I Login Alone

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Marina Beassette looks at Jung Si-woo with worrying eyes.

“Are you sure you're okay? That's a lot of monsters. ”

“The number of enemies is not worth considering. No matter how many enemies there are, at least, they can't protect my body. ”

“It sounds very ignorant, but it's strangely persuasive.... ”

The operation is simple. One draws attention and one kills the leader. Of course, Jung Si-woo was in charge of the distracting role.

Charging into tens of thousands of monsters was impossible, not just courage, but Jungwoo tilted his head to see Marina Viset worried about him.

“No, I don't see anyone stronger than me. What are you worried about? ”

“There are tens of thousands of monsters... ”

Marina Beassette, who was embarrassed and refuted, suddenly remembered one thing. When she fought hundreds of monsters earlier, she was exhausted, but dull from the beginning to the end. You slam your enemies with a sledgehammer that weighs tens of pounds, but your breath doesn't even get rough.

“How strong are you...? ”

Of course, as players level up, their stamina status also grows, along with their magical strength and strength. Although Jung Shiwoo's stamina stats were twice as fast as other players, the Marina Viset's stamina, which had surpassed level 200 long before Jung Shiwoo, was never slower than Jung Shiwoo's.

by the number of interfaces that you can see everywhere.

“Take a guess with your own eyes. ”


The status cannot reveal all player information. Scanning the body everywhere shows the four most obvious indicators that can be expressed, but it cannot reveal the possibilities of the body constantly changing as it interacts.

One of them was representative, and it was a natural resilience.

“Stay hidden. ”

“Chance, you've got to make sure. ”

Marina Beassette covers her tracks quietly with a duffel gun. Jung Siu nods and grabs the hammer out of his arms.

Then, without hesitation, you rush towards the monsters.


He revealed the life he had concealed to this moment and put out War Kri.

Even the monsters who killed themselves and sprayed blood on the earth, and the elite monsters who encouraged them to wield my weapon in the air, and the lion-shaped monsters who were buried in the center of them repeatedly with strange screams, all focused on Jung Siu.


[Strong sacrifice!]

[Let's kill him and sacrifice him as a final sacrifice!]

“The sound of his sacrifice will leave a mark on his ear. ”

“Hey, watch out! ”

Hundreds of fireballs came to mind in the air. The red-eyed man who appeared to be beyond the lion's pavement was staring straight at Jung Si-woo. If you say all those fireballs were made by the boss, you're really good at it.

However, it seems that all the elite monsters around him were trembling because they were exploiting other monsters, not the pure boss' power. Maybe it has something to do with their ritual.

“I don't have time for a cold analysis right now! ”

“Do you think I'm going to get attacked by something so obvious? ”

Jung Si-woo's speed became faster. A few fireballs remain intact, and Jung Si-woo grabs a single Goblin and throws him a hot stone. Goblins flying at over 200 kilometers an hour explode violently into a ball of fire.


[Queek, queek! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! It was a sacrifice!]

He gives you an approximate idea of the fireball's power, nodding and capturing the surrounding monsters again. Reading the trajectory of fireballs flying from all around, he hurls monsters in advance that he cannot avoid and bursts in the middle.

‘It won't hurt much if you get hit head-on, but you don't have to waste your health....... But how many shots do I have to take to resist fire? ’

Jung Si-woo doesn't lie. No matter how many enemies there were, no matter how many skills the enemy handled, Jung Shi Woo didn't change much.

Avoid what can be avoided, prevent what can be stopped, and halt what cannot be avoided or prevented. It was something anyone could do with their eyes wide open.

“I just want to smack you so hard with my eyes wide open. ”

“In fact, I... ”

When Jung Siu finished calculating the trajectory of all the fireballs, he hurled headlong into the baptism of the fireballs. Suarin squeals and closes her eyes tightly, but she glances at you.

Dozens, hundreds of fireballs swirling faster than a Major Rigger pitcher throws. Jung Si-woo's fantastic sprint over all of them artistically.


[He wants us to kill him ourselves!]

[Sacrifice, sacrifice ritual! Kill him all! Kill him!]

Everyone was overwhelmed, but the monsters didn't die. On behalf of Jung Shiwoo, a group of monsters rushing through the corpses of fallen comrades who were hit by a fireball, Jungwoo grinds them neatly with a hammer as he expected.

“Save Mana, brother! ”

“I'm not using Mana. ”

“Yes!? ”

Zhongxiu submits himself to the centrifugal power of the hammer, swiftly turning around and pushing them back. Every time Hammer went into the air, the torso of all the monsters blocking his eyes burst. It didn't matter what level it was on.

But what, you're not dealing with Mana? Suarin could not believe it. At least none of the players she knew were able to produce these startling results without dealing with Mana.

It was no longer a matter of level. It wasn't Status's problem, of course. It was an unbelievable force called power.

‘It's all about the Heavy Weapon Battle. Even though it's only level 2, you can only add such overwhelming power... It's like you've got another heart. ’

Jung Si-woo smiled deeply. The more aggressive he gets, the stronger the hammer gets. The moment Jung Siu drew a trajectory he could be satisfied with, his destructive power reached its limit.

Predicting his attack trajectory and moving his body had no meaning. The place where the hammer crossed and passed, the torso of the orc that came at him aiming for a gap, was struck back in its trajectory and floated into the air. It explodes in front of a flamethrower as it flies away.


Mana was consumed only by War Cry. I don't need more or less now. More than 90% of monsters filled with the Blue Rod are mobs below level 100!

They flock to him like madness to punish the creature who is attacking and killing a few allies, first and foremost, according to their leader's orders. The leader put the fireball into range as if he had been aiming for it from the beginning. He wants to kill Jung Si-woo, even if he kills all his men.

[The altar is full of blood. Sacrifice him and everything will be perfect!]

The altar? Jung Si-woo's ears were deafened by the familiar echo. But there's no way he can answer that question, and he teases himself with it in mind.

About that time, the endless fireball rains stopped. The leader stares at Jung Si-woo with red eyes. Extremely degrading. However, Suarin whispered to him, smirking.

“It's not the end, brother. I don't know if it's just his Mana, but he's using other elite monsters as well. I'll attack you after I make you careless. It's also likely to be fast and secret magic. ”

“I understand. As long as you know the timing of the attack, you can avoid it. Don't worry. ”

“I don't know about that relaxed attitude. ”

Jung Si-woo suddenly nodded and made fun of himself. You rush headlong into the myriad of monsters, wielding a hammer, and shouting.

Thousands of monsters died in the fireball of the leader, but the number of monsters that were thrown into the whirling hammer was never pushed back by Jung Siu's charge.

“What, you're a monster.... ”

Marina Beassette, who was hiding and aiming for the timing, mutters nonsense as she watches Jung Si-woo's battle. If she had been running around like that, she would have already been out of breath and missed.

But how about punctuality? With both legs firmly planted on the ground, Sledge Hammer in his hands does not swing a single moment in vain.

Every attack he makes is a desperate blow, but his enemies don't reach him, so the monsters he strikes at him seem reckless like Don Quixote striking at a windmill.

Of course, the monsters who are fighting him are not so strong. She was the only one who could kill them as lightly as a bug. But the result is the same, and in the rest she will never be able to pursue him.

Jung Si-woo's movements were as bold and fearless as a beast, but meticulous and free of waste. He knew exactly how to handle the power and acted accordingly.

He realized he had no talent for physical abilities and was completely different from Marina herself, focusing on dealing with Mana early on. Like all the other players, of course.

‘I thought my ability to handle Mana was special, but it wasn't. It was a silly mistake. ’

Marina was so talented that she had never been jealous of anyone in her life that for the first time, she was jealous of someone else. But he also felt that confident. As long as he's in front of her, Marina won't have to worry about being attacked by monsters.

It was only then that I realized that the monster leader's condition was a little strange.

‘His Mana is moving in secret. Another Elite Monster as an offering...! ’

It's a mindless magic unlike a fireball. He's in danger!

However, even if I wanted to warn you, the two operations will be completely wrong as soon as they reveal themselves. By the way, when we attacked the leader, the Mana barrier around him was too thick.

She had already given the pistol as much Mana as she could handle. It was a miracle to be able to hide its existence until the moment before it was launched. Once you attack, there is no next. We must flee without defeating the leader.

‘That's the worst. Ugh, what do I do? How?

But the conclusion was surprisingly quick.

We should get Jung Si-woo.

In her opinion, the death of that man who is likely to become stronger in the future was a greater loss than that of South Korea because of a failed operation.


But just as she was about to make her move after making her decision, the chief's magic triggered one step faster. I could also realize the identity.

The Devil's Hand. A magic that combines land and dark attributes to trigger them. It was a terrifying enchantment of the immediate family of uplifted hands that grabbed the target and dragged him underground.

It was categorized as purely dark magic, and even she, standing on the front lines of a 33rd level dungeon, was a vicious magic that had barely known its existence.

‘I have no other way to stop it than magical resistance!' ’

One of the most powerful magic in the interpersonal family that is targeted and triggered. I had to watch him disappear...... right when I thought he was gone.

The dark hand that protrudes from all sides and grabs his legs, scattered at one roll of his feet and disappears.


"Yes!? ’

She barely managed to suppress the shout that was about to pop out of her mouth. I can't believe you got rid of the Dark Magic by rolling your feet! But, but…….

"Best Chance! ’

She instinctively raises her arms. The twin pistol condensed to the extreme, Mana aims at the lion that is revealing a bewildering aura as the incantation of the incarnation's magic is nullified.


She pulls the trigger without hesitation.

Bullets from the world's most powerful marksman, Marina Beassett, blow his head off.