I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 699: Shuangxue's awakening martial arts: God·Nie! (Second more)

699 Frost Snow\'s Awakening Martial Skills: God·Death!

The sound of falling into the nine abyss caused the two of them to be taken aback, looking back one after another.

I saw Shuangxue wearing a snow-faced fox mask appearing behind them.

"Look at you like this, you are from the white fox?"

Similar to the fox face, the robes with the same painting style but different colors, almost instantaneously breaking the river and breaking the snow into the person like Mu Bai.

After he finished the sentence, his expression immediately became serious, and he held the big knife tightly in his hand, as if he was about to do it.

"who are you?"

Seeing Shuangxue\'s appearance, even if Duan Chuan next to him had asked once, Wang Yan couldn\'t help but speak.

At the same time, I was still secretly surprised at who this person would be.

After all, there is no such person in their intelligence.

The only official certification is Hu Yanfei, who went up with Mu Bai, named Honghu.

Mask, no!

Robe, no!

Body shape, when you look at the front, you know it\'s not!

So when they asked Shuangxue, they even eliminated the possibility that it was a red fox.

After all, the red fox is bigger!


The look they looked at, and the way they shook their heads when they looked at her, Shuangxue looked at her naturally.

At first, it was nothing, because she also knew that the other party was guessing who she was.

But when he saw Wang Yan looking in front of him, he had that insignificant contempt.


In an instant, Shuangxue\'s eyes condensed under the fox\'s face, and she looked at the two without feelings: "You guys, do you want to do something with him?"

"Yes, so what!"

Wen Yan Juechuan stepped forward and looked at Shuangxue coldly, stroking his hand on the knife: "I think you are not the red fox, are you the new love of the white fox?"

"There are so many words."

Shuangxue did not answer this, but raised her hand and slowly placed it in front of her, seeming to say casually: "So, we are the enemy!"

Mu Bai\'s enemy is my Frost Snow\'s enemy!

At this time, she heard that the other party wanted to do something to Mu Bai, Shuangxue sneered, and at the same time turned her right hand to Duanchuan: "Have you ever experienced death?"


For some reason, Duan Chuan immediately felt a strong killing after hearing Shuangxue\'s words, and even he could feel himself falling in a pool of blood.

Who is this person?

How can it give me such a strong pressure, and how can I feel suppressed.

The angry Shuangxue is the most terrifying, even Mu Bai and Hu Yanfei can go as far as they can see.

And Duan Chuan and Wang Yan, obviously after a series of operations just now, had already made Shuangxue angry.

No matter if you are going to deal with Mu Bai, or the look that made her angry just now.

"Yes, how about I grant you a death?"

Hearing his words, Shuangxue\'s right palm used a slight force, and suddenly the sky changed color, causing a huge vibration.

"What you said is too loud!"

Looking at the chaos in the sky, Duan Chuan forced himself to calm down, then looked at Shuangxue and said in disbelief.

But his body still didn\'t know, and he felt a little trembling.

This is not fear, but the suppression of frost and snow, acting on it.

She is now like a king, when he wants to punish a disobedient subject, the latter\'s body trembles instinctively.

"Wang Yan, I feel that this person is a bit strong, so I will do it together."

At this time, Duan Chuan\'s instinct told him that to find a helper, Wang Yan next to him was the best candidate.

"Well, yes!"

The two were originally grasshoppers on a rope, but now they encounter Shuangxue, they naturally want to deal with it together.

Even Wang Yan didn\'t know why after encountering Shuangxue, she was instinctively afraid and even agreed to the union of Duanchuan.

You know, even if the two of them are not in the top 100, they are not far behind. Now when they encounter an unknown person, they instinctively want to join hands.

This is unscientific and toxic!

Suddenly the two looked at each other, both of them saw the look of horror in each other\'s eyes.

"Ha ha!"

"No need to do it, go to hell!"


Hearing the question and answer of the two, Shuangxue sneered. Suddenly an unreasonable gray appeared on his hands, the color of Mu Bai\'s Wushuang·Forbidden Martial Arts.

Then I saw the sky rumbling and flashing, the heavens and the earth faded, and all was in darkness, only the gray light in Frost Snow\'s hands still flashed in the darkness.

Then in the eyes of several people, the gray light on her hand disappeared at an extremely fast speed, turned into a gray light, and flew straight to them.

The speed is so fast that it is too late to react, and it is almost fleeting.

But the next moment, the world that was still dim before, quickly changed and restored the color of the world before.

"What happened just now, I don\'t remember blinking, how do you feel that the world is getting dark?"

"So you feel that way too?"

"Yeah, just now I found that the sky and the earth seemed to be dark, and thought I was hallucinating!"

Suddenly, on this planet, after experiencing the fleeting blackness just now, one after another began to discuss.

And in the range of the fifth-order mental power, because everyone is watching, everyone is now looking at Shuangxue, with doubts in their eyes.

Although they didn\'t see it clearly, in their subconsciousness, they still thought that it was something made by Frost and Snow, not to mention that the gray light in the sky just came out of Frost and Snow.

"They, dead?!"

At this time, someone finally noticed the state of Duan Chuan and Wang Yan, and saw the two of them lying on the ground, their whole bodies gray, and there was a little gray mark on their foreheads.

"Dead, just die like this?"

"No way! It\'s impossible, isn\'t it with a star power mask?"

Looking at the two people who fell on the ground with no vitality, and the remaining people, they all spoke in disbelief.

Although they knew that the Star Power Mask was not omnipotent, it could be blocked without extremely fast and strong attacks, and after it was stimulated, it would teleport the person out.

But now it\'s better, the two of them lie here completely, with no life left, and they can\'t die again.

where am I?

What did you post?

I do not know anything!

Suddenly, three questions full of life philosophy appeared in everyone\'s minds. They were puzzled, puzzled, and looked at Shuangxue with horror.

Especially the people in the fifth rank of spiritual power, they know that this place is already private, so at this time, their hearts are also beginning to be worried.

Afraid that Shuangxue wouldn\'t agree with her, she confronted their opponents.

Shuangxue naturally didn\'t know what everyone was thinking. She just glanced at the two fallen men faintly, glanced around, and walked to Mu Bai\'s side.

"Just now..."

Seeing Shuangxue walking in, Mu Bai looked at her sluggishly.

Mu Bai had also noticed the abnormality caused here just now. Originally, he wanted to step forward to help and fight the two.

But before she stood up, she felt the sky dimmed and gray light flashed, and everything ended immediately after dawn.

As a result, Shuang Xuesheng, the two died!

However, because Mu Bai had instinct, he was naturally more certain than those people. The person who made the attack just now was Shuangxue and she was the one who killed those two people.

Thinking of this, Mu Bai opened his mouth and didn\'t know what to say.

Although he would not be too difficult to deal with the two after he reached the ninth level of the Star Sea Realm, but in the current situation, he really wanted to ask Shuangxue\'s martial arts.

This is obviously not any of her previous tricks.

"God Nirvana, my awakening martial arts!"

Perhaps noticing Mu Bai\'s expression, Shuangxue stepped forward and pulled her head and explained in a low voice.

"God. Nirvana, after using it, the sky will appear black for a short period of less than a blink of an eye, and attack from the direction I control. The attack has the meaning of death, and the speed is the same as the speed I saw the person transmit to the eyes. The deity of the person who hits it is completely destroyed, and the current power is about a hundred times more powerful than my full attack."

Good deed, this is incredible!

Hearing Shuangxue\'s explanation, Mu Bai was shocked. He didn\'t expect this move to be so strong.

The speed alone is enough to make people feel embarrassed. Seeing the attack, it does not give people the opportunity to resist.

"You, actually leave it to me. It\'s a big deal. It\'s just a backlash. If you use it now, it will attract attention."

After the shock, Mu Bai\'s next thought was to be moved by Shuangxue\'s move.

According to Mu Bai\'s knowledge, her awakening martial skills were used for the first time.

What does this mean, she has never used this trick, just to play a role at a critical moment.

He didn\'t expect that this time Frost and Snow would use it directly to prevent him from revealing his identity.

After all, after coming in this time, Shuangxue would definitely not be able to use her ice-based martial arts, because once they were used, they would be discovered by others.

This is also the reason why she said to make soy sauce before, because it is really hard to use.

And he used that trick to solve the battle quickly, and didn\'t want Mu Bai to make a move. Shuangxue knew that once Mu Bai made a move, he would start two Wushuang, and then he would suffer backlash.

More importantly, she had also learned about Mu Bai\'s two Wushuang, especially that Wushuang·Furious, the infinitely enhanced strength made her feel very strong.

But in the same way, the higher the multiple used, the better the body can withstand, but if it can\'t, it will be very hurtful.

Mu Bai can now use a multiple of 130 times at most (it will increase a little later). It is obvious that it is impossible to defeat the two of them, so in order to prevent Mu Bai from taking risks, she uses this trick.

Anyway, the awakening martial arts, no one has seen it before, don\'t use it for nothing, the effect is not bad.

"No problem, this trick is difficult to target, plus I still have a few awakening martial arts!"

When Shuangxue heard Mu Bai\'s words, she shook her hand, indicating that the problem was not big.

At the same time, there are some milky voices in the tone, which is so cute.

"Okay, understand!"

As soon as she was sold by Shuangxue\'s cuteness, Mu Bai immediately suppressed all the shocks and doubts she had had before, flicked her forehead, and said in love.

"Wait, I\'ll get the heart of that world."

Then Shuangxue thought of something, patted Mu Bai\'s hand, mumbled, and walked towards the deepest place.

After all, she now has the spiritual power of Level 5 Consummation, and she is confident!