I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 401

Whew, whew, whew!

Several dark and sharp bat darts, with a slight breaking wind, flew around from the thick fog!

Only "pa", "pa" and "pa" were heard. The lighting facilities on the ceiling and corners were smashed by bat darts and lost their function.

The light faded, and the whole laboratory suddenly fell into darkness

At this time, Leon, kneeling on one knee, reached out and gently pressed behind his ear. The visual system of the bat mask instantly switched to night vision mode.

The darkness in front of me suddenly turned green!

In the whole laboratory, at this moment, only he can clearly see the position of everyone in the whole laboratory.

Darkness is his friend and his home.

Now that we have gone deep into the enemy\'s base camp, we should not blame ourselves for creating a favorable combat environment

In the dark, looking at Wanda with a faint red light on his hands, he looked left and right and was at a loss. Lyon couldn\'t help but raise his mouth and said in his heart:

"Without superpowers, you are just an ordinary girl who is afraid of the dark..."

However, just as Leon bent slightly and silently, reaching out to touch the spiritual scepter, he suddenly changed!

The spiritual gem on the spiritual Scepter may have sensed the real gem sleeping in Lyon\'s body, as if he had seen his long lost compatriots and brothers, and suddenly there was a dazzling blue light!

Where the blue light reaches, Lyon\'s figure hidden in the dark has nowhere to hide!

In the face of this unexpected situation, Lyon was stunned and couldn\'t help but burst out rude words:


The next second, before Leon reached out to hold the scepter, a crimson ripple, through the thick fog, hit him directly.

"Bang", Lyon, who had no time to escape, was hit by chaotic magic and flew out.

Lyon, who turned a somersault in the air and landed with his legs, caught a glimpse of a red light before he stood firm and hit again!

In an instant, Lyon\'s eyes were frozen, his upper body suddenly tilted back, and his legs were firmly nailed to the ground like the roots of an old tree.

In the next second, the red light of chaos sweeps across the face!

After Kankan escaped the blow, Leon quickly got up, his right hand up and his wrist bent.

Only heard a "bang", a sleeve arrow with a high fiber compression rope shot out from the interlayer under the dark Arm Armor!

Then Lyon pulled his right hand, and the whole man suddenly rose up in the air, like swinging on a swing, and came to Wanda in the blink of an eye.


With a cry of surprise, Wanda, who did not expect this move, only had time to build a thin magic barrier in front of him, and was kicked away by Lyon.

Just as she was about to hit the wall, a white shadow flashed away!

Between electro-optic flint, "deep sister control" fast silver brother, online!

"Are you okay?"

Put down your sister in your arms, Pietro asked with concern.

"It\'s okay, I\'m just a little distracted..."

Through the night vision instrument, Leon couldn\'t help but sink when he looked at the Maximov twins who were talking.

A crimson witch has made him unable to cope, and now there is another fast silver?!

The situation is slowly developing in an unexpected direction

The red Witch and fast silver twins are just poor brothers and sisters,

Joining the hydra\'s human experiment program is just a hatred of war and a desire for peace.

Their nature is not bad, but they are bewitched by bad people.

Lyon, who knew the whole truth, naturally didn\'t want to kill them.

What\'s more, in order to hide his identity, Lyon can\'t use all kinds of powerful skills and equipment, such as the power of Thor and the darkest blade.

That\'s why Lyon couldn\'t beat Wanda quickly, broke the game, and unknowingly fell into a stalemate.

Now, the emergence of fast silver has added another variable to his consideration

Without being sure not to expose his identity, Lyon felt it was time to change his strategy to win the crimson Witch and fast silver

While Leon was thinking about what to do next, Wanda finally thought of her ability to move any object.

I saw her hands flying with ten fingers, and countless crimson mist burst out of her body!

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the scarlet fog wraps the thick fog in the whole laboratory and dissipates it

The thick fog had just faded, and a sudden sound made the lighting system of the whole laboratory recover instantly, just like the day.

A slightly proud middle-aged male voice echoed through the radio in the big laboratory:

"No matter who you are, you have nowhere to escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large number of fully equipped Hydra soldiers with energy ray weapons suddenly poured into the door of the laboratory.

Facing countless dark gunpoints aimed at his whole body, Lyon knew that as long as he moved slightly and tried to show a trace of the idea of running away, countless energy rays would blow him into powder.

Although he didn\'t really try the defense limit of his aidman alloy armor, Leon estimated that he could carry up to three guns in front of the energy weapons made by using the energy principle of the spiritual scepter.

Of course, if you want to shoot him

After quickly measuring the situation on the field, Lyon seemed to think of something. He skillfully raised his hands and made a surrender.

Just after Lyon finished this series of actions, Baron Strack, standing in the monitoring room and looking at the monitoring picture, couldn\'t help flashing a glimmer of light in his eyes, said to the microphone of the radio again:

"Take off your mask and show me your true face!"

The words are full of the pride of the victor.

Hearing the speech, Lyon stood still and just kept silent.

Seeing this, Strack frowned and said:

"Oh, you seem to be thinking that this suit of props on your body can protect yourself. However, I can tell you that as long as I give an order, the only trace you leave in the world will be the fragments on your body..."

"I say again, take off your mask!"

Strack\'s low drink echoed in the laboratory and finally made Lyon react.

A low, hoarse voice spoke slowly:

"Strack, do you really think that no one will know your foolish and arrogant ambition if you hide in the shadow of the s.h.i.e.l.d.? No one will know those souls buried deep and unable to sleep?!"

Upon hearing this, Strack frowned deeply, looked grave and said in a deep voice:

"Who the hell are you?"

Smelling the speech, the corners of Lyon\'s mouth under the mask turned slightly and drew a perfect arc.

"Me? Just an anonymous hiding in the dark..."

"Of course, you can call me, dark knight!"