I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 816: The right way

These statue-like war puppets are all gray in color, standing still in the main hall, as if the background of the game.

But this war that started was turned red, turned into a monster, and was still a monster that exceeded level 50. In Song Jian's eyes, it was the skeleton level, and the blood value exceeded. One hundred thousand

Such war puppets are often used in warfare as engineering equipment. They are powerful and cannot be countered by manpower. If the city of hope was built at the time, there should not be more such war puppets. One or two can be used to The city of hope has become white;

At this time, Song Jian suddenly thought that the three gray dwarf blacksmith BOSS, who were next to the huge furnace on the lava bridge, seemed to be exactly the parts on this huge war chest;

Such a huge war cricket requires at least a team of about 30 players to kill it, and the shield soldiers must be very well equipped. Otherwise, in the face of such a horrible war machine, it is wise to escape. s Choice;

This unintentionally activated war ravaged, wielding a heavy hammer and constantly hitting the gray dwarf zombies around it. With each blow, the ground would tremble slightly. The gray dwarf zombies attacked by it would even want to leave a complete The corpses have become a kind of extravagant hope. When they are hammered down, they immediately turn into a puddle of human blood;

Song Jian slowly backed away. The scope of this war-torn attack seemed to be small. It only attacked the moving monsters around him, and he would not leave too far. After the surrounding gray dwarf zombies ran away, it slowly quieted down. After that, although it still looks like it is activated, it will not walk around, but just stand quietly in place;

After waiting for a long time, the war cricket broke out of the combat state, the energy seemed to be exhausted, and the steam on the back was getting less and less. After a while, its name changed to gray again, motionless, like a statue general.

At this time, the surrounding gray dwarf zombies slowly surrounded them again, cleaning the site, cleaning the site, overhauling, and retreating to a busy state;

Such terrible war 傀儡 has surpassed fifty in this hall. Although they are all war 傀儡 that have not yet been formed and are semi-finished products, their strength is not yet what Song Jian can handle now;

Song Jian entered the stealth state, bypassing the edge of the hall, and continued to explore inward. At the deepest part of the hall, Song Jian found a war puppet covered with a thin layer of rock walls. This war puppet was more than fifteen meters tall. It seems to have been abandoned for a long time. Many exposed joints are rusty and cluttered. They are like nerves that have protruded from the gaps in the body. Some parts of the body have even died of rust with the surrounding walls. ;

Next to this garbage-like war puppet, there is a small door. Also standing next to it is a one-meter-high mechanical puppet. This puppet looks like a gray dwarf, and its surface is covered with a layer of gray rock. wall;

When Song Jian approached the door, the rock wall on the surface of the body of the machine began to fall off slowly. After a short time, a metal forged gray dwarf machine 傀儡 appeared in front of Song Jian;

This grey dwarf is a forged machine, with a silver flashing metal forged throughout the body. Song Jian can see that there is a star iron component in it, but obviously the forged metal is a kind of alloy. Strength or toughness, much stronger than star iron;

"Furnace 傀儡, Forty-Class Elite Boss, Blood Value 0"

If you want to enter this small door, you must defeat this furnace maggot. Song Jian glanced back at the hall. The tall war maggots and the gray dwarf zombie being assembled are still some distance away from this one. If the furnaces are fighting, they should not lead to them;

Xun Song Jian gritted his teeth and slashed his sword at the cricket.

There was a crisp sound of "Clang", and the Five Elements broke the sky sword, leaving only a white mark on the surface of this cricket's body, and there was more than a hundred points of injury floating on the opponent's head.

You know, even with a flat cut, the weapon in Song Jian's hand can cause more than 600 points of damage, but the cut on the puppet only caused more than a hundred points of damage, which shows the strength of the furnace puppet. How hard the defense is too strong.

The chop chopped on it, Song Jian also felt a sore wrist for a while, and it seemed that this choke had considerable restraint against the melee profession.

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian waved his right hand, this time even exhibited the twelve spirit swords, flying towards the furnace;

轰轰轰 ~

The spirit sword slashed on the furnace maggot, which triggered a violent explosion. A damage of four or five hundred points floated from the top of the furnace maggot;

Although this blow caused about 5,000 points of damage to the furnace 傀儡, for an elite BOSS with 80,000 points of blood value, these damages are not much.

熔 This furnace 傀儡 barehanded fist, it seems to have no skills, but just fisted his fist and smashed it towards Song Jian, Song Jian fought against it, a strong force came, and immediately smashed him out;

"More than 300 points of damage, can still bear it!" Song Jian looked at the opponent's fist injury, and nodded slightly.

With a change of heart, the invisible sword suddenly dropped a lot. A clone identical to Song Jian appeared next to him. When the sword shadow clone appeared, he slashed his sword towards the furnace 傀儡 ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Seven or eight spirit swords shone with light and chopped past in the direction of war;

Although the sword shadow clone only inherits 30% of Song Jian's body and has only 1 level of skills, for the current Song Jian, although he has lost a lot of skills, and Wan Jian Fei Xian has only one level, But for the sword shadow avatar, the attack power is not reduced but increased;

The attack of the avatar also caused more than 3,000 points of damage to the BOSS. This time, one-eighth of the blood value of the BOSS was directly lost.

At this point, the hatred value of BOSS has been firmly locked in Song Fitness. Song Jian and BOSS are fighting together, but they control the avatar away from BOSS, so as not to be affected by the battle. After all, The attribute of the avatar is brittle, and it can't bear the several attacks of the BOSS at all;

In this way, Song Jian attracted the hatred of BOSS, and the avatar is like a long-distance professional, constantly casting Wan Jian Fei Xian on BOSS. A 10-second cooling time is enough to make this skill a regular attack skill;

In the case of Song Jian and the avatar simultaneously performing Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, it can cause BOSS nearly 10,000 points of damage at one time. In less than three minutes, this forty-level elite BOSS was easily killed by Song Jian. ;

Looking at the equipment that BOSS burst to the ground, Song Jian finally found a trace of self-confidence. It seems that before, I felt that this skill was not strong, just because he didn't find the correct way to use it;

Uh ...

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