I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 122


With a loud roar, Thor, who had been hiding behind, came to the destroyer.

He opened his arms like a patron saint, so he stood between Lyon and the destroyer!

Even though he has become a mortal, Thor\'s inner goodness has not disappeared.

When you see your friends, in order to protect themselves, face-to-face with such a powerful destroyer, even seriously injured.

His heart was full of remorse and sadness.

He was very remorseful. Why was he so reckless and impulsive? He always thought with the thinking of a soldier and wouldn\'t listen to the opinions of others, so that he fell into this situation

In the past two days, he learned a lot from the people around him.

He didn\'t know what he had done. He would make rocky cheat him and even send destroyers to destroy everything.

However, he knew that he was the heart disease in Rocky\'s heart.

Heart disease needs a heart doctor.

Since everything starts because of him, it\'s up to him to draw an end to all this!

Thor stood in front of the tall destroyer and said to himself with an apologetic face:

"Brother, no matter what I did wrong to you, no matter what I did that led to all this, I\'m really sorry."

"But these people are innocent. Killing them won\'t do you any good."

"So... Kill me and end it!"

Although the process is different, the result is the same as the original story. After a short hesitation, rocky ordered the destroyer to slap Thor!

Thor just flew six or seven meters in mid air before he fell to the ground.


Seeing this scene, Jane in the distance shouted and rushed to Thor, who was dying.

Eric on one side had no time to stop. She was a heartache lover

In addition to Jane, the more shocking thing about Thor\'s flying is Leon standing behind him!

If you know in advance, your friend will come back to life immediately after he dies.

How would you feel?

Shock? Obviously, not anymore.

Sad? Some, however, will certainly not be too profound.

Perhaps, we can use an idiom to describe it, that is: five flavors mixed!

That\'s how Lyon feels at this time.

However, he was relieved when he thought that Thor\'s short death was just playing a song of rebirth for his new life.

In this marvelous world, even for his own survival and protecting the people around him, he needs to do all kinds of things that are not recognized in the eyes of others.

However, he still hopes that what he has done is right!

At least in his eyes

At this time, perhaps Thor\'s sacrifice of life for others was recognized by Odin and Thor\'s hammer again.

In the distant sky, suddenly there was a whistling sound like a fighter plane passing quickly!

They looked at the sky and saw a very fast figure flying straight to the town.

That\'s the Thor hammer who can\'t wait to return to his master!!!

Jane, who was reluctant to leave Thor, was forcibly pulled away by Eric to avoid being hurt by sudden changes.

Lyon, standing not far away, also moved to one side of the ladder with the help of Colson.

Looking at the fast flying meow hammer, Lyon also raised the corners of his mouth and said in his heart, "good play, start!"

The Thor hammer "mjolnier", flying all the way from the crater with the wake cloud, was about to hit Thor on the ground. Thor, who was already "dead", suddenly reached out and grabbed it!

In an instant, a huge thunder suddenly fell from the dark clouds in the sky!

Directly cover Thor lying on the ground!

Not far from Lyon, I clearly saw the whole process of Thor\'s rebirth and transformation into Thor.

The whole body is wrapped in armor made of black road metal, and behind it is a red cloak

That\'s one word: handsome!

This massive transformation makes the destroyer who has gone far turn around again, open his face armor and begin to accumulate energy.

Loki in Asgard said: I don\'t believe I can\'t kill you!

However, Thor, who has regained his divine power, is better than ever.

In the midst of the thunder, a hammer flew out in a flash.

It hit the destroyer in the face, causing its head to tilt. The just prepared smashing beam missed the target.

Then, the hammer that turned again suddenly hit its waist, which will almost destroy the destroyer of the whole town, just like a strong man without the power to fight back!

Before the destroyer got up, Thor waved a hammer, rolled up a huge black tornado and flew directly into the sky.

I don\'t know when the whole town became cloudy and thunderous.

I think it\'s Thor\'s power

The huge wind blew everyone\'s clothes and hair.

Turning the hammer, Thor, suspended in the sky, controlled the tornado, slowly lifted the destroyer to the ground and flew to the sky.

In the sky, it\'s his home!


Originally, on the four warriors in the fairy palace and Lyon, the very easy-to-use crushing beam is just a brother in front of the Thor hammer.

With two smashing beams shot at him, Thor felt that it was time to solve the big guy!

From top to bottom, clutching the hammer in his hand, Thor controlled his body and shot straight at the destroyer!


Under the thorns and thorns of Thor\'s hammer, the destroyer\'s crushing beam has no effect at all. It can only watch Thor\'s Thor force destroy his crushing energy continuously.


With a loud explosion, Thor\'s Thor\'s power collided with the crushing energy, resulting in a huge impact that instantly beat the destroyer out of combat effectiveness.

"Bang!" the once awesome destroyer fell from the sky and smashed the ground into a big pit.

This is not over yet. The wreckage of a car that was also blown up by a tornado also followed, accurately hitting the scrapped destroyer.

Maybe Thor took revenge for the scrapped car?

In short, the whole battle was not long, and the results did not surprise Lyon.

Thor, who regained the power of Thor, killed the destroyer in two or three times. He was very simple.

After the battle, Thor\'s natural and unrestrained figure came out in the disappearing black tornado.