I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 838: Self-explosion

"Humans can only kill each other, dirty creatures ..."

Seeing that Song Jian did not hesitate to kill the two thieves, Xue Yu's face showed a happy look, roaring with a sharp voice;

Song Jian, expressionless, rushed towards the blood feather with his sword. Behind him, the stone man muttered, and had already walked in. A large stone was condensed in his hand, and he cast it towards the blood feather;

The stone man grunted for Song Jian's preparation. Originally, he wanted to deal with two thieves, but he didn't expect that when the two thieves found themselves seeing through their stealth state, they were panicked, they just wanted to escape, but they were Song All of Jianyi's moves were solved;

Blood Feather looked at the stone that was whistling in the air, and gave a cold hum, and pointed the wand in his hand. A thunderbolt with the thickness of the arm was suddenly excited from the wand and bombarded the stone, and immediately blasted the stone. Torn apart

Song Jian stepped forward and severely chopped two times. At this time, Jianying's avatar was cooled down and his thoughts moved. One identical Song Jian avatar appeared, and Wan Jianfeixian was immediately on display and attacked the BOSS.

The properties of the sword shadow clone are only 30% of Song Jian's body, and the skill is only one level. The Wan Jian Fei Xian's decisive power is less than one-third of Song Jian's body, but it can also cause at least two or three thousand to the BOSS. s damage;

Song Jian controls the shadow of the sword to stay away from the blood feathers, just like a long-range mage, constantly using Wanjian Feixian to attack, while he himself is entangled in the melee and BOSS. At the same time, the stone man mumbles and condenses the stone. Block, smashed towards the BOSS, for a time, the BOSS blood feather will face three attacks at the same time.

This is also because the terrain of the cave is narrow and the black dragon cannot be summoned, otherwise, the blood feathers are not Song Jian's opponents;

Song Jian's Wan Jian Fei Xian can destroy BOSS nearly 10,000 points of damage in a single decision. Before long, less than one tenth of the blood value of BOSS is left;

At this time, Song Jian suddenly found out that the designated drop token obtained from the two thieves previously, after looking at the attributes, Song Jian directly used the BOSS and designated the opponent to drop the weapon in his hand;

Song Jian found that most of the lightning strikes of Blood Feather were released from the staff, and they were instantaneous, while other Witch-winged eagles had lightning flashes behind their wings. Song Jian speculated that this The root staff should have its own lightning attack. In the game, the weapons with their own skills will not be of low quality and high value. Song Jian will not detect the skills of the attributes, so he can only judge by himself. To use this token;

After using the designated burst token, a token-like staffing pattern appears on the token surface;

"Humans, the eagles will never yield!" Roared the blood feathers;

"I don't need you to surrender, I just want your life!" Song Jian said, a long sword waved, and eighteen-handed swords emerged, blasting towards the blood feathers;

Bang Bang Bang ~

The spirit sword bombarded the blood feathers, bursting into a roar, but it was strange that the blood value of the last blood feathers could be harvested this time, but there was no damage figure floating above the opponent's head;

"Invincible?" Song Jian's eyes narrowed, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, similar to invincible skills, and the duration was very short.

"This time you can resist the past, then ten seconds later? Sooner or later die, why not simpler, let me ..." Song Jian's self-sufficient words stopped abruptly, staring at the blood feathers, his eyes round open. , Could not help but scolded: "lie!"

With a change of heart, Song Jian's figure suddenly became transparent, and he turned and fled outside the cave;

At this time, the body of the blood plume has swelled, blood vessels burst out, muscles are full of explosive power, and a light reddish light appears around the body, like a light curtain;

It is this light curtain that resists the damage of Wan Jianjue just now, and also absorbs the power of Wan Jianjue to a certain extent. At this time, the blood feathers look like they want to explode;

When Song Jian turned around and escaped in less than a second, there was a deep roar behind him. The whole cave shook violently. The sword shadow clone lost contact with Song Jian for the first time;

An air wave mixed with a strong **** taste came from behind him. At this time, Song Jian was still in the invincible state of soul walking, and he could not feel the power of this explosive air wave;

When Song Jian ’s invincible time was over, the explosion slowly subsided. The air wave just now exploded the rock walls of the cave, and the gaps of finger thickness spread across the rock walls of the cave. Some small crushed stones continued to fall from overhead;

"Damn, this cave is about to collapse!" Song Jian cursed in a low voice, then quickly turned and ran toward the depths of the cave. The mission requirement was not to kill the blood feathers, but to obtain the crown that the blood feathers dropped, and that The goods of the goblin merchant are also in the cave. Once the cave collapses, Song Jian does not want to dig the cave again with his own hands;

At this time, the little stone man grunted, and it had been blown apart, and huge pieces of stone slowly gathered from all sides to reunite into a humanoid appearance;

Seeing Song Jian rushing back again, the stone man grunted a grieving voice in his mouth: "Guru, Guru Guru ~"

The stone man mumbled, as long as the kernel was not destroyed, even if it was blown up again and again, it could re-aggregate, but each aggregation required some energy.

Song Jian couldn't comfort him, lifted his hand, put it into the space of war pets, and rushed towards a staff on the ground shining with thunder;

At this time, the blood plume could not find a complete corpse ~ www.novelhall.com ~ But there were still many spoils scattered around the staff. Song Jian picked up all the spoils with a brain. Among them are the quest items needed by Goblin merchants, the crown of the Harpy boss;

Then, Song Jian started rummaging deep in the cave, looking for the goods of the goblin merchant, and soon he found several large boxes at a corner deep in the cave.

When you press your hand on these large boxes, a progress bar appears in front of Song Jian's eyes. At this time, Song Jian's ears can already hear the sound of "clicking" rock breaking. Looking at this slowly moving action bar, Song Jian's heart Suddenly impatient;

But there is no way, this is the setting of the game, whether it is to open the box or pick up the mission items, it will take some time;

"I hope this **** rock cave will be a little harder, at least it will persist until I complete the task!" Song Jian thought worriedly.

Soon, the progress bar was over, and the big boxes in front of me suddenly disappeared. Song Jianying immediately rushed out of the cave. As soon as he rushed out of the cave, there was a loud noise behind him, and the whole cave collapsed. Come down
