I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 27

"Before entering the exercise field, everyone should go to the weapons depot and choose the combat equipment!"

People came to the nearby armory, which has a large area.

On one side, there are common cold weapons, such as knives, swords, sticks, sticks, hammers, axes, etc.

On the other side are standard black combat suits and various other auxiliary equipment.

"Battle suit, weapon, communication watch, one set for each. After you choose it, register with me!" The soldier of the armory, said aloud at the door.

It's not necessary to choose a combat suit or a communication watch. They are all unified. Just choose weapons.

Jiang CI went straight to the sword weapon rack.

"It's good to have an e-level killing shadow sword Jiang CI is very satisfied.

There is a handy weapon, can let the strength have a better play!

The alloy strength and weight of the E-Class slaying shadow sword are higher than those of the F-class slaying shadow sword.

Correspondingly, the lethality and toughness should also be higher.

Of course, the use requirements will also be higher. It is difficult for ordinary quasi martial arts players to wave.

But the power of Jiang CI has long been an F-class warrior, no problem at all.

Gently wave a few times, feel very good!

When you change into combat clothes and register with military personnel.

The warlord in the armory said: "class E killing shadow sword, little brother, did you take it wrong? It's so heavy. Can you swing it? "

"Yes, this one. Please register it for me." Jiang CI waved a few times with a smile.

The soldier's eyes widened.


After selecting combat equipment, more than 1000 people came to the gate of the drill ground.

At this time, the sun has set, but the moon has not yet risen, the sky is a little dark.

Vaguely can hear, in the distance of the dark, constantly have monster's roar came, one after another.

Zhao Yan stood at a high place and said in a loud voice, "last two points!"

"First, it's forbidden to kill each other. Everything in the exercise field is monitored. If it's found, it's forbidden to participate in the martial arts assessment for life! And we should bear the corresponding legal responsibility! "

"Second, in the process of assessment, if life is in danger, you can use the communication watch to ask for help, but once you ask for help, it means that the assessment has failed! But I hope you don't try to be brave, because as long as you live, there will be another chance! "

"Now, the actual combat assessment begins! I hope everyone can come back alive! "

Click, click

The gate of the exercise field made of alloy is slowly opened.

More than 1000 would-be fighters entered the exercise ground with excitement, calm or fear.

Everyone quickly dispersed and went to look for the monster.

"Brother Zheng, don't you come with me?" Jiang CI asked, killing shadow sword tied behind.

"No, this actual combat assessment is equivalent to a rehearsal of entering the wilderness area. The danger level is far less than that of the wilderness area. If you need help, when you enter the wilderness area and there is no one to rely on, you have to wait to die!" Zheng Ming said seriously.

Then, with a determined look, he rushed into the darkness ahead.

Zheng Ming's words also let Jiang CI put away his contempt and began to face up to the assessment.


This is a preview of entering the wilderness area. If you hold a contempt attitude now, can you promise to correct your attitude when you really get to the wilderness area?

Jiang CI rings the alarm for himself.

Recently a period of time with the wind and water, let him some careless!

No previous caution!

Life is the most important thing!

"Let's go!"

Jiang Ci's eyes became firm again, and his figure disappeared quickly in the same place.


The double moon rises.

Under the bright moonlight, a piece of ruins, all show desolation.

"This is a dilapidated town. According to the architectural style, it should be left over from the old times and destroyed by monsters."

Jiang CI is not busy looking for monsters like others. He is observing the environment.

"Urban environment, dense buildings, narrow space, fighting, body method is more important!"

Soon, Jiang CI confirmed the characteristics of the environment.

"Well, test your strength now!"

Jiang CI three or two steps, on the side of a half of the low building, looking around.

"There is an F-class monster, which is very similar to the mutant wolf dog in Xilu market. It should be a fully evolved bloodthirsty wolf dog!"

At the same time, he raised his hand and drew his sword and rushed to the bloodthirsty wolf dog.

The bloodthirsty wolf dog also found Jiang Ci, with red hair standing up all over, red eyes and tusks.

"The characteristics of F-class monsters are bloodthirsty and crazy. They only know how to kill and have very low intelligence. If they are not strong or have a weak mind, they are easy to get injured or even die in the crazy attack of monsters for the first time."

Jiang CI takes it seriously, he is not the first time to fight!"With monitoring, we'd better control our strength and speed! If people see my real strength, it's troublesome to explain! It's enough to use the power and speed of the extreme quasi warrior! "

Bloodthirsty wolf dog roared, red eye brighter in the moonlight, bloodthirsty crazy, open a bloody mouth, rushed to the river word.

"Try your body first!"

Jiang CI didn't make a move immediately. He turned around gently, very dexterous and avoided the attack.

The body follows the heart. After the basic body method is perfectly integrated, he can deal with the attack of bloodthirsty wolf dog with his current strength and speed.

Bloodthirsty wolf dog's attack is very simple, pounce, grasps, tears, bites.

A moment later, Jiang CI suddenly takes a step forward and stabs out the sword.

Pooh, straight through the bloodthirsty wolf dog's head, the hardest part!

"Class E alloy weapons can easily break the defense of class F monsters!"

After moistening by the aura of heaven and earth, monsters become more powerful.

It's hard to break the monster's flesh with ordinary weapons.

Jiang CI once saw a video that some powerful monsters could even attack human beings in the rain of shells.

[you killed the F-class bloodthirsty wolf dog, experience + 10]

the panel prompts that the sound is on.

"Only 10 experience points?"

"That's right. With my current strength, it's not too easy to hunt these F-class monsters. The difficulty is small, and the natural experience value is less!"

Jiang CI didn't care. He took the integral iron card from the bloodthirsty wolf dog and left quickly to find other monsters.


"Class F monster, blood tooth wild boar! The skin is rough and the flesh is thick. It has great strength. Its defense is higher than bloodthirsty wolf dog. Its weakness is inflexibility. However, the e-level slaying shadow sword can break its defense! And my body method just controls its weakness! "

Jiang CI holds his sword to meet a two meter tall boar with blood teeth.

Soon, the blood tooth boar fell to the ground.

Find the next monster!

A moment later.

"Level F monster Youying cat, weak defense, but very flexible, my body method advantage is not so obvious, since there is no good choice, then the strongest attack!"


At the same time, more than 1000 would-be fighters fought hard in the arena.

Some people with a bad mind and will will soon suffer casualties, and some are even killed directly by monsters.


A vigorous woman, with the power of the downward rush, hit a blood tooth wild boar on the head with her right fist accompanied by the sound of the bell. She hammered the blood tooth wild boar to the ground, and then made up two fists to kill it directly!

It's Han Yingxue, a sophomore at Beishan Wudao college. She has an alloy ring on her fists.

"I must be the first to prove that I am the best! Martial arts talent can't stand for anything! Hard work is the most important thing! "

Han Yingxue grabs the integral iron card and leaves all the time.


"What's wrong with the full score of martial arts talent? I don't know how many talented people died early because of their bad will. I don't believe it. As a high school student who just graduated, how good is your will? Maybe you'll pee in the face of monsters? "

"I want to let you know what is the real extreme quasi warrior!"

Wang Qi pulled out the knife from the bloodthirsty wolf dog's body and gently wiped the blood from the knife.