I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 978: Devil's castle

Occupy a mill and get more than 500 units of grain. This mill can provide 20 units of grain per day. According to 100 workers a day, 10 soldiers a unit of food, Song Jian can hire at least two more. Thousand workers or two hundred soldiers.

It ’s just that you need to spend gold coins for hiring. If you rely on the gold coins produced by the city ’s main government every day, it is definitely not enough. You can only get gold coins through battle.

Looking at the empty farmland, Song Jian frowned slightly. If he could send some farmers to farm here, I believe that the grain output could be further improved.

"If you continue to pursue, can you capture some farmers?" Song Jian secretly said.

After defeating the group of peasants with wooden forks in the past, Song Jian no longer cares about them. Now think about it, it is really necessary to captive the remaining peasants;

After occupying a mill, Song Jian continued to walk forward. In a day, he only found a wooden yard and an iron ore. It became dark, and Song Jian led five gunmen back to the castle.

"Upgrade the city's main mansion to level 2, upgrade the material warehouse to level 2, build a tavern, and build a blacksmith shop!"

Upon returning to the castle, Song Jian issued a series of construction orders.

In the castle, upgrading buildings and constructing new buildings requires only sufficient resources to build them automatically. If there are workers, the construction speed can be accelerated.

The level 2 city main government can provide 400 gold coins every day, and if you want to build or upgrade other buildings, the level of the city main government is a prerequisite. If there is no level 2 city main government, many buildings cannot be built;

The material warehouse can provide all kinds of common resources every day, and it is also a building that must be upgraded. As for the tavern and blacksmith shop, as long as there are sufficient resources, it can be built;

The tavern can quickly restore the morale of the soldiers, and there is a certain chance of recruiting heroes. It took Song Jian a day to explore a small area. The efficiency of obtaining resources is too poor. If you can recruit several heroes together, the efficiency will be great. Increased.

As for the smithy, it can provide some simple weapons and armors. Most importantly, the smithy can make supply vehicles. In battle, soldiers' equipment is easily damaged, and supply vehicles can repair them at any time. If the archers use their arrows in the future, their combat power will decrease sharply, and the supply vehicles can replenish them at any time. Bows and arrows.

Late at night, Song Jian lay on a bed in the city's main house, silently thinking about how to win in this assessment;

"Today, I only found one mill, one ranch and iron ore, but from the announcements of other camps, we can see that the efficiency of other camps is several times that of mine. The resources they search must be better than mine. A lot more, but until now, except for me, there does not seem to be a camp appraiser to find the main city of the camp, which is good news for me, but they find the main city, only sooner or later, once When they find the main city, they can enter the development stage, and the gap between me and them will become smaller and smaller over time ... "

Just then, a red announcement appeared in front of Song Jian;

System: Hell camp appraisers, find the demon castle of the camp's main city!

System: Hell camp appraisers attack the Demon Castle, but fail!

System: Hell camp appraisers are fatally injured, lose their appraisal qualifications, and are forced to withdraw from the appraisal world!

Song Jian was shocked. He sat up involuntarily and stared at the announcement. The **** camp found the main city!

Although he had expected it in his heart, Song Jian was still a little nervous when he saw another main city from the camp.

On the other hand, in the camp of hell, Prince Sara snarled angrily.

"Who, who found out that the main city did not report, do you think it is over when you leave after failing, I will let you know what kind of punishment you will take if you act privately!"

The appraisers of the other **** camps seem to be trembling, but in fact, no one cares what Prince Sarah said.

Although as long as your camp can win, then you can also pass the assessment, but if the evaluation is higher after passing, then the strength will be greater than others;

If you replace them, if you first find the main city of the camp, you will definitely try to occupy it. You must know that once you occupy the main city, you will automatically become the city's main city owner.

Unless the entire castle is abandoned, then the interests of the appraisers of the entire camp will be harmed, and it will certainly be opposed by others.

At that time, even Prince Sarah, he can only hold his nose to admit the status of the other city's owner. Once he passed the assessment, then obviously, the person with the city's status will get the most benefits.

This is also why the appraisers of the **** camp launched an occupation attack directly after finding a **** main city, but unfortunately, his strength was not enough. Instead of occupying the main city, he lost his own in battle. life;

Fortunately, there will be no real death in the assessment world. He only put forward the assessment world after being killed. This second-order combat performance assessment naturally failed;

After some inquiries, the appraisers of the **** camp finally determined that. Under the order of Prince Sarah, all appraisers searched along the investigator's line during the day.

In fact, whether it is daytime or nighttime exploration, it will consume the physical strength of the examiner, and the nighttime energy consumption is doubled during the daytime;

After the middle of the night, almost all the appraisers were exhausted. Originally, after the daytime exploration was over, the night was their rest time, but under the compulsory order of Prince Sarah, all appraisers were helpless to go at night. Look for that Hell Lord.

"Damn, what's going on in one night, that main city won't run, the **** camp is just us, and no one will grab it ..." someone whispered.

"Who knows? Www.novelhall.com ~ How can you be sure that no one will find and occupy the main city at night?" A reviewer looked at him with a meaningful look and whispered. : "The lucky and unlucky guy is not strong. At least five people who can win him at the scene. He can't occupy that main city. Can't the other five people also occupy it?"

"Unfortunately, that idiot, such a good opportunity is in front of me, and I just missed it ..."

"I can't walk anymore, it costs too much to explore at night, my legs are like being filled with lead ..."

Physical energy is exhausted, and everyone cannot move. This is the rule for assessing the world. There is no way for anyone to avoid it. Almost everyone is exhausted, but soon, a good news comes from the front.

"Prince Sara, someone found the main city of the **** camp!"

Prince Sarah also leaned against a rock at this time to rest, and when she heard the news, Tieqing's face had been a little excited at last.


s: Thank you for the "100 Golden Coins" awarded by "Golden European Emperor Tiger" ~