I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 216: Inner Tomb (first change)

216 Inner Tomb

The slightly trembling mausoleum shook back and forth, and the frequency was very fast, even the warriors of them could not hold their center of gravity.

The cracks in the surrounding walls are rapidly spreading from bottom to top, and debris and sand are leaning down from these cracks.

Because it was at the bottom of the tomb, Mu Bai could easily feel that the ground was being hammered, as if something was about to be reopened.

The entire tomb is cracking and collapsing!

He immediately noticed that the stone was not good.

Thinking of this, Mu Bai quickly looked at Bai Ling\'er, planning to take her away.

Unexpectedly, the latter was more direct, since he had already stood in front of him, waiting for him to hug him away.


Really a little clever ghost.

Seeing her cooperation in this way, Mu Bai hugged him quickly, and urged Shi Fan to fully urge him.

Because he broke through to the seventh level of Star Swirl Realm yesterday, he has slightly improved in all aspects, so his speed has gone from comparable to slightly surpassing.

"So fast?!"

At this time, Bai Ling\'er was held in the air by Mu Bai, and she was naturally one of the people who felt the speed increase, which also surprised her.

She feels that Mu Bai\'s comprehensive improvement is too great!

Who is this person? Why Human Race Intelligence didn\'t mention him.

For a time, all kinds of random thoughts started in her mind.

Perhaps it was to fix himself, the hands that were originally drooping in the fierce mouth slowly wrapped Mu Bai\'s neck.

Mu Bai didn\'t care about this, relying on his own memory, he wandered wildly in various areas.

After a while, he came to the place where Luo Hao was killed yesterday.

At the same time, the boulders began to slowly fall from above.

You must know that these stones are not good stubble, they are all dark stones, even if they can\'t be smashed, it will be uncomfortable to be smashed.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!"...

Seeing the sudden increase in difficulty, Mu Bai\'s eyes condensed, his state was very concentrated, and he began to show refraction flight.

However, there were no surprises along the way, and Mu Bai was finally driven out of the cave before the situation deteriorated further.

When I came out, the countless stone roads in the vacuum were gradually falling off yesterday.

"It seems that this tomb has collapsed."

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai seemed to be emotional, and then flew towards the exit.

Like him, there are many nebula realm warriors, because they all fly, so when the tomb is changing, they all fled here and planned to fly out.

As for those in the Star Swirl Realm or those who can\'t fly, I\'m afraid this change is a disaster.

As Mu Bai saw, except for a few Star Swirls with special methods, the others either clawed on the surrounding walls and struggled upwards, or stood at the bottom of the tomb to avoid falling stones.


Just as Mu Bai flew upwards, a series of bangs rang out.

I saw the surrounding stone walls fell down a little bit, and many climbers also fell as the stone walls collapsed.

"White Wood, look down."

At this moment, Mu Bai, who was planning to continue flying upwards, heard Bai Ling\'er\'s words, first was taken aback, and then followed the reputation.

"This.... Ming Yan is in flames?!"

Watching this scene, Mu Bai stood in the void, staring down, not only him, but even the others who were lucky enough to survive, or the Nebula Realm, staring down.

The bottom of the tomb that was originally composed of dark stone has completely shattered at this moment, and the debris is falling downward, and what is in the eye is a bright sea of ​​fire.

Mingyan Huohai is a kind of flame produced after being mutated through star power. It is extremely powerful and will kill you if you touch it below the starry sky.

Now many Star Swirls that fell with the gravel have also fallen into the sea of ​​fire, and they have disappeared before they even had time to scream.


Upon seeing this, everyone present took a breath, not sighing that Ming Yan is very strong.

I was sighing for the thousand people who had just fallen, and their lives just fell.


"This...this is the inner tomb?!"

Looking at the sea of ​​fire below, Bai Ling\'er frowned, seeming to be thinking hard.

"Inner tomb?!"

For this, Mu Bai really didn\'t understand it. As the first to dig his grave, entering the mausoleum was originally an extremely strange thing.

"Huh? Hmm."

Hearing Mu Bai\'s question, Bai Ling\'er said while shaking his leg.

"This inner tomb is a method only used by warriors above the starry sky in the ancient times. They will put some items on the outermost periphery, just like we encountered before, let these people explore."

"The inner tomb often does not appear openly, and the owner of the tomb will set up a mechanism for opening the inner tomb in the outer tomb."

"If someone touches the organ, it will appear in front of us as it is now."

"The inner tomb is the essence of the tomb owner\'s life."

Looking at Bai Ling\'er talking, Mu Bai didn\'t doubt that what she said was true or false.

Bai Ling\'er had an extraordinary identity, and of course he had touched more things than him, and she would definitely have access to some materials.

"So that\'s the case." After hearing this, Mu Bai nodded repeatedly, and he had some clues about the inner tomb.

After all, he had read many novels before, but he could adapt quickly.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"...

Just when they were talking, they felt that the previous warrior was swooping down like crazy, and then Mu Bai also understood it, because as all the stone chips fell, the full picture of Mingyan Huohai appeared before his eyes.

Above the sea of ​​fire of Mingyan, there is a circular stone platform that can easily accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. On the stone platform, there are 4 roads leading to the distance. Every distance, there is a palace and a road. There are three enough.

The palace looks unpretentious, all made of stones, but there are stars flashing all over the body, and there are treasures at first glance.

So that\'s why those people just swept past.

Wealth is not just talking about it.

"Bai Mu, shall we go?" Bai Ling\'er asked Mu Bai timidly. Although she wanted to go, she thought it would be dangerous.

For this, Mu Bai pondered for a moment, he was very entangled.

He didn\'t want to go, but he thought that the strength of the tomb owner was above the Starry Sky Realm, then there would definitely be information about this place.

Or the extremely cold and quiet ice crystals of frost and snow.

According to Shuangxue, this extremely cold ice crystal is likely to be in the tomb.

go with? Not going?

go with!

Almost for a moment, Mu Bai made up his mind and looked at Bai Ling\'er.

"You have to protect yourself, don\'t want to go back because you are playful, don\'t ask for help in danger, you know?"

"Well, I will."

After hearing this, Bai Ling\'er smiled and nodded. For her, she had never dealt with, and she did not know what the danger was, or death.

After hearing her answer, Mu Bai galloped down with everyone, and as he approached, that hot breath followed.


Stepping on the stone platform, I understand that Bai Linger put down, and then looked at her: "Where to go?"

This is a habit of more than a day, after all, her kind of ability is quite easy to use.

Hearing that Bai Ling\'er looked at the four aisles and shook his head in distress, saying that he was unclear.


Now it was Mu Bai\'s turn to feel curious: "There are still things you can\'t notice?"

But watching him frowning and looking at the sea of ​​fire, he continued to comfort him: "Okay, let\'s try our luck if you don\'t notice it."

After speaking, he took Bai Ling\'er and walked to the fourth channel.