I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 942: stone forest

"Oh, it ’s an ordinary friend. Hahaha, it ’s my old turtle, so nonsense, do n’t blame the little spirit, do n’t blame it!” The old turtle laughed, his mouth full of fangs flashing cold light, apparently this turtle demon is not Amiable as shown;

Taking a meaningful look at Song Jian, the old turtle shouted, "Get on the ship quickly, and the wind will start later. Walking in this Wangyue River, the wind is very bad!"

Lan Ling muttered quietly, "I said that I was a ship, and I wouldn't let others say ..."

Song Jian came all the way, Lan Ling didn't mean to keep it secret, and he just said anything when he thought of it. Song Jian simply quoted a few words, and Lan Ling said all the things at home;

It turns out that the so-called Jiuli family is a demon. There is almost no difference between the demon and the monsters in the game. The only difference is that the demon has a sage that is not weaker than humans. It is no different from human beings, and may even form large and small forces because of the region;

Xuanyue Cave is a first-class force among the Jiuli people. It has more than three thousand miles of territory under its control. Crossing this Wangyue River all the way to the west, as far as you can see, all are Xuanyue Cave's territory;

This old turtle is the guardian of Wangyue River. Other humans or players who want to swim or cross the Wangyue River by boat will be killed in secret by this old turtle;

Sitting on the back of the old turtle, the pressure felt by Song Jian became more and more heavy, and the whole person felt like a small bug trapped in amber. If he wanted to move, he felt a mighty force blocking him;

Song Jian knew in his heart that this was the old turtle giving him power, so that he did not want to think of Lan Ling;

"At least the peak of the third-order combat power!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart;

When he passed the first-level combat strength assessment before, Song Jian lifted the third-level combat strength strongman, and the momentum emanating from the old tortoise, compared with those strong ones, only stronger than weak;

This Wangyue River is a river. In Song Jian's view, except that the river water is not bitter and salty, it is almost no different from the sea. Looking around, it is all rippling river water, and no land is visible;

"This is nothing different from the legendary Tongtianhe!" Song Jian muttered softly; Tongtianhe in the Journey to the West, eight hundred miles wide, Song Jian felt that the river in front of him was no worse than that in Tongtianhe How many;

Moreover, there is an old turtle in Tongtianhe!

"Tongtianhe? Boy, have you ever been to Tongtianhe?" The old turtle heard Song Jian's whisper, and said with a little surprise: "Tongtianhe, eight hundred miles, the birds ca n’t cross the fish and shrimp, but they are not supernatural. It's difficult to get close. How can you know its name because you are a weak child? "

"Sometimes I heard people mentioning ..." Song Jian wiped his cold sweats, but he didn't expect that in this game, there really was Tongtianhe;

"Isn't it a doomsday survival game? How did it become so fast?" Song Jian didn't dare to say a word, only whispered in his heart: "Now it has become a strange and strange game. No wonder this Jiuli family is Hidden races, I am afraid that ordinary players do not even know their existence! "

The Wangyue River can't be compared with the legendary Tongtian River. It is only about a hundred miles away. The old turtle is extremely fast in the water and the river wind is roaring, but in the process of swimming, a layer of translucent light curtain, Covered on the turtle's back, he blocked the wind from the river, and along the way, in addition to the monotonous surrounding scenery, Song Jian did not feel dull or otherwise uncomfortable;

"Haha, afterlife, you see here, except for the river, there is a desolation, and there is no land before and after. If you throw you down here, you might survive?" The old turtle shook his body slightly and laughed;

As soon as Song Jian heard it, he smiled a little, pretending to be scared and said, "Lao Zhang, don't make a joke. The surrounding area is blank, not up to the sky, not down. If you drop me here, you will fall into this million Zhanghe At the end, the eternal world is sinking! "

When Lan Ling heard it, he couldn't help rolling his eyes and humming towards Song Jianjiao, but he didn't speak; Lan Ling and Song Jian went all the way, Lan Ling rode the dragon and lizard, and Song Jian flew with the sword. After walking for two days and two nights, there is no fatigue at all. If it wasn't for dragons and lizards that couldn't swim, Song Jian wanted to fly the sword across the river, and it would be a breeze;

"Hahahaha ~" The old turtle seemed very happy when he heard it, shaking his head and shaking his head, but his body was very stable. After several hours, Song Jian finally saw a dark line in the distance, and the land opposite was considered to be;

"Okay, Grandpa Turtle, let's go the rest of the way. You don't want to stay at Wangyue River these days, just go to Dongfu and stay, mother don't be late again like last time!" Lan Ling After jumping off the turtle's back, after telling a few words to the old turtle, he rode on the dragon lizard and rushed forward;

After making a ceremony towards the old turtle, Song Jian summoned the Heavenly Sword, and the Royal Sword flew into the air, followed closely by Lan Ling;

The old turtle looked at Song Jian, shook his head slightly, and sighed in secret: "This boy has good luck, but he was fancy by Princess Jiuli three, but he was too brave and capable, and he didn't know if he could be trusted in the future ... but he The ability of Yu Jian to fly is not bad. I remember that someone seemed to have crossed the Moon River before. When did that happen? "

The old turtle shook his head. A big monster like it has a long life of thousands of years. He has experienced too many things, and sometimes he can't remember some things;

Turning around, the old turtle slowly walked towards Wangyue River, half of his body was immersed in the river water, and suddenly thought of something, "Ah", a long neck was protruded from the shell of the turtle, his head twisted Behind him, staring at the back of Song Jian's Royal Sword flying and whispering: "Hateful boy ~ www.novelhall.com ~ actually playing old turtle, hum, look at me at the demon emperor's birthday feast, I want you to look good!"

"Song Jian, across this stone forest, you will be at my house. At that time, I will entertain you well!" Lan Ling said proudly; Song Jian looked up, and sure enough, there was a large stone forest in front of him, a stone pillar, It looks like an awl, thick and thin, rising from the ground, some are three or four meters high, some are seven or eight meters high, and the highest is nearly a hundred meters. It is like a skyscraper, a gust of wind blows, and a sudden wailing in the stone forest. Whistling

The name of Fengxiao Stone Forest should come from here!

In this stone forest, there are also many level 50 monsters. These monsters look very stingy, with long horns on their heads, blue-faced fangs, look like the size of a calf, the sharp claws on the extremities flash cold light, and randomly slap on the stone pillar. It was a few deep scratches, and the stone powder fell down;

These monsters are not demons, but ordinary monsters. The 50-level "wind howls swallow the stone beast", the entire stone forest is their territory, with a large number of these stone pillars.


Speed ​​text hand hit me with a list of doomsday city chapters