I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 809: Cursed land

Coming out of the light blue light door, Song Jian returned to the bedroom of the manor castle. A tired look appeared on his face. He didn't want to do anything. He lay directly on the bed and fell asleep;

I don't know how long it took, Song Jian finally woke up, looked up, and found out that a sunlight came in from the window, which surprised him.

You must know that in this doomsday city, it is too extravagant to bask in the sun. The sky above the doomsday city is covered by a thick cloud all day long;

Only at a certain time in the night, the cloud will dissipate for a quarter of an hour, revealing the moon, but in the daytime, it never dissipates;

Wu Songjian walked to the window and looked out. The gloomy dark clouds in the sky didn't know when it all disappeared. At this time, all the Confederate territories were shrouded in warm sunlight.

Take out the main seal of the city, Song Jian looks at the attributes of the city of hope;

"Looks like, I haven't been in the City of Hope for so many days. The people in the League of War have expanded their territories so much ..." Song Jian found with some surprise that the area of ​​the City of Hope had once again expanded, almost reaching the end of the day before One-half the size of the city, the city of hope now has a little bit of sin, a city like the city of Anthem.

Just compare to these big cities that have existed for decades. The city of hope is still a bit shallow, but it is only a matter of time before the big cities catch up with the speed of player development;

For Song Jian, this trip to the abyss **** was somewhat worthless. Although he won 10,000 war merits, he lost a semi-artifact abyss book, and the abyss magic which has reached the ninth level is also lost, which makes Song Jian's strength does not increase but decreases!

"But fortunately, at least he still got an epic weapon." Song Jian secretly looked at the "Scythe of Death" in the parcel box.

"If only we could get the sword fairy heritage again." Song Jian took out a broken sword of gray quality, stared at it for a long time, sighed, and put the broken sword on the table;

要 If you can get the Sword Immortal heritage this time, even if all the Abyssal Flames and the Books of the Abyss are lost, it will be nothing.

Xun stroked the broken blade on the table, Song Jian shook his head slightly, turned to leave, and walked towards the outside of the room;

宋 After Song Jian left, the handle was originally a broken sword of gray quality, but a faint white light suddenly flashed on the surface. This light flashed away and did not attract anyone's attention;

When Yi Jian left the bedroom, Song Jian saw Wang Qi and others waiting outside the room door, and when they saw Song Jian coming out, it was obvious that several people were clearly relieved;

"City Lord, you are back!" Wang Qi and others said to Song Jianxing.

After Wu Jiancheng's success, their title to Song Jian also changed, and they began to call the Lord of the City;

"What's wrong, why are you all here?" Song Jian glanced at everyone with a smile;

"Brother Song Jian, you fell asleep as soon as you came back yesterday, we are very worried about you!" Li Ke'er said loudly;

"Really?" Song Jian touched Li Ke'er's head and laughed, "My brother was too tired to do the task, so he fell asleep as soon as he came back."

Wang Qi and others looked at each other and did not continue to say anything. The players in the game almost do not need to sleep, and only after that kind of mental strength, will they use sleep to supplement their energy in the game;

"City Lord, let me report on the days you left, the development of the city?" Wang Qi said;

"No, I can understand everything in the city through the seal of the city." Song Jian waved his hand and said. The main seal of the city is almost equivalent to the remote control and monitor of the entire city. Song Jian can understand everything in the city through the main seal of the city, and does not need to report by a special person like before.

This makes Song Jian's control of the entire city more tightly than before. Now what Wang Qi and others need to do, they must apply first, and then Song Jian passes the seal of the city, and then they can transform the city. Otherwise, they ca n’t even build a residential house;

"Yes, Lord, we found a magic crystal mine!" Wang Qi said suddenly;

"What, magic crystal mine, where?" Song Jian's eyes brightened. You must know that magic crystal can not only build magic crystal railguns and magic crystal shells, but also many other high-end items, involving many industries, Even forging and pharmaceuticals, some special formulas also need to add magic crystals;

It can be said that magic crystal is a hard currency stronger than Doomsday. Sometimes, for the same item, many people prefer to use the other party to pay with Magic Crystal instead of Doomsday currency.

"Just in the city of Doom, less than ten kilometers from the territory." Wang Qi said, "But there is a problem there, it is difficult for ordinary people to approach!"

怎么 "Why, the monster inside is high?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and asked;

Demon Crystal Mine, such a precious resource, if there are no high-level monsters nearby, then it is very strange;

"It ’s not just monsters, that area is almost untouchable. After any life enters this area, it will continue to lose blood, and it won't be long ..." Wang Qi said;

"Same as the Valley of the Dead?" Song Jian asked for a moment;

The Scourge Poison Fog in Death Valley also has a similar effect, but after occupying the Death Valley, this area already belongs to Song Jian ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You can freely set the crowd that produces the effect;

"There is a cursed place!" Cecilia Master slowly walked over and looked at Song Jian up and down, with a charming smile on his face, and said, "You are much cleaner now!"

Song Jian snorted coldly, he naturally knew what Cecilia was talking about, both the abyss magic and the book of the abyss had disappeared, lost the contamination of the abyss, and would no longer be tempted by the power of the abyss;

"What is a cursed land?" Song Jian asked;

"It used to be the territory of the mountain gray dwarf, but because they did something, they were cast aside by the gods, cursed by the gods, and now they have all become undead monsters, and their homes have become any Where no soul can set foot! "Said Cecilia, the priest," this event is clearly recorded in the books of the Dawn Temple! "

Wu Songjian was silent for a moment, and asked carefully: "Is there really a **** in this world?"

"God exists, of course, it is everywhere, omnipotent!" Cecilia said with a serious face, "And you should be the most believe in the existence of gods."

Cecilia took a meaningful look at Song Jian and smiled slightly;

"Sacred point?" Song Jian immediately responded, what Cecilia was referring to, and quickly asked: "Do you know what the sacred point is for?"

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Stinging Pig"

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