I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 363


With a low roar, an invisible air wave suddenly flew out!

The enemy\'s body curled back like a shrimp, and the brittle sound of broken chest bones was loud.

The next second, the whole person flew away like a shell, spilling blood all the way.

Finally, he fell to the ground, and his body twitched a few times and didn\'t move.

Taking back his right palm, Lei Gong suddenly turned around and twisted his footwall in place. Kan Kan avoided the stray bullet from the blast.

With a fierce look, gather Qi and concentrate, push your palms forward again, and hit again with my invincible Kunlun Qi!


A few meters away, an enemy with a gun suddenly sank his chest and spit out warm blood if he was hit hard.

Looking around, Lei Gong, with fewer and fewer yellow robes around him and standing on the battlefield, felt even more sad and angry

Under the powerful firepower of the other side, the Kunlun people who still stayed in the era of ancient Wulin sects were defeated miserably.

The entrance arch of Kunlun has been lost.

More than 20 Kunlun guards, including the guard captain, died

The late Lei Gong, before he had time to mourn, was forced to lead the "thirty six guards of Kunlun", the strongest elite force in Kunlun, to engage in close combat with the fierce invaders!

The battlefield is in the rocky snow outside Kunlun city!

Snowflakes are falling, and the two sides on the snow seem to be in a stalemate.

The powerful firepower of hot weapons finally lost its overwhelming role in front of the "thirty six guards of Kunlun" led by Lei Gong.

As the strongest elite team in Kunlun, it is the dream of all Kunlun disciples to be selected and become one of the thirty-six guards in Kunlun.

The thirty-six guards of Kunlun, as the name suggests, are the strongest thirty-six people to defend Kunlun!

Of course, the Jade Emperor, elders, Lei Gong and other Kunlun high-level officials are not among them.

The conditions required to be selected and become one of the 36 people are extremely harsh.

At least one seven city competition champion

Kunlun Qi opens up Ren Du\'s two veins

And the most important one

Under the Jade Emperor, stick to ten rounds!

It can be said that the strictly selected thirty-six guards of Kunlun are an elite team specially set up by the Jade Emperor to protect Kunlun during the iron fist vacancy!

Although the best of these Kunlun disciples have not yet had the powerful strength to ignore the hot weapons, relying on their exquisite martial arts and the body method of ghosts has delayed the Shijie sect\'s continued attack into Kunlun city to a certain extent.

On the battlefield, the confrontation between ancient martial arts and modern thermal weapons can be seen everywhere.

In the face of bullets that may be fired at any time, the battle mode adopted by the thirty-six guards of Kunlun is the same as that of Lei Gong.

They all use flexible body methods to get as close to the enemy as possible and give full play to the advantages of close combat.

From time to time, cooperate with the penetrating Kunlun Qi to carry out long-range attacks on the enemy.

The release of true Qi is only the lowest threshold of Kunlun Wei

This sudden war, for all Kunlun people, is to protect the victims of their homes.

Naturally, the combat effectiveness and cohesion erupted are much higher than those of the invading Shijie gang.

Coupled with the intervention of Lei Gong\'s traceless and vigorous high combat power, the balance of victory seems to be slowly tilting towards Kunlun

During the fierce battle, the change is steep!

A dazzling blue light flew past and hit a Kunlun guard who had no time to avoid.

The Kunlun guards, dressed in strong yellow clothes, suddenly gave a meal, and the frost quickly covered the whole body. At the speed visible to the naked eye, they turned into a lifelike ice sculpture.

This amazing scene shocked the Kunlun people and looked in the same direction.

A tall figure stepped on the white snow and slowly stepped into the sight of everyone.

On the dark green and almost dark robe, there are noble and mysterious carvings.

Under the long black hair, a pair of towering sword eyebrows were gently picked, and the corners of the mouth were turned up. The adult\'s face was full of interest.

The color of remembrance in his eyes was fleeting. Adult man looked not far away, put on a fighting posture, looked like a great enemy, and smiled contemptuously.

"I haven\'t seen you for 60 years. You\'re still so weak..."

His eyebrows were locked. In Lei Gong\'s eyes, there was only thick fear.

"Sure enough, it\'s you! Zhang Tong..."


Adult man was slightly stunned, then he understood something, and pulled at the corners of his mouth:

"Tut tut Tut, no wonder there are more guards at the entrance. You knew I would come..."

"Let me guess, that man should be Leon Coulson..."

Hearing the speech, Lei Gong\'s face was as heavy as water. He didn\'t answer. Instead, he jumped with his legs, gently pointed his toes and rushed out suddenly.

Looking at the fast approaching Lei Gong, man\'s face was as usual and his body did not move. He just pulled the corners of his mouth and showed an inexplicable smile.


Low drink room, fist first!

The distance of several meters is just a snap for Lei Gong with outstanding body method.

With his fists wrapped in light, he attacked man\'s face with a move of two dragons playing with beads.

Lei Gong expected that the other party would avoid. The strength of his fist was a bit, but it was just a virtual shake.

As long as man\'s steps are not steady when he retreats, he will fall under his continuous attack.

However, to his surprise, man didn\'t retreat, but raised his hand calmly and gently. The ring on his left thumb suddenly flashed a white light!


The blue light just now has left Lei Gong a heart. Now the white light close at hand has shocked his heart!

A feeling of extreme danger arises spontaneously.

His complexion changed slightly. Lei Gong immediately turned his fist into a palm and suddenly hit an angry wave, which fiercely collided with the oncoming white light beam!

Only a "bang" sound was heard. A huge impact broke out between Lei Gong and adult man and dispersed everywhere.

After several back somersaults, while unloading the impact, Lei Gong\'s legs fell steadily on the snow.

As for man, he was more lightly suspended in the air and looked down at Lei Gong with cold eyes.

Until then, Lei Gong finally noticed the dazzling gem ring on man\'s ten fingers.

Staring at the dark green figure, Lei Gong\'s face remained unchanged, but the waves turned up in his heart.

After three days of farewell, we should treat each other with admiration, not to mention more than 60 years have passed

Lei Gong was shocked by the other party\'s attack. He couldn\'t help glancing at the standing ice sculpture.

Intuition told him that it was not that he became weaker, but that Zhang Tong (adult man) became stronger!

And the other party\'s means of strengthening seems to be the ten eye-catching gem rings