I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 938: The true face of the indigenous

"Ha ha!"

It seemed that he heard one of Mu Bai\'s refusal, Kumza flashed a wry smile.

When I want to come, he also knows how outrageous his words are.

However, he did not want to give up.

Immediately he looked ruthless, and said seriously to Mu Bai: "Bai Fox, I know you think this cooperation is a bit absurd and even impractical."

"But I\'m serious, I want to ask you to kill more people."

When he said this, Kumza\'s posture was very low, and a trace of loneliness flashed across his face.

If it was not caused by life, he would not do such a thing.

But all this is to survive.


Hearing his words, Mu Bai didn\'t answer immediately, but looked at him seriously.

Pang Hu and others beside him did not say anything at this time, they were all waiting for Mu Bai\'s instructions.

Although they felt that the murder cooperation was somewhat absurd, they did not express their opinions.

Because they have opinions, they can mention them privately instead of telling their leaders in front of outsiders.

They still understand this rule.

"Cooperate, let me kill more people."

Finally, Mu Bai slowly uttered aloud under the gaze of everyone, and at the same time opened his purple-golden eyes, looking at Kumza with majesty: "Can I understand that the more people die, the more you or you The race is more advantageous."


Upon hearing this, several people looked at Mu Bai one after another, and Jin Mo and others also looked at Kumza.

When they discovered that they were seriously shocked, they felt that Mu Bai\'s words might have been inseparable.

The more people die, the better...

After determining this line of thought, Jin Mo and others recalled in their minds whether there was a similar situation in the universe.

Because of all this, it is so weird.

Kumza was also a little horrified at this time. He didn\'t expect that Mu Bai would dare to guess like this with just one sentence.

Sure enough, it is indeed the white fox.

Thinking of this, Kumza was somewhat amazed.

As a native of this, he is naturally informed.

During this period of time, he also understood the name of the white fox.

The second genius of the universe is now recognized by everyone for his talent, and the magical powers of time have made all races jealous.


In the end, Kumza didn\'t hide it either. Anyway, he was ready for a showdown this time.

After all, no one wants to cooperate with unknown people, let alone this matter...

It\'s time to say it too!

Thinking of this, Kumza sighed, then looked at Mu Bai: "I don\'t know Baihu, what do you think of us..."

"you guys?"

Hearing this, Mu Bai was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, knowing what Kumza meant, and immediately he looked around, and then continued: "You are a group of people who should have died in history but survived unexpectedly."


Hearing his words, Kumza\'s eyes lit up, and then he thought of something: "Could it be that Baihu, you know our identity?"

"Know, the race that should be extinct in history, the Archer Clan. You are good at bows and arrows. The ancestors once had a record of killing three star masters with a sword.

Then Mu Bai said that Kumza\'s identity was actually for the Arrow Clan.

It was also a race that he only knew when he learned about his bow and arrow attainments and learned about it.

This race is very small and rarely appears in the public eye. Unlike the Titans, it is well known even if it has been perished for many years.


Hearing Mu Bai\'s words, Kumza looked like you already knew, but Jin Mo and the others looked at Kumza in surprise, with a look that couldn\'t believe it.

Because they know that only when everyone in a race is extinct, the void critical monument that collects race inheritance will appear.

This is the iron law and the law.

But they just heard what Mu Bai said, that it was extinct in history.

This means that in the history of the universe, it has been confirmed that the Void Critical Monument has taken away their race inheritance. If this is the case, then they should not be left.

But now seeing Kumza\'s expression, they knew that Mu Bai had not made a mistake, and that there were still alive people in the Arrow Clan.

Wrongly received the Void Critical Monument?

Suddenly, several people looked at each other one after another, and at the same time they also understood why Mu Bai looked at them before saying this.

The meaning is obvious. Today’s conversation is rotten in the stomach,

They are not idiots. Naturally, they dare not say such things that are counterintuitive and break cognition.

And to convince them that this matter is not simple, it is still Kumza\'s words later.

"Yes, as you said, the white fox, our race is dead."

"The Void Critical Monument has acquiesced that we are dead, but we still have people!"

Speaking of this, Kumza became extremely excited, I don\'t know why, but everyone obviously felt a strong hatred and hatred from him.


Hearing what he said, Mu Bai sighed, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes again and asked about the topic he was most concerned about these days: "Then the natives in this, sorry, I will call them that for the time being. A race that should be extinct in history."

"is it?!"


A word to awaken the dreamer, Jin Mo, Pang Hu and the others opened their mouths and dare not say anything, but their expressions showed their surprise now.

crazy! crazy!

If the Void Critical Stele misjudged the destruction of the Arrow Race, how many races are there on the battlefield?

Is it all wrong? !

Suddenly, the three people behind Mu Bai felt their heads buzzing and they didn\'t know what to say, and their bodies couldn\'t help but tremble.

This kind of thing that is far beyond common sense, even if they walked out of the corpse mountain, they were also a little afraid.

It seems that there is a pair of big hands controlling them all.


Kumza looked at Mu Bai, his eyes flashed with admiration, he had no idea, Mu Bai actually thought of this level.

"As you think, the races here are all active races in the original universe."

"As for which ones I don\'t know yet, but our presence here is led by a black hole that appeared when the race was on the brink of extinction."

"Also, all of us can only be trapped inside."

Upon hearing Kumza\'s words, Jin Mo and others were already tender from the inside and outside of the thunder, and their faces were pale when they stood there.

On the other hand, Mu Bai was indeed the same as before, still in the mood tapping his fingers, nodding his head from time to time, with a relaxed look.

In fact, if Shuangxue is here, you can see that Mu Bai at this time is really shocked.

I was shocked that he needed to divert his attention and not let himself think about it.

At the same time, he also knew why every time the ten thousand race battlefield was opened, the indigenous people inside would hide and find no one.

Why did the ancestors say that when they see these indigenous people, try not to conflict, even Leiluo is so sure that there is the blood of the Titans.

I\'m afraid it\'s not a corpse, but a remnant!

Mu Bai understood all the past, and the records on the data, almost instantly.

Then he thought of something and let out a sigh of relief: "Then you have an agreement with the outside race, we come in, you disappear, we leave, you appear?"

Mu Bai asked this because it was because he had seen from the information that there were not many natives on the battlefield of ten thousand races, but every time he came in, few people saw him.

Even if Mu Bai saw them last time, his tone was good.

That\'s why he thought about it and asked Kumza to confirm.

"It doesn\'t count, it\'s just some concessions necessary for us to survive better."

Kumza didn\'t answer this carefully, but he let Mu Bai know, maybe he didn\'t know it.

It seems that I have to ask my ancestors after I go out.

Regarding this matter, Mu Bai knew that it would definitely not be recorded in the information database, so he was very clever, and pointed the person asking the information to the ancestor.

"Well, that\'s all I want to ask."

In the end, Mu Bai didn\'t ask any more carefully. It was not that he had no questions to ask, but the series of things that made him confused now, not knowing what to ask.

And he also knew that Kumza would not know too much, so the topic changed and when it came to cooperation: "Then your cooperation is related to your coming in?"


As soon as he heard of the cooperation, Kumza immediately came to his spirit: "White Fox, in fact, to tell you, we who live here, because of the suppression of this world, can only reach the Ninth Stage of Nirvana in our lifetime."

"Presumably, you know what this means?"

Wen Yan Mu Bai and others nodded one after another, unable to break through to the immortal realm, that means death.

Because only the immortal realm can last forever.

Seeing them nodding, Kumza said the following words: "But there is another drawback, that is, the lifespan of our Nirvana Realm Nine Layers, even if it is extended, it is only a mere 100,000 years."

"First, the life noodles of the first starry sky realm are not as good!"

Speaking of this, Kumza\'s eyes flashed with pain. Obviously, he has experienced a lot of life and death over the years.

But Mu Bai and others nodded clearly.

Although they have not experienced such a thing, they also know that the life span of the Nine Layers of Nirvana is outside, but it is 90 million years.

Some people who are not dead can even live to hundreds of millions of years.

Compared with Kumza\'s one hundred thousand years, it is indeed the difference between heaven and underground.

Thinking of this, Mu Bai flickered severely, and immediately thought of a possibility.

But he didn\'t say it, but stared at Kumza, waiting for him to continue.

"It\'s just that we discovered a problem later, that is, we didn\'t die, as if the upper limit of cultivation would increase a little bit."

"Such a situation, especially after the Ten Thousand Races battlefield opened, you races come to fight, we have a deep understanding."

"So for so many years, we have been waiting. There are enough people waiting to die, enough to allow us to break through the immortality."

"So up to now, the ten thousand race battlefield has been opened many times, and the upper limit of our cultivation is also increasing."

"However, this time the opening allows us inside to see the hope of breaking through the immortal realm, because we feel that the breakthrough is just the thickness of a layer of paper."