I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 923: The biggest contributor

"Hey, I said, do you want to point your face?" Yani yelled directly, yelling at the open player, "How much damage did you do to the boss? Is there a thousand points? Even the blood that the boss recovered automatically?" The value is not as good, except for the first time when I came, I watched the whole process later, there was no output at all, so I still want the loot? "

Yani was very angry at these players. Before Song Jian hid in the broken kingdom of God, almost all of them hated the BOSS. So many players left, all of them were watching the show, and they did not attack the BOSS at all. Otherwise, they will not play so hard, all the hole cards are handed over, and the elite elite boss monsters that Solanda just called are all gone;

"Well, was this BOSS killed by some of you, obviously that brother was killed!" Zuo Wuquan put aside his lips and said to Yani, "You are just more than us. It ’s just hurt, is it fun to laugh at 50 steps? ”

"Yes, we do n’t want that brother ’s spoils. You ’ve picked up so much. You should always give us a little bit. Do n’t be too greedy!” Zuo Wuquan sneered. Before, he saw that the Tula people had all All the hole cards were handed over. Now I am afraid that he has only five or six layers of strength. The most important thing is that Zuo Wuquan is accurate in positioning. He only looks for Tula's trouble. For Song Jian ...

Zuo Wuquan secretly looked at Song Jian, who was standing beside him. He couldn't help but jump wildly. The boss with more than 800,000 qi and blood value. If it was in the wild, Zuo Wuquan would be the first to encounter such a terrifying boss. Time turned around and ran away, handing in all his acceleration skills, he will never look at the boss again.

However, such a BOSS was actually killed, and it was still killed under his eyelids. If Zuo Wuquan recognized Song Jian, he would definitely think that this is an NPC professional, player How could it be so terrifying?

Wanting to take advantage of such people, Zuo Wuquan feels that it is no different from seeking death;

A glance at more and more people came around, a smile appeared on Zuo Wuquan's face. Although a few of them were members of a dozen small leagues in the Doomsday City, but in the distribution of BOSS loot, he Can now be regarded as the representative of most people.

"Light up what you have picked up, and everyone is evenly distributed!" Zuo Wuquan shouted: "Everyone has contributed, and the audience has a share!"

"Yes, we have a part to see, we also worked!" Shouted the teammates beside Zuo Wuquan together;

Tula's face is very ugly. There are too many people in this group who can fly to the city of the sky. Whether they come up by themselves or hire someone to help out, they all have a feature that is full of confidence in their own strength. In other words, they are a group of elite players who are stronger than ordinary players.

There were at least fifty or sixty people around him, and for those who had exhausted their skills, they had no ability to fight at all;

"Captain, otherwise ..." There was a look of fear on Zorada's face, whispered in Tural's ear;

"Impossible, you don't see how many people are here, do we have to share the spoils with the spoils of life that we risk losing our lives?" Yani suddenly gave an angry look and gave Sorada a stern glance. .

"But they have so many ..." Zorada narrowed her neck, not looking into Yani's eyes;

Tula's face was ugly. If a fight really took place, a few of them would not be the opponents of so many people, but let him take out the hard-to-get loot, and Tula would not be reconciled;

Just as a few people hesitated, Song Jian came up and said, "The bosses are all done. Go to the task!"

Several people shared the task with Song Jian, but did not tell Song Jian where the task was, and the task content did not specify in detail. To complete the task and obtain the task items, he must follow Tula's talents;

Tula was so happy that she looked at a large group of players not far away, wondering: "But they ..."

"Dare to stand in the way, just kill!" Song Jian said faintly, walking towards the crowd first, and Tula immediately followed Song Fitness;

After seeing Tula following Song Fitness, Zuo Wuquan's face changed and he didn't dare to say a word. He immediately turned around with his teammates and left; the other players were silent, leaving a channel open. Song Jian Facial expressions passed through the crowd, with an indifferent expression on his face.

The Tula people immediately followed Song Fitness, Yani even stared at several players, but the players who looked at him all turned away from his sight, which made Yani suddenly have a A feeling of raising an eyebrow;

In the previous battle between Song Jian and BOSS, almost everyone saw it. Some players came from other places and did not know Song Jian. However, the players who entered the sky city the most were the players who were closest to the city of doomsday. For their own area, there are such powerful players, they are all honorable, and they spare no effort to introduce Song Jian's power to these people. Some players even deliberately exaggerate Song Jian's strength.

However, in the face of the final karma red lotus sword formation, these players found that they had said a lot of exaggerated Song Jian's strength before, and now it seems that there are suspicions that they can be degraded;

Soon, Song Jian took Tula and others, and left here. Under Tula's leadership, he came to a fringe place in the city of the sky. Moving forward, there was a rolling white cloud less than ten meters. People can Standing on this white cloud, but if you continue to go forward, you will be dropped directly on the white cloud;

This is almost the suburb of Sky City ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian looked around, I am afraid that even when Sky City is prosperous, I am afraid that there are not many people willing to live here;

"Just in front, we found it here by accident," Tula said, pointing at the rolling clouds in front;

Soon, a low stump appeared in front of Song Jian. The stump was less than one meter high, but extremely wide, with a diameter of at least more than twenty meters. If the tree is still alive, it will be at least 1,000 years old Already

There is a large hole in front of this low stump, an old goblin with brown-green skin, holding a cane, standing in front of the stump, as if waiting for something.

Seeing Tula and his party, the old goblin's gully face showed a gratifying smile: "It's really surprising. I didn't expect that you really killed it!"

Speaking, the eyes of the old goblin glanced over everyone's face, and it seemed a bit surprised to see Song Jian, but a moment later, a relieved look appeared on his face, and he nodded and smiled toward Song Jian: The biggest actor in this mission should be you, young man! "
