I Login Alone

259 259Usd.

[Why do I have to do this? Why!]

[She's so noisy, why don't you just kill her too?]

“If you can keep your voice down, attack! ”

It was fair to say that Jung Siu and all those who followed him fought Hector. It was because Hector's power surged at once, and all the power he had in his ministry came out from all over the world to bury Jung Si-woo and others.

Of course, everyone was busy moving to stop it.

[Die! Die, Hector! It's all because of this son of a bitch that I went through!]

[Yes, kill him!]

I had originally fought to become the last man in the war of the gods, but when Jung Shiwoo met a natural disaster, he lost his home, his home, his theft, and the wrath of the Mankind exploded toward Hector.

Their power is at a level that never kneels before another party who has fought with countless gods and has been empowered! Hector had the power to destroy the world itself, but the power of the gods was unbearable to break it.

[Yeah, just run like that. Rush with fury. I'll take it all!]

Hector's ability to act effectively on attenuated subjects. His enormous power consumes all power and devours it with the power of the dragon! That was Hector's background so far. But there was Jung Si-woo here.

“Ha, what a half-wit. ”

In the process of siphoning the power of countless gods, he had already surpassed the SSS rank, beating Hector's body in accordance with Jung Siu's command, whether to call it artifact or living life.

[Khh... Hahahahaha! It's been a long time. It's been a long time. This power too shall be mine!]

Hector laughs at Hammer's attack, which is not enough to destroy the world in a single blow. At the same time, he exerted his power and invaded Jung Shiwoo's drink. Attempting to rob Jung Shiu of Mana!

[Transcendent, where is your power headed? Are your desires consistent with the path you're on!]

“What do I know? ”

All gods are reborn as transcendents, confirming the moment they match their own desires and origins. Hector was no exception. When Hector chose God over the dragon, Hector believed himself to be a true dragon.

But not on time. Of course, it is clear that he was born with a unique ability to rule. But he didn't think that himself would be expressed by it, and he didn't think about getting caught up in any particular word.

“The God of Lightning is the God of Death in the first place, so I don't like the idea of showing up like a fool. Is that really all you got? Are you good enough to define yourself? No. Are you sure there's no one to beat you with the power in the first place? That's a fun way to walk in one direction! ”

[Why is the splash damage splattering this way, you rude human! Eek, hecto's scales are flying!]

It's a very boring way of thinking! I'm sick and tired of my teeth. Jung Shiwoo grips the hammer. At that moment, the super-strength of the Master-level broke Hector's woundless scales for the first time!

[Hehe, that's why you can't become a god after all. That's why you can't outrun me!]

Nevertheless, Hector smiles gladly. I was convinced by Jung Si-woo's answer.

[To be a true transcendent... … To rise above human perception, we must accept it! Make sure that everyone remembers this Hector when they think of his power! And it makes me strong again!]

Hector's stealing power rocks Xingxiu hard. His spirit, which was not shaken by any god, is shaken for the first time at this moment. Jung Si-woo gripped his teeth. Is it because you couldn't make the master's portrait? No, it's got nothing to do with that.

[It's mine. It's mine. It's mine!]


Hector's unique power shook the whole world. Mana, who was full of the world, was sucked into Hector's body for days. It was an unbelievably strong will for even the gods of the past.

[Monster... Rude Human, defeat that monster!]

[I was hoping for a boost. But now attack. The only chance we have of taking him down is now!]

The lightning bolt of Lya, Lance of Yongseha, the Great Sword of Kena, Martan of Marina, the magic of Seria, the torch of Eriu, and the stream of Ceiraxia attacked Hector. With all the power of the attributes attacking Hector at once, it seemed as if the whole world was attacking Hector.

[But they're all mine!]

“You monster! ”

Nevertheless, some of them were absorbed by Hector at the moment of impact and rather fattened Hector. He makes everything his own, and makes it happen. Jung Si-woo's expression of a strong will!

[Understood, Human. Do you now understand that all of you must be mine?]

“Son of a bitch. ”

Jung Si-woo's eyes popped open with fire. Jung Siu is also as strong as Hecto. Even now, Jung Si-woo's anger reached a threshold, as he felt the sinister mania's hand in destroying his drink and taking over Mana.

“I can only pick one thing, so I only have one conclusion to take everything...! ”

Robbery is the power to steal. The source of the dragon. But dealing with what has been taken is another realm. Minerals knew it, Hector knew it, but ignored it. To become a god. To define yourself as a god.

“The power you were dealing with, I didn't like anything from the start! ”

Jung Si-woo's hammer grew big again. At that point, the hammer lost its natural appearance and remained only in the form of massive energy, but the power of the extortion from Hector's trunk no longer touched the hammer.

The moment I touched the hammer that became one with Jung Shiwoo itself, even the power of robbery was erased. Should I say it worked? No... It would be right if they naturally became one.


Hector has detected the defect. I didn't realize exactly what was happening, but I could only realize that it was a bad sign for me. I'm nervous about his whole body. The body, which is too heavy to move well, trembles.

[Cow, it's no use. Don't you see the difference between you and me yet? You give up, I'm still walking. There is only me in that path. But there's so much you have to protect besides yourself in the path you're walking right now!]

I was afraid to touch Jung Shi Woo, so I was just trying to twist his insides. In fact, Hector's tentacles grin together at Jung Shi Woo's party, and Jung Shi Woo's expression distorts again.

Hector thought his choice was effective, but in fact it was a bad choice. I don't want Jung Si-woo to get taken away. I hated it.

“All of you... get lost! ”

The wind blows. It's not Fruta's wind, nor Hector's. It's Jung Siu's. From Hector's body, all the tentacles with the power of extortion that was spreading from all over the world were cut off. At the next moment, it reconciled in the form of pure energy and flew to Jung Siu.

[Unique Ability Control has reached Lv10.]


At that moment, everything changed. All of the Mana that Hector had stretched out against the owner gathered around Jung Siu. Hector expressing his power urgently, but Mana, who was following Jung Siu's orders, no longer listened to the previous owner.

[Drunk skill becomes Lv100 and evolves into a synthetic with a super-strength skill.]

Jung Si-woo had an unexpected incident. But I didn't care. I don't care about Status, which means I don't care who calls Jung Siwoo and Jung Siwoo what they call it anymore.

[Unique abilities, violence. Absolute power cannot be defined by anything, so the answer lies only in the place of its owner, your will.]

No matter how his power merges and he changes, no matter how his name is changed, his skills or abilities are irrelevant. Jung Siwoo instinctively knows how to handle it. His personality proves by his actions, not by shame or letters.


Jungwoo already knows that all of them are made into one. I thought the gods had already walked, but in the end, no one, including the mineral dragons, could walk properly.

You're on your feet now.

[You, just now, no, that too, my……!]

Hector's desire was endless, and as soon as he realized that Jung Si-woo had gained new power, he instinctively exerted that desire as well. But that was the biggest mistake he ever made.

“I don't have any more food for pigs that I just want to take away. ”

The stalk of power emanating from Hector is immersed in Jung Siu's body. At that moment, Hector realized he could no longer take any action. The power of the hijacking that must be taken from the opposing Pokémon is being surrendered to the opposing Pokémon and handed over to the opposing Pokémon instead.

I don't know how it happened. He didn't even know the power he was dealing with.

[Oh my God, at the end...!]

When he referred to himself as Power, he was trapped in a world called Power. The world was so vast and so deep that it thought it was infinite, but now a greater force was emerging to destroy it.

Only then did he realize that there was true power beyond his reach.

“What are you all doing? ”

Zhongxiu turns his head, leaving Hector behind who can barely stand up. He only noticed that there was a huge flow of power there, and his clans, who were holding their hands quietly, could not tell if Jung Siu was winning or if Hector was winning.

“Catch a pig. ”

[That's the best thing I've ever heard you say!]

Lya fires lightning with a big smile. I poured out all the remaining Mana on myself as if I didn't want the rest of the clans to lose, preparing for the most beautiful and huge blow.

The same was true of Jung Si-woo. I'm confused if this is a punishment for drinking or for drinking... But he focused his strength on something in his hands. Is this violence? Well, maybe it is. In fact, it didn't matter how.

What are you... going to do?]

Hector barely speaks. I thought I was familiar with it, but the final boss used to say in the game.

[Even after this, the same thing will happen…….]

“Why do these people talk about all kinds of shit to the end like they care about the future of the world and peace in the last minute...?" ”

Jung Si-woo seriously thought about it, but there was no answer. You wouldn't teach me if I asked you, would you? Then there's nothing I can do.

[Stupid, recapturing... history!]

“Adios! Say hello to your brother! ”



[Cough, cough, cough!]

As Jung Siu strikes the hammer, Hector's body is mopped up by gunfire. The Mana Hector has built so far has not been able to kill in a single blow, but their power is also not ridiculous!

After five minutes of hammering, he was able to completely eradicate his bioreactions.

[Level has increased by 1.]

[Magic Power +19 permanently.]


Jung Siwoo turned away, freshly wiping off his brow. The group sees that no one has died and smiles fairly well on his face. Well, I didn't need to think about what to do in the future either. I'm too busy doing what I want to do right now.

So, what he wants to do most right now…….

“Then let's eat, kids! ”

On that day, the greatest dragon banquet in the world was held.