I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 964: Hide boss

Ye Huo Honglian Wan Jianjue devours another golden quality skill book, which can be upgraded to the sixth level, which is why Song Jian first picked up the golden quality skill book.

A glance is a skill book for shield soldiers, called Shield Impact. The effect is to resist the target's attack positively and increase the defense power by 100. After the successful resistance, it will cause the target to bounce back for 150 times.

This is a great skill for using the shield profession. Not only shield soldiers, as long as you use the shield profession, you can learn this skill.

If sold, this skill book is worth at least millions of doomsday;


Song Jian lost his mind, and the skill book in his hand disappeared. Wan Jianjue was promoted to the sixth level.

The sixth-level Wanjian Jue has obtained a qualitative improvement, and the number of spirit swords has been greatly increased. From the original sixty to sixty, it has been directly increased to ten to one hundred and ten. At the same time, the damage of each sword is also increased. When it reaches (weapon damage of 180), the overall power has more than doubled. Even if there is no karma red lotus sword array, it can cause more than 300,000, nearly 400,000 damage to monsters of the same level. Of course, this is the number of spiritual swords reached. Injuries caused by one hundred and ten;

"Now, it should be able to support the third stage of the Red Lotus Sword Formation of the industry fire?" Song Jian secretly said, could not help but want to find a powerful boss to try it;

The Sword of the Immortal Road mission has killed 90 dominance bosses, and has completed 90. It is only the last one of the dominion bosses to complete the first step of the Sword of Immortal Road;

Obviously, this step is only a test of entry. Only with the strength to kill the cross **** boss, can the following link be carried out;

The broken kingdom of God once embraced a lot of soul power. The drizzle in the sky never stopped, and the lake and river finally began to have flowing water. The earth recovered, the grass, and the forest began to recover slowly, albeit at a very high speed. Slow, but always a good sign

If you want to completely repair the broken kingdom of God, you ca n’t repair it by killing monsters to gain soul energy. You must have the power of the **** to finally repair it, but at least you can make the environment better.

After improving Wan Jianjue, Song Jiancai turned his attention to other loot. The one that emited a fuchsia quality light was a halberd, an off-hand equipment, which can be thrown out to hurt the enemy, has a range of 85 meters, and is good for attack. Enemies on the track can cause damage;

Not to mention attack damage, the range of 85 meters alone has envied many long-range professions. You know, even long-range professions such as longbowmen, if they do n’t have the ability to increase the range, their farthest range, I am afraid Can't compare with this halberd.

The most important thing is that this halberd is a universal weapon. Even if it is a mage, if the power attributes meet the requirements, it can be used and thrown to the auction house. If the mage profession does not have a better wand, I believe that many power attributes meet the standards. The mage will also compete fiercely with the soldiers for this weapon. With so many people competing, this weapon must be able to sell a sky-high transaction price;

This weapon's attributes are also very good. Song Jian looks very eager to see. If it is not a professional limit, this weapon Song Jian even wants to equip himself;

Even ordinary swordsman occupations can be equipped with shields and other off-hand weapons in the off-hand column, but the royal sword makes this epic class, Song Jian is now empty, without any weapons;

Not equipped, but equipped, all damage and attributes weakened by 80%, in the face of the super strong damage of Skybreaker Sword and Wan Jianjue, the off-hand weapon is simply a burden;

However, Song Jian also knows that Yu Jianshi ’s off-hand bar should be equipped with a flying sword, but unfortunately, Song Jian has not yet hit a flying sword. A normal-quality long sword will not only consume a lot of money, but also will not bear it. If you live for a long time, you will not be afraid of the erosion of sword gas;

Holding it in my hand for a while, Song Jian sighed and put it in the parcel box. Most of the remaining items were some materials. This time, the magic dragon skeleton alone yielded more than 300 kilograms, of which A dragon skull exudes golden light. This is not only a golden-quality forged helmet, but it can also be used as an ornament to hang on the wall of a room to show its might;

Even in the abyss shadow of difficult difficulty, such a dragon skull has not been dropped. Only the true difficulty copy will drop, which is a symbol of clearing the true difficulty copy;

After picking up all the spoils, Song Jian found it strange that the system did not have a city broadcast, and he cleared the abyss shadow of real difficulty himself;

You know, after the difficulty level was cleared, the system broadcasted it three times throughout the city. Half a month ago, no team was able to solve the difficulty level. After half a month, Song Jian did not believe that someone could clear the abyss of the real difficulty. Shadow copy, otherwise, Wang Qi will tell himself;

"Can it be said that this copy has not been finished yet?" Song Jian was a little surprised. In the hard difficulty copy, this is indeed the last boss, but the real difficulty ...

"Maybe there are hidden bosses?" Song Jian murmured in his heart and began to look around; this magma lake is already the end of the copy. If there are hidden bosses, they will only appear near the magma lake, and maybe even in the magma Lake bottom

Although Song Jian's fire resistance is very high, there are still great restrictions on fighting in the magma lake. If the hidden boss is really at the bottom of the magma lake, Song Jian will also bring it to the shore to fight;

However, ten minutes passed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The copy was silent and there were no traces of hidden bosses. Song Jian frowned, he would never have to enter the magma lake to search for bosses. This is difficult. Some are too big

Just then, Song Jian finally received a belated system message;

System: You killed the Abyssal Phantom (real difficulty) hidden bosses, fierce souls of dragons, the bosses can't get loot, you get 686 million battle experience, and your level is increased by one level;

System: You clear the Abyss Shadow (Real difficulty), your Abyss race reputation drops by 10,000 points, and the relationship between you and the Abyss race is hatred;

System: You have cleared the Abyss Shadow (Real difficulty), your human race reputation has increased by five thousand points, and your reputation in the human race has reached reverence;

System: You have cleared the abyss ghost (real difficulty), please choose disposal options, plunder, occupy, destroy in the following several options!


s: Thank you for the 200as coin rewarded by "Bao Xuexin"