I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 957: Phase 3

Song Jian stepped into the copy, because the difficulty and difficulty have been cleared, so he can directly choose the real difficulty; after Song Jian chose the real difficulty, a blood-red portal light appeared in front of Song Jian, which is similar to other difficulty portals. Different, looks more real;

After Song Jian entered the portal, all other players in the copy received the system prompt at the same time;

System: The real difficulty copy is turned on, all other copies of the mirror will be turned off, please all players in the copy of the abyss demons, leave all copies after 30 seconds, after 30 seconds, all players remaining in the copy will be forced Send out a copy!


This information will be refreshed every five seconds, and the remaining time will be reduced accordingly. Some players who are preparing to choose the difficulty to enter the copy, also found that all the difficulties of the copy of the abyss shadow have turned gray. The display is inaccessible.

Thirty seconds later, in front of the Black Pyramid, a large number of players suddenly appeared, all of which were half-copied, and were forced to teleport out the copiers;

"Damn it, give me another three minutes, the fifth BOSS will be overthrown!" Some players roared angrily;

"Good danger, good danger, this BOSS has violent skills. Fortunately, the teleportation came out, otherwise the MT will be stuck for a maximum of five seconds or more ..." Some players said with a look of fear, looking in the eyes of their companions , Full of deep congratulations!

The players of the City of Hope elite group all stared at each other with amazement. Although they did not speak, everyone was roaring in their hearts: "City Lord is challenging the true difficulty copy!"

Soon, several high-level players in the city of hope, such as Wang Qi, got the news and rushed to the front of the copy one by one.

Looking at the huge black pyramid, Wang Qi thought for a moment and commanded: "Be prepared for the territorial expansion campaign. Once the city owner successfully clears the customs, we will start immediately!"

"It's time to send this stumbling block, kill it, and the entire city of Doom is ours!" A player next to him slammed his left palm with his fist, wishing he was a copy of the true difficulty of the Raiders.

"The Lord of the City will not let us down. He will not do things that are unsure. For more than half a month, his strength has definitely been improved by leaps and bounds!" Wang Qi said with confidence.

"Vice Lord, did you not pay attention to the rank list, the Lord's level has soared to level 45!" A player reminded;

"What, forty-fifth?" Wang Qi was shocked, but he knew that Song Jian's previous level was only forty-one. In just a few days, he even jumped several levels;

There are already forty-level players in the City of Hope League. This also lets everyone know that after forty levels, there is no upgrade, and a large amount of battle experience is required. It can be said that from level one to thirty-nine The total battle experience has not increased from forty to over forty-one;

"He, how did he do that?" Wang Qi muttered to himself, staring at the rank list motionlessly, some unable to believe his own eyes.

Wan Jianjue!

A blaze of spirited swords slashed past the two mobs. The true difficulty copy, even if it is just a mob, is comparable to the lord level boss of the same level in the wild, but for Song Jian, the lord Level BOSS, can't resist an attack of Wan Jianjue at all;

After one move, two huge abyss monsters fell to the ground, they were more than ten meters away from Song Jian, and they could n’t even get closer to Song Jian.

Two monsters exploded with one gold, one silver, two pieces of equipment, and five or sixty forty blue-green materials. This explosion rate is much better than many wild bosses of the same level;

However, Song Jian did not look at these trophies, but instead turned on the information message of the fight with an incredible look, and looked carefully;

"It turned out to be ten times the fighting experience of monsters of the same level?" Song Jian cried in surprise;

The monsters in the copy will have a certain bonus on the battle experience obtained after death, but it will be much less when they are shared on each person's head, and the average person will pay little attention to the battle experience obtained;

However, after killing the two mobs, Song Jian suddenly found that his combat experience jumped a little. With his forty-fifth level of combat experience that needs to be improved, the two mobs even have a few tenths of a percent. Can't add it, which made Song Jian curious and looked at it. It turns out that these two mobs actually gave more than ten times the usual combat experience of monsters of the same level;

You know, this is a copy of forty people, originally with experience bonus, and Song Jian is a person, the original experience is not bad, now it has increased tenfold, it is almost like a BUG in the game.

After picking up all the loot, Song Jian walked towards the next mob, even if it was a copy of real difficulty, the mobs in it could not withstand a million swords. As soon as the cool-down time was over, Song Jian could kill the copy. Any of these mobs came along all the way, even faster than the abyss shadow of the previous difficulty and difficulty;

Soon, Song Jian came to the first BOSS, a copy of the previous difficult difficulty, the first BOSS was only the boss-level BOSS, but now the real difficulty, the strength of the BOSS ...

"Domination level, is the first BOSS already **** level?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and clenched the heavenly sword in his hand;

At the thought, the surge of sword energy in the body, all of a brain surged, and more than a thousand points of sword energy continually condensed on the skybreaking sword. If a weapon with a lower quality cannot bear such a strong sword, Only a sword of such quality as Skybreaker can let Song Jian release all his sword energy;

Yehuo Honglian Wanjian Jue!

Sixty long swords whistled and flew over to the BOSS. A huge flame red lotus wrapped the BOSS tightly;

"This time, it seems that the tearing of the meridians is much weaker ..." Song Jian secretly said, perhaps because he was used to it, or maybe because Song Jian's physical fitness has been improved a little, this time he is fully exerting Wan Jianjue, There is no pain like the tearing of the meridians before;

Honglian dissipated, a long sword emerged out of thin air, severely chopped down towards the BOSS;

Boom ~

There was a loud noise ~ www.novelhall.com ~, and there was a more than 300,000 crit damage, but despite this, the BOSS still had a blood value of nearly 100,000;

The BOSS, who was covered with wounds, uttered a roar, and rushed towards Song Jian. When Song Jian clenched the broken sword and was about to rush up, the ghost of the long sword that was about to dissipate turned out to be a giant Palm, pressing down hard towards BOSS;

"Here, this is the change in the third stage of the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword Formation?" Song Jian was dumbfounded, with an unbelievable look. You know, the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword Formation only triggered the second stage each time, Honglian. When the sword, you can already kill the enemy, and never triggered the third stage;

But now, after the Red Lotus Sword can't kill the BOSS, the industry fire Red Lotus Sword array has triggered the third stage of change;



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