I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 514: go away! (First more)

514 Leave!

After hearing what Hu Yanfei said, Mu Bai was just stunned, and then he took out the white paper towel from nowhere and began to wipe the tears on Hu Yanfei\'s face.

Mu Bai\'s movements were very light, don\'t know how, he was very guilty when he saw Hu Yanfei like this.

At the same time, he kept muttering: "I\'m sorry, Yan Fei, I worried you."

"Wipe a little to the left, how clumsy!"


Mu Bai wiped her tears, Hu Yanfei didn\'t let him go at this time, and while enjoying it, he complained about his tactics.

After hearing the words, Mu Bai twitched the corners of his mouth, and then went to wipe the place where Hu Yanfei said.

At the same time, I thought in my heart: Just today, you can be so arrogant.

Hu Yanfei didn\'t care so much at this time. After watching Mu Bai wiped away the tears, he sucked his nose, and immediately said to Mu Bai dissatisfied, "wipe his nose!"


Upon seeing this, Mu Bai hurriedly placed the tear-stained tissue in his trouser pocket, and then turned a tissue into Hu Yanfei\'s nose.


Seeing Mu Bai put the tissue on the tip of his nose, Hu Yanfei was not polite. She started to snot, and raised her head after a few seconds: "Take it, change one. How long do you think I will have a snivel, it will be full!"

"I really don\'t know what it is for you. Robots with no emotions are better than you."


After hearing this, Mu Bai\'s eyes twitched, and he took a deep look at Hu Yanfei, crumpled the tissue into a ball and put it in his trouser pocket again, and then took out a new tissue.

After a few sheets of paper were used, Hu Yanfei finally stopped.

Mu Bai couldn\'t help but sigh about this: The amount of paper used is a bit large.

"What happened just now, how do you use your body to resist?"

Because she was watching from a distance, she could see Mu Bai\'s movements just now.

When Mu Bai passed by before, no means were used, so he used his body to resist.

Then I saw that Mu Bai was okay, turning the world into gray again, and then there was a battle between the two...

Too much happened during this period, but what concerns her the most is when Mu Bai resisted it with his body.


After hearing this, Mubai smiled heartily, and then changed to drag her with both hands: "I\'m sorry for this matter, because I don\'t know why, I intuitively told me to do that the most."

"I didn\'t tell you in advance, I was afraid you wouldn\'t let me, sorry."


Seeing Mu Bai\'s instinct to say something, Hu Yanfei didn\'t say anything, just snorted with dissatisfaction.

Seeing her appearance, Mu Bai knew that she would not let this happen so easily, and immediately sighed in his heart, and then the conversation changed.

"Let’s find your brother first. We will leave here. Unsurprisingly, someone should come over later. It might be a little troublesome to see us like this.

"it is good."

Seeing Mu Bai talking about business, Hu Yanfei also knew which one was more important, and did not delve into it further, so she agreed.

"Well, let\'s go first."

Seeing Hu Yanfei\'s promise, Mu Bai felt relieved, and then he was about to walk towards Hu Lai, but before he took a few steps, he felt that his back was hit hard.

Then Mu Bai looked at the evil hand with a puzzled expression: "Yan Fei, why are you beating me?"

"According to the script just now, shouldn\'t the previous thing be temporarily turned over, everyone is fine?"

"What are you talking about, put me down! How can my brother explain when he sees it."

Hearing Mu Bai\'s words, Hu Yanfei rolled his eyes angrily, letting him understand it.

"It turned out to be this."

Seeing this, Mu Bai hurriedly put down Hu Yanfei. She was agitated for a while, and he felt guilty for a while.

The posture of the two of them is that Hu Yanfei\'s legs clamp Mu Bai\'s waist, his chin is resting on Mu Bai\'s shoulders and weeping, and Mu Bai is to prevent him from falling off, and his hands are around her thighs.

But fortunately, this time I was wearing a Liuyun robe, so I didn\'t have excessive contact.

Otherwise Mu Bai would have felt it a while ago.

After being put down, Hu Yanfei glanced at Mu Bai again, then took the mask that had been removed before, and walked towards Hu Lai after putting it on.

"This woman, owe it to clean up!"

Seeing that he was rolled his eyes again, Mu Bai silently raised his fist in protest, but then followed closely.

He is not what he can do at this stage.

The two of them then walked to Hu Lai amidst Hu Yanfei\'s reply and Mu Bai\'s answer along the way.

It\'s okay not to go, Mu Bai and Hu Yanfei were stuffed with dog food as soon as they went.

I saw Hu Lai lying in his tender arms with a painful look.

It seems that he can still be heard saying from Mu Bai: "It hurts, I got a muscle during the fight just now."

"Is it here? Come, let me rub it for you."

"Well, my family Rou\'er is the best. If my sister was so gentle, she would have been alone. You see it now, but you still have a crush on and dare not speak."

"My brother is also worried, alas."

"Then you, sister Yan Fei is actually pretty good."

At this time, Gentle noticed that Hu Yanfei and Mu Bai came over. Although both of them were wearing masks, she knew their identities anyway, so she reminded Hu Lai not to talk nonsense.

But who knows that Hu Lai didn\'t follow her words at all, and still said to himself: "Good wool, let me tell you, my Seventh Sister is like a little bully at home, no one dares to mess with her."

"Once, I remember..."


Finally, Hu Yanfei couldn\'t stop anymore, standing beside Mu Bai, gritted his teeth and shouted out Hu\'s name.

"Look at you, I must be seriously injured and hallucinating. Rou\'er come and rub my head."

Hu Lai still didn\'t notice the arrival of Hu Yanfei, but Gentle did sigh: "Come on, I have already pulled you once, but I didn\'t expect you to still understand."

Then she raised her head to look at Hu Yanfei not far away: "Sister Yanfei, it\'s okay if I told you this way, your brother should have knocked his head when he was fighting with that monster."

"That... can be regarded as a disabled person. When you clean up, remember to be lighter, um, that\'s it."

After talking gently, he pushed Hu Lai up, then turned his head and looked at Hu Yanfei.

At the same time, Hu Yanfei also took off the mask, her face looked like frost, and flames spurted from her eyes, a sign of a volcanic eruption.

"Rouer what are you doing...I am... Xiao Qi?!"

Hu Lai was still a little bit astonished why Gentle suddenly lifted him up, but after seeing the figure clearly, he didn\'t know where the strength came from, got up, and then hid behind Gentle.

Then she looked at Hu Yanfei: "Little Qi, your brother was stunned just now, and he was blinded by lard. He might say something that shouldn\'t be said. Apologize first."

"But you have to believe that those are not your brother\'s heartfelt words. In my heart, you are the best girl apart from my old mother and gentleness."

"Absolutely gentle, considerate, cute, understanding..."

"Don\'t say anything about it, let\'s fight, the half-disabled kind."

But how did Ren Hulai praise Hu Yanfei, the latter was indifferent, and then saw his activities proceed, planning to clean up his humanitarianism.


Seeing this, even though Hu Lai was wondering how Hu Yanfei and Bai Fox were together, he was frightened by what Hu Yanfei said before he had time to think about it.

"Sister...Sister.... Sister, let\'s have something to say, how can we move around."

He simply rejected Hu Yanfei\'s duel proposal, because Hu Lai knew that once he agreed, the thief would end up miserably.

"Aren\'t you today..."

Hearing that Hu Yanfei was willing to let him go, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and wanted to move forward, but before she moved, she was grabbed by Mu Bai on the side and put the mask back on her.

"What to fight, put on the mask, and leave here first."


After being pulled by Mu Bai and letting him put on the mask again, Hu Yanfei turned her head and looked at Hu Lai: "Today you are lucky, and you will be treated later..."

Speaking of Hu Yanfei, she still wiped her neck, obviously making Hu Lai wait.

Seeing this, Hu was stunned, and just wanted to ask what was the situation, why his sister was so obedient, but after seeing Hu Yanfei\'s fierce movements, she left everything behind and planned to ask later.

"Let\'s go, you are so old, why are you so arrogant with Yan Fei."

Seeing this scene, gentleness was helpless, but he was still very virtuous and did not go on. Instead, thousands of people pulled up Hu and said to Hu Yanfei, "Let\'s go."


Upon seeing this, Hu Yanfei nodded, and then looked at Mu Bai, and then flew south with him, and then followed him gently with Hu.

It\'s just that Hu Lai is full of doubts now.

Who is this person?

What\'s the relationship with Xiaoqi?

Why is the voice so familiar?

So sad!