I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 849: monster

Song Jian and Hao Dong came to the deck together. It was already two o'clock in the morning, and the surroundings were dim. Even if there were two searchlights, there was no way to illuminate them all;

"It looks like the boat should be fine." Hao Dong looked around. The crew members didn't have any flustered expressions. They were relieved. If something went wrong, none of them could run;

"Isn't it a rock hit?" Hao Dong guessed.

"It's the deep sea, how could it hit the reef?" Song Jian sighed, and with his perception, the moment he stepped on the deck, he noticed that there was a creature more than ten meters long around the freighter. Swimming around the freighter, but lurking in the sea, no one found it.

"A shark cannot be so big, is it a whale? How could there be a whale in this area?" Song Jian frowned;

This is not a game. The bigger the monster is, the bigger it is. The monsters of ten meters, twenty meters, or even hundreds of meters have been seen by Song Jian, but this is the real world. Huge creature

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt that the creature on the bottom of the sea more than ten meters long began to speed up towards the freighter, and it seemed that he wanted to hit the freighter again.

"Hurry up!" Song Jian shouted loudly, while holding a railing beside him tightly;

Before everyone understood, they heard a muffled sound from the left side of the cargo ship;

Boom ~

The whole ship tilted slightly to the right, then swayed back, a sailor standing on the edge of the deck exclaimed, and the whole person fell to the side and fell into the water;

"Oh shit, cable, Hongzi fell ..." a sailor yelled beside;

At this moment, Song Jian sensed that the huge marine creature at the bottom of the ship quickly passed under the ship, fell into the sea towards the name, and kept throwing, trying to catch a cable just dropped.

Seeing that the sailor named Hongzi grabbed the cable, the sailors on the deck were relieved. As long as there was no distance, as long as there was a cable, those who deal with the ocean all year round could quickly use the cable to climb. Come up.

"Damn, what the **** is it and why is it attacking us!" A sailor gritted his teeth.

"Fishing gun, get the fishing gun, I want to let that guy taste the taste of the big guy!"

"The bottom of the ship has been deformed a bit, and if we hit it like this, we will be all over!"


As he was talking, Hong Zi was already holding the cable and reached out half of his body. His arms were tied with strong arms, he grabbed the cable with one arm, and climbed up. At this moment, a large black area appeared under him. Ying, a huge shark, suddenly came out of the water, swallowed him, leaving only two arms, holding the rope tightly, and constantly wandering near the bottom of the ship;

"Shark, how could it be a shark, and why is there such a big shark?" Some sailor saw the whole process of the shark devouring, and his face paled to himself;

Song Jian's face was gloomy. When the shark jumped out of the water just now, he discovered that a line of fonts appeared strangely on the shark's head;

"Deep sea shark, quality elite, level 35, blood value: 5000/5000"

This is a message that appears only on monsters in the game, but, but here is the real world, how could a monster in the game appear?

"You, did you see that monster just now?" Hao Dong blushed. Even if this monster was just in the game, he couldn't handle it alone.

Hao Dong is not worried if it is just an ordinary creature in the real world, but if it is a 35-level elite BOSS in the game, with his strength, I am afraid there is no way to deal with it alone;

However, there is a companion beside him, although he does not know his strength, but if two people join forces, it is still possible to kill this 35th-level elite boss.

Song Jian nodded and said, "Monsters in the game!"

"Damn, that rumor turned out to be true!" Hao Dong's face became ugly, his teeth gritted.

"Rumor? What rumor?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and couldn't help asking.

"Shouldn't you be in the game every day and rarely go back to the real world? How do you feel so occluded? Although this rumor sounds incredible, it's a matter of common sense, but no one ever really understands it!" Hao Dong looked at Song Jian with a little surprise, feeling that Song Jian was like a rookie who had just come into contact with the game;

"What rumor is it!" Song Jian said, looking down at Hao Dong.

Hao Dong suddenly felt that he seemed to be topped by a beast, and a creepy feeling came to his heart. At this time, he realized how much mistake he had made;

"Humans can enter that **** game, why can't other creatures in the real world, including tigers, lions, and other beasts, enter the game world?" Hao Dong looked pale and whispered: "If we humans enter the game , Will become gamers, gods, and other creatures in the real world, in what identity will they enter the game? "

"Monsters in the game!" Song Jian sank in his heart, and whispered;

"Yes, like us, there will be a lot of people who are not used to the game and are killed by monsters in the game. Those other creatures will definitely have a lower probability of survival after entering the game, but, but ..." Hao Donglian There was a hint of fear.

"But there will always be some who can survive, and the more they live, the better, and maybe even upgrade in the game ~ www.novelhall.com ~ to evolve and become a BOSS-like existence!" Song Jian said;

"It turns out that there really is such a thing!" Hao Dong sat on the ground with one hip.

The real world has always been a safe haven for gamers. If you fight too long in the game, you will always want to live a stable and quiet life. If there are monsters in the game, can this safe haven be called a safe haven? Realistic What is the difference between the world and the game world?

"Rest assured, even if there are such monsters in the real world, the number will not be too much, it cannot be like the game." Song Jian comforted;

At this moment, Song Jian saw a strong sailor who was quickly assembling a crossbow with the cooperation of several companions. This crossbow was one person long. The crossbow had the thickness of a baby's arm. How long

With the cooperation of the three, the bow and crossbow slowly opened, as if the beast slowly opened its mouth, exposing sharp fangs. When the crossbow string was pulled to its maximum, the strong sailor held the crossbow with both hands, Put the crossbow up, then stare intently at the sea, waiting for the monster to appear again;
