L-Laundry for tomorrow! Umm I\'ll finish this up and leave!] - Austin

Resisting every urge I had to turn towards the person behind me I kept my eyes firmly on the machine in front of me and shovelled the clothing into in as fast as possible before escaping the scene. So focused on escaping I didn\'t hear her comment under her breath as she didn\'t even attempt to cover herself.

[Tch! I\'d finally gotten him right where I wanted! Damn!] - Mary


[B-Big Brother... The water\'s ready for you....] - Mary

My face instantly went red as I remembered the incident a couple minute\'s ago and I nodded stiffly while hurrying towards the bathroom firmly keeping my head straight ahead while avoiding looking at the source of my distress, my little sister who was currently only using a towel to cover herself.

Sinking into the hot water I sighed and relaxed, allowing the water to wash away any thoughts other than warmth and happiness. Despite that I felt my little buddy stirring slightly and glanced down at it before sighing again.

[Looks like I\'ll need to ask Kare Kare to let me join her sometime soon or else I might just snap and do something I\'ll regret.] - Austin


The next day I woke up early to get ready for the day only to realize that Mary had snuck into my bed again and lightly extricating myself from her in order to not wake her up I started preparing breakfast in the kitchen whilst being careful not to make too much noise.

Just as I finished the eggs I saw Mary come plodding out of the room while rubbing her eye\'s sleepily and yawning. Seeing this I frowned.

[Go wash your face first and after we finish eating breakfast make sure to pack everything you need for your sleepover.] - Austin

[Mhm....] - Mary

Not being a morning person the only thing my little sister did was make a little noise while nodding her head as she turned around and plodded into the bathroom with all the speed of a zombie with broken legs.

[You won\'t spend any time with that homewrecker harlot while I\'m gone right?] - Mary

Mary stuck her head out of the laundry room door and glared at me while saying incomprehensible things. I sighed and stared her down until she sheepishly retreated back into the laundry room, hopefully to wash her face like she was told to.


[Okay! Did you remember everything? Do you have a change of underwear? How about your toiletries?] - Austin

Checking her overnight bag while asking questions I didn\'t notice her gradually reddening face and just received an affirmative from her before guiding her into the car and driving her to school.

The drive only really took 15 minutes or so and was technically within walking distance but just like the bus she refused to walk to school without giving any explanation beyond wanting to show all the harlot\'s that I belong to her. I wasn\'t sure who she was referring to but decided it wasn\'t too important. When I\'d shaken my head at the time I could have sworn she said something about a dense harem protagonist but I couldn\'t remember watching any anime like that recently so I figured I probably misheard her.

[Okay I love you Big Brother! Good bye kiss?!?] - Mary

[Geez you\'re too spoiled!] - Austin

I kissed her cheek as I saw her off and saw people I assumed were her friends giving her a thumbs up for some reason. Shaking my head I got back in my car to head to work.


I sighed to myself with relief, another day down and today I could go out and play a little without worrying about my little sister being by herself. Deciding to make the most of my time I dodged out of my workspace before I could be ambushed by Beth. I could hear her behind me asking my coworker\'s if they\'d seen me but I was hurrying along as fast as possible and didn\'t hear their reply.

Successfully escaping my building I jogged to the dojo for practice and noticed that Karen wasn\'t in the lineup today. She must have drank too much the night before and still be sleeping off the aftereffects. Putting her out of mind for the moment I focused on moving my body and before I knew it practice was ending and I found myself knocking on Master Lao Shi\'s office door and it opened slightly after a couple seconds.

Noticing that Master Lao Shi was still at his desk on the opposite side of the room I was curious how the door had opened but seeing him indicate to sit in the chair across from him I put it out of my head.

[Why did you call me here Master Lao Shi? It\'s not renewal right?] - Austin

[No no. That\'s not for another 2 months so don\'t worry about it. No, this is far more serious than some money issues boy.] - Lao Shi

Hearing Master\'s tone shift to be more serious I gulped nervously and Karen\'s crazy theory popped into my mind again. But that was a ridiculous idea afterall 1000 year old immortals are only something that appears in anime. Although Master Lao Shi fit the standard anime old man to a T, even the tendency for them to be ridiculously overpowered. Master frowned at my expression before continuing.

[Pay attention Boy! What I\'m about to tell you is important!] - Lao Shi

[Yes Master! Sorry Master!] - Austin

[Good. Then I\'ll get right to the point. I\'m not from this world.] - Lao Shi

[Huh....?] - Austin

Hearing what Master said my brain suddenly stopped, trying to process his words seemingly too much causing Austin.exe to stop working momentarily as I froze. Master sighed and shook his head wearily.

[I guess just saying that won\'t be believed but I can assure you it\'s true. I came from a small world called Martial God Realm and intended to hide here for the rest of my days but I recently felt a portent of doom hanging around your neck and decided it was easier just to reveal myself to the person I\'d chosen to inherit my will rather than try a protect you from the shadows.] - Lao Shi

[......................] - Austin

I didn\'t know what I had expected but it certainly wasn\'t this, also seriously? Reverse-Isekai was a thing? Wait wait wait! I was jumping the gun here and while Master certainly seemed to be serious this could all be an elaborate prank or...

[It\'s no prank boy.] - Lao Shi

Huh? Could he read my mind? Was everything being heard by him this whole time. Oh no! Could he also read Kare Kare\'s mind? Poor guy....

[I feel like you\'re making some kind of misunderstanding but just letting you know I can\'t read minds or anything. It was just really easy to guess what you were thinking.] - Lao Shi

[S-So is everything you said true? Are you really an alien?] - Austin

[....when did I say I was an alien, boy? I\'m full-blooded human, well mostly. Divinity does weird stuff with bloodline\'s sometimes.] - Lao Shi

Hearing Master\'s comments my blood froze once again. Kare was right! He\'s some kind of 1000 year old deity from another world and he said I\'m his inheritor!?!? Oh crap I was starting to get excited. I didn\'t even care if this was some elaborate prank at this point and was already daydreaming of things like "Status" panels and using magic before Master broke me out of my daydream suddenly. His next words drove me back into despair.

[Before you think of any kind of stupid stuff let me tell you that while I said you would be my inheritor you still won\'t be able to use anything really powerful on this plane, even a deity like myself can only use 10% of my power in this realm. Someone like you would be lucky if you can bend a spoon from across the room.] - Lao Shi

[That being said, it seems to be getting late and you won\'t be starting your true training for some time yet. Just remember what I said about being careful, I only revealed myself at this moment because you are tottering on the edge of death and you being cautious will make it easier for me to protect you. Now go on! Git boy!] - Lao Shi

Rushed out by Master I started grinning to myself and noticing that during my exchange with Master I\'d gotten a text from Kare Kare I decided to meet up at the bar she had called me to. I felt like celebrating afterall.


Stumbling out of the bar several hours later with Karen and I supporting each other we started walking back towards her place, mine being too far for us to reach in our drunken state and since her place didn\'t currently have any guests it was the best option. Laughing to myself I once again started rambling about 1000 year old deities taking me under their wing and Karen, being slightly more sober than I was, guided us in the right direction.

Everything was going well until Karen had to let go of my arm to fumble with her keys and as she did so I felt the world suddenly tilt sideways and the ground rushed up to greet me. Karen, realizing what happened instantly turned to grab my hand but that turned out to be the wrong move as her movement pushed me further than I\'d originally been falling and causing me to stumble into the street, right into the path of a coming pickup truck.

Still not fully aware of what was going on and only feeling intense pain from my entire body I saw the blurry face of Kare Kare above me except instead of a cheerful face her beautiful face was marred by tears as she kept repeating that she was sorry for some reason. Wanting to comfort her I reached out a blood soaked hand and caressed her cheek.

[It\'ll be fine Kare Kare, Master\'s going to teach me deity stuff. He\'ll probably teach you too...] - Austin

Karen\'s face stiffened and even more tears flowed out of her eyes for some reason but it was getting hard to think and my body felt so heavy that I couldn\'t ask what was wrong. A nap should be fine right? I\'ll ask her after I sleep for a little bit. Just a little bit....
