I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 986: Brilliant victory

Song Jian saw that the undead arms and all defensive facilities on the city wall had been destroyed. Even the sturdy city walls of the third-level castle had been crumbling, and huge cracks continued to spread and collapse, but the Red Lotus sword array did not dissipate Instead, it became more and more intensified. The third stage seemed to have begun. In mid-air, an imaginary palm shadow began to emerge slowly.

In the laboratory in the castle, the corpse witch lord looked at the corpse of the baby dragon, and moved slightly, his eyes scared with excitement.

The strong power of death is like a tide, waves after wave continue to pour into the body of the young dragon, and the magic array beneath it begins to tremble violently.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's about to be successful, hold on ..." The corpse witch whispered to himself, constantly throwing all kinds of precious magic crystal materials into the magic circle.

The magic circle is the only way to awaken the young dragon to become an undead creature. Once the magic circle collapses, this experiment will end in failure.

This is the third experiment. Although the test object is a black dragon with a powerful body, it is only a young juvenile. After several previous experiments, it has caused irreversible effects on its body. Magical damage. If this experiment fails again, then this young dragon corpse can no longer be transformed into an undead creature, and can only be used as ordinary material.

At this moment, the corpse witch lord seemed to hear a tender dragon yin blooming from the corpse of the young dragon, and Scarlet's eyes could not help showing an excited look.

This represents that the corpse of the baby dragon has initially accepted the power of death. The most difficult step has been completed, and the rest is to continue to inject the power of death, waiting for it to wake up to become a real undead creature.

Although the cost will be greater later, but seeing the hope of the corpse witch lord, it does not care about paying.

The magic array that had been trembling violently began to slowly calm down, everything was moving in a good direction, and the original black scales of the dragon's body surface gradually began to float a layer of gray. I do n’t know when. The originally closed eyes also slowly opened, and a pale look appeared in the pale golden eyes, but at this time the young dragon's eyes were not glamorous, like a hollow body.

"Very well, next ..." The corpse witch lord was ready to start the next experimental steps, but at this moment, a loud noise came from overhead, accompanied by a loud noise, an earthquake-like shaking, The defensive formation of the entire laboratory shattered after a few flashes.

There were also huge cracks in the hard rock walls, and all the equipment and materials in the laboratory rolled to the ground.

The witch's face changed greatly, and a strong black breath appeared on Tieqing's cheek. He watched the magic array beneath the dragon, and a thin crack appeared from the center. This crack penetrated the entire magic array. .

A stern roar bloomed from the body of the young dragon, and the knight's keen sense immediately noticed a slight "snap" from the young dragon's body, as if a bubble burst in the air.

"No!" The corpse witch lord sank in his heart. This bubble-like shattering sound represented the innate wisdom of this young dragon's corpse because it was destroyed by the magic circle and was directly defeated!

Suddenly, the monstrous anger was burning in the mind of the corpse witch lord, turned around and picked up his exclusive staff, facing the ground fiercely, the figure of the corpse witch lord disappeared in the laboratory immediately.

The figure of the corpse witch lord soon appeared on the wall outside the castle. Looking at the horrible scene around him like a doom, the corpse witch lord couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"How could this be!" Looking out of the castle, Catherine led her army, still standing hundreds of meters away, but the corpse witch lord knew that the human hero, who looked like an ant, had launched an attack on his castle. And, it also caused huge losses.

"You have no idea what kind of existence you have angered. I will extract your soul and burn it in the flames of the undead **** for 10,000 years. Your body will become the lowest-level skeleton soldier. I To ... "The corpse witch lord cursed fiercely, but his words were not finished, and a horrifying threat came to mind.

Like a frog being stared at by a snake, the corpse witch lord did not dare to move.

Clucked ~

There was a sound of a slight collision of teeth. This time it was not the laughter of the corpse witch lord, but the sound of continuous collisions of teeth due to the trembling of the body because of fear.

The corpse witch lord seemed to realize something, and moved his neck to raise his head and looked up into the air.

The huge palm, which has a diameter of more than 100 meters, is spread out in the air, and swords of gas are flowing from all directions towards this palm. With the inflow of the sword, the palm becomes more real. The corpse witch lord can even see subtle palm prints in the center of his palm.

"What the **** is this ..." The corpse witch lord stared blankly at the huge palm above his head, his mind blank.

At this moment, this huge palm covering the whole Undead Castle seemed to perceive something, and at one tenth of an instant, it slammed hard downward.

In the distance, Catherine first saw the huge palm photographed, and directly shot the entire Undead Castle into ruins. The dust was released into the air, and then a dull roar was heard in the ear.

The sound was extremely heavy, as if a heavy hammer had hit her chest fiercely, making her heart boring and nauseated, and she couldn't help spitting blood, which made her feel more comfortable.

Immediately afterwards, a strong force spread from the ruins of the castle in all directions and spread out in all directions. In the deserted wilderness, a thick layer was directly flattened, just like a smooth mirror surface, even the size of a fingernail. No gravel can be found.

Fortunately, the army led by Catherine kept a sufficient distance, and when the energy rushed to her, it had no effect on them.

The dust was flying, as if a sandstorm had been rolled up ~ www.novelhall.com ~ For a long time, the dust fell to the ground, and Catherine had already seen Pingchuan in his eyes. The third-level undead castle in memory seemed to be wiped directly from the ground with an eraser There was no trace left.

It seemed that Catherine heard something.

"The army you led captured a third-level undead castle, and you won a brilliant victory!"

"Your heroic record will be spread throughout the human kingdom. All human beings will cheer for your achievements. Your heroic name will be remembered by all human beings!"

"In this battle, you have gained 1.6 million experience points, and the level has been increased to level 30! Your own attributes have been increased, the number of troops you have led has been increased, and your effect on leading your army has been increased. ! "

"You have been awarded the title of Undead Terminator. The morale of your army will not drop when facing undead creatures, and the damage will be increased by 100%."


PS: Thank you for "500 Tang Yuan" for "Tang Bohu not painting"