I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 993: Collective amnesia, conflicts rise sharply


Mu Bai, who stepped into the space gate, naturally did not know the changes in the statues behind him.

Only after he came out, he saw the person sitting on the floor outside, everyone closed their eyes and full of purple gas.

"These people haven\'t finished refining yet?"

Looking at these people, Mu Bai also saw Mamen and others who had entered with him before, and they were all sitting there at this time.


But before he could react, the purple qi on those people disappeared, and he also suddenly felt a spread of power.

"this is?"

Enveloped by this power, Mu Bai did not resist the unsaved power that followed it. The next second, he felt the scene before him changed again.


Seeing this familiar scene, Mu Bai was stunned again. He didn\'t expect that he had just come out of the land of inheritance, and these would come out of the land of time and yuan.

"arctic fox!"

"arctic fox!"

As soon as he came out, Mu Bai heard someone calling himself, and what he saw was Hongyu and Haiyuan.

"Hi everybody."

Seeing them, Mu Bai greeted them enthusiastically, and then looked up and down them.

"Well, do you feel wrong?"

After coming over, Hongyu looked at Mu Bai with some doubts in his expression.

Not only him, but even Haiyuan.

Because the memories of the two of them were not preserved, they knew nothing at this time.

Now they don\'t understand, it\'s still normal.


Wen Yan also pretended not to know, and said thoughtfully: "I also think something is wrong."

"It looks like, didn\'t we go in? Why did we come out all at once."

Looking at the two of them, Mu Bai directly said the doubts in their hearts.


Hearing what he said, Haiyuan and Hongyu nodded again and again, as if agreeing.

"Yes, that is, we have clearly entered, but now this situation..."

"Yeah, we have already entered. This is completely out of our memory."

When the two heard Mu Bai\'s words, they all agreed.

At this time Guan Qinglian also walked up: "Brother Haiyuan, Brother Hongyu, I don\'t know about you..."

"Does it feel wrong..."

Mu Bai, who is now in a state of acting, naturally knows what she wants to say.

So when he waited for Guan Qinglian to say something, he took her.


"We have clearly entered!"

Guan Qinglian\'s voice was loud, and people who were still confused immediately looked at him.

"But how do I feel that we just opened our eyes and closed our eyes and stayed where we were!"

"Yes, yes, I feel that way too!"

"Yes, as Master Qinglian said, we seem to be like this."

"Could it be that what we entered was just fantasy, or did we not enter at all?"

"Impossible, I remember my memory at that time, it was us who went in."

Suddenly, after Guan Qinglian had finished speaking, everyone immediately began to discuss.

This makes the originally quiet place instantly become lively,

Looking at the bustling place, Hongyu and Haiyuan glanced at each other, both of them were surprised in each other\'s eyes.

Of course not only them, but even Mammon and others are discussing at this time.

Each of them has a look of doubt on their faces. The most important thing is that they have seen that they have reduced a lot of people and their faces are quite ugly.

"Something\'s wrong, we obviously have so many people, but there are so few."

Looking at the reduced number of people, Mamen wanted to look ugly. He didn\'t expect that, it seemed that there were countless people missing from his side for a moment.

These are all elites in their clan.

"Go, ask!"

Mamen glanced around, and when he found Moffa and Ino, he walked straight over.

"No, my cultivation base has increased a lot!"

Just when Mamen and the others met, Haiyuan and the others here also found that they were wrong.

There is their cultivation base, which has grown a lot.

This discovery immediately aroused the attention of many people. Their expressions were both surprised and joyful. It seemed that they did not expect that their cultivation base had increased.

However, growth is growth, but there is no memory.

"Yeah, I am about to reach the point of breaking through the immortal realm."

At this moment, Hai Yuan couldn\'t help but be surprised when he discovered his cultivation.

Finally, he suddenly thought of something.

"Did we enter, but because of what circumstances, there is no memory?"

His words were so close to the truth that even Mu Bai couldn\'t help but be surprised.

The IQ of these people is really high...


When Hongyu heard what he said, he couldn\'t help but nod his head and agreed.

Even some people around are in agreement.

I have to say that all the people present have seen the world. Although they don\'t remember anything, they can rely on their instincts to find out what\'s wrong during this period.

Whether it was Hongyu or Haiyuan, they had discovered something wrong at this time.

Only Mu Bai stood there and said nothing, just looking at them and saying, in fact, this is what the old man said before.

If he treats these people frankly and tells what\'s inside, there won\'t be anything wrong, but if it spreads out, it will indeed cause him great trouble.

For Mu Bai, Mu Bai always stayed away, so he chose to hide it.

After all, he didn\'t intend to talk about his inheritance. He was mainly afraid of the ground and was also targeted.

It\'s okay if he grows up, but he hasn\'t grown up now, so many things can get rich silently.

"Hongyu, Haiyuan!"

However, just as a few people were guessing, Namammen, Yinuo and others came with the mighty people, with an angry expression, as if they were about to swallow them raw.

"Why, Mammon, what are you doing?"

Looking at each other\'s unkindness, Haiyuan and Hongyu were standing in the forefront, guarding them to prevent them from suddenly shooting.

"Something? It\'s big!"

Hearing Haiyuan\'s words, Mamen looked at him fiercely: "I felt the blood of my Celestial Demon Race on your body, and I sensed that my brother\'s jade pendant is right there with you!"

Mamen said angrily at this time, he was actually after chatting with Yinuo and others, and like Hongyu and others, they found the problem here.

At first he thought, and went back to study later, but when he was looking for his brother, something suddenly went wrong.

That is, he didn\'t find his brother.

Mammon is very fond of her younger brother.

So he was gone, Mamen would naturally look for it, and finally he found it on Haiyuan through the jade pendant he gave before, and then brought people over.

As for Yinuo and others, it is simply to boost the momentum, by the way, see if there is any oil and water fishing.


Hearing that Hai Yuan frowned, he didn\'t know what was going on, but he still looked for something in his storage ring very cooperatively.

Then he took out a lot of jade pendants, and after seeing one of the bright red jade pendants, Mamen immediately pointed at it: "That\'s it!"

"Say, how could you have it!"

"Where is my brother?"

In an instant, a murderous aura appeared on Mamen, as if he was about to do it immediately.

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