I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 962: Dragon Form

Song Jian can feel that the sword of the boss is constantly piercing in his body, but he can't cause any damage to himself. The immune damage of nearly four seconds makes the boss's move completely lose its effect;

In fact, this trick is similar to the Xuanyue Streaming Sword, but the "Sword" by the boss can not cause the floating effect, but the damage caused by each hit is several times that of the Xuanyue Streaming Sword. A melee heavy armored warrior, caught off guard, may also be directly dropped by the boss;

Song Jianying retreated sharply. At this time, the sword was full. In the process of retreating, he took a homeopathic slash, and dozens of spirit swords rushed toward the boss. A series of tens of thousands of damages floated from the sky;

The last karma fire red lotus sword severely chopped past the boss. This time it did not trigger the last beheading effect, but only caused nearly 100,000 points of damage to the boss;

Seeing the palm that had been condensed and collapsed again, Song Jian felt a little regretful in his heart. It was a pity. It would be better if Wan Jianjue had a higher level;

The blood value of the boss has dropped to less than two million, but for Song Jian, it is still a desperate number. The boss with burning flames rushes towards Song Jian;

During the sprint, the boss's body slightly shook and suddenly became blurred. After a while, three identical bosses appeared in front of Song Jian;

Sword shadow clone!

Song Jian immediately displayed the avatar skills, but the number was one less than the boss;

Wan Jianjue!

As soon as the avatar appeared, he directly exerted the most powerful skills. Dozens of spirit swords rushed towards three identical bosses. The spirit swords were almost evenly distributed on each boss. From the injury, Song Jian immediately The boss's body was locked, the Xuanyue Streaming Sword was exhibited, and the figure rushed towards the boss's body like lightning;

The boss's clone also hurts, but for Song Jian, the damage of the clone can be fully tolerated, carrying the attack of the clone, Song Jian and the boss body stand together, and the sword shadow clone also locked the boss body and attacked together;

Hum ~

Another dazzling light bloomed from the boss's sword. Song Jianying retreated sharply, but his avatar rushed towards the boss with his sword;

Uh ~

A dazzling white light shone in the air, like a spider web, covering the avatar. After a while, the avatar was directly unloaded by seven or eight pieces and turned into a puff of black smoke that disappeared;

Boss's normal attack damage Song Jian can still bear, but the skill is too powerful, it can easily suffice Song Jian with seven or eight thousand blood values, so once the boss releases the skills, Song Jian must be faster Dodge

"This is only the second stage and the third stage of the dragon. Almost all of the attacks are large-scale attacks. If you want to hide, you can only resist!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, a pair of thoughts appeared, and a pair appeared behind him. Steel wings

The summoning of the steel wings is not to speed up, but to improve the defense. At the same time, the steel wings can also be used as a shield at the critical moment, to take damage on the front, and the boss in the elf state, the physical damage is too high;

The boss's blood value is too much. If it is a boss of difficult difficulty, the two karma red lotus sword arrays can already fight it to the third stage, the dragon form, but now the boss in the elf form is still alive and well. The suppressed Song Jian retreats;

Song Jian's blood value is constantly falling. Even with ordinary attacks, Song Jian is very difficult to cope with. The opponent's sword skills are too strong. If Song Jian was not replaced with injuries every time, I am afraid that he would not be able to cause effective damage to the boss at all;

Goooo ~

Another bottle of advanced healing potion was poured into the air. Now, as soon as the cool-down time of the potion comes, Song Jian will take it directly. In addition, there are other recovery items that are different from the potion and are also being consumed quickly;


The boss's sword collided with Song Jian's Skybreaker again. A strong pass came, which made Song Jian go backwards by three or four meters directly. When Wan Jianjue's cooling time came, Song Jian directly wanted to wave it. The sword chopped out;

The majestic sword gas spewed out, and more than a thousand sword energy values ​​were consumed again, but Song Jian faintly felt that each time the sword gas was consumed cleanly, its recovery speed seemed to increase slightly. This change is It ’s too weak to feel it, but there are many times. Under the accumulation, Song Jian still notices something strange;

Sixty-handed spirit swords chopped towards the boss. Seeing this scene, even the boss couldn't help frowning. This trick is really no solution. If these spirit swords have real sword bodies, bosses can definitely With sword skills, they are shot down one by one, but these spirit swords are formed by the condensed sword energy, which cannot be resisted at all, but can only be endured hard;

Bang Bang Bang ~

After each Spirit Sword is slashed onto the boss, it will explode violently, and a lot of fire will bloom from the surface of the boss's body. The strong impact makes the boss unable to continue to attack at all!

Immediately afterwards, a huge red lotus flower slowly bloomed. When it bloomed to its peak, it was also the time when the sword array was the most powerful, and a damage of more than 100,000 slowly floated from the top of the boss;

Immediately afterwards, the lotus in full bloom, like withering, began to slowly close together, as if gestating a seed. A karma fire red lotus sword shining with sword light slowly emerged in the air;

The boss gave an annoyed roar, pulled the cloak behind him, and turned it into a dark mist, covering his entire body;

Seeing this scene in front of him, Song Jian's mouth slightly tilted. This is the only defense method for the boss in the elf form. The black mist changed by the cloak has the effect of physical attack immunity, but it corresponds to other attributes. Damage, but increased by 300

You know, although the yehuo red lotus sword is formed by the condensed sword energy, because of the variation of Wan Jianjue, the yehuo red lotus sword already has the damage of the fire attribute. This boss can not only be immune to the yehuo red lotus sword's damage. , Instead it will triple the damage;

In difficult difficulty ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian saw this trick, but did not expect the real difficulty, this boss even used this trick to resist the industry red lotus sword!

"I'll add some more to you!" Song Jian smiled, his eyebrows opened with open eyes, a bright beam of light bloomed from the vertical eyes, and shot toward the rolling black mist;

After raising the vertical pupil, the eye-killing released is real damage. The real damage of 500 points per second. After attacking the black mist, it immediately triggered a triple critical strike, five more than 1,500 points of damage, from The boss floated above his head;

There was a painful roar of the boss in the black mist, and at this moment, a sword light fell like white training, and the whole space seemed to be cut in half by the sword;


With a loud noise, the boss was chopped out of the black mist directly by the yehuo red lotus sword. A damage figure of more than 600,000 floated from the top of his head, and the blood value dropped by more than half;


s: Thank you for "Chen Chen Hahaha" for the 100 starting coins.