I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 793: Run away

A puff of blood shot out, and Song Jian felt as if he had been hit on the shoulder with a heavy hammer, and with a moan, the whole person fell towards the ground;

When he fell to the ground, Song Jian discovered that the blow not only penetrated his shoulder, but also punched a fist-sized hole in the steel wings behind him;

There was more than 800 points of damage floating above his head. Song Jian was shocked. You must know that he is wearing a dark gold-quality suit. The defense bonus of equipment is higher than ordinary sword and shield soldiers. Coupled with having a first-order combat power, the attributes have been greatly improved. If this strike is replaced by a player with ordinary points, I am afraid that it will kill immediately.

Bourne saw more than 800 injury figures floating above Song Jian's head, his eyebrows suddenly frowned, and he calculated it secretly in his heart, and immediately understood it;

"How could it be, how could his defense be so powerful!" Bourne hesitated for a moment, but ran in the direction of Song Jian;

Seeing Song Jian being attacked, the angel Angel Kawall immediately waved his sword and made a move towards Berne, but was stopped by Song Jian;

"Stay in the air and observe the enemy situation!" Song Jian ordered.

Ke Kaoer was stunned. Thousands of players were rushing towards Song Jian in front of him. A large group of abyss demons were chasing Song Jian behind him. He knocked back and forth. Ke Kauer didn't know what enemy situation needed to be observed. Shouldn't he escape ?

"Human, I won't leave you alone and run away!" A look of gratitude appeared on Ke Kaoer's face, thinking that Song Jian was creating a chance for himself to escape. After all, now it is a back-and-forth attack. Only heaven can escape

Tong Songjian rolled his eyes, too lazy to care about this guy who had been imprisoned for hundreds of years and had a stiff head;

Soul walk!

Su Song's fitness film suddenly became transparent and ran obliquely towards the direction of the abyss player. He did not rush into the player group, but obliquely avoided the player.

Byrne frowned, Song Jian fell from the air, and only he could see it. After all, it was too far away, and there were too few people with such a super-long field of vision. I am afraid that no one has found it except it. Trace of Song Jian.

But after Song Jian fell, he seemed to have used skills such as stealth and disappeared. Even with his ultra-long vision, he did not find the trace of the other party.

"Hum, do you think you can sneak away, can you run away in chaos? Useless, watch me break your invisibility!" Bourne hummed, "Break evil eyes!"

Soon, around its two orbits, a black abyss quickly emerged. It looked as if there were countless tiny tentacles protruding from the orbits and crawling towards the cheeks;

"Well, what's in front of you?" Byrne didn't find Song Jian. After all, Song Jian was too fast. Even in the transparent state, he could hardly find him, even if it was a tarantula demon sacrifice. Bone of the elite elite BOSS strength.

However, under the super-long vision and the evil eye's skill bonus, Bourne found that the demons and monsters swarming in the direction of the tide, these monsters are all elite bosses from level 35 to forty, black at least There are thousands.

Bourne was stiff and trembling. After a moment, he screamed sternly and turned towards the entrance of Demon Canyon.

"Hey, look at the legendary bounty hunter, what's wrong with it? It's like seeing a ghost!" Some players saw Berne fled behind in horror and asked curiously;

In fact, many players do not focus on hunting down Song Fitness, but many people pay attention to Abyss Gunner Bourne. This legendary bounty hunter often publishes some missions, and these missions are very rewarding. , But it is not in a fixed place, and often swims in various areas, so it is difficult to encounter it.

的 The player behind Berne saw that Berne ran towards them, his face was full of joy, and he walked around Berne;

"Dear Abyss Gunner, can I help you?" Said an abyss player who was dissatisfied with blue and black scales, and said to Bern with a smile on his face;

"Her Bounty Hunter, this is my gift from you, hoping to get your friendship;" shouted an abyss player holding a blue-quality ring.

Giving NPC items can get the friendship of the other party. The higher the value of the item, the better the other party ’s favor. In this player ’s opinion, the value of a blue-quality ring is already very high. Rewards are also mostly blue quality items;

However, this player is thinking of fishing for a long line of fish, and he doesn't care about the gain or loss of one or two items. As long as he can get the goodwill of Berne and his professional heritage, even if he sends more items, it is a good deal. .

"Mr. Byrne, I am ..."

"Hello Bourne, can you ask ..."

Uh ...

In order to obtain the mission of Bourne, all players can be described as the Eight Immortals who cross the sea to show their magical powers, but Bourne looked at the abyss players who surrounded him with a bulging blue forehead and an angry expression.

"Give me away! Don't get in the way!" Bourne caught an abyss player in front of him and threw him out fiercely;

System: Your behavior disgusted Abyss Gunner Bourne ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Your favorability with each other is reduced by 10 points;

The player who was surrounded by the abyss of Bourne received this message almost at the same time, and was dumbfounded;

"Not yet!" Byrne was anxious at this time. Every delay, he was less likely to escape, but he couldn't say anything, because it needed these guys to block the demons behind him and fight for himself. Escape time

System: Your behavior disgusted Abyss Gunner Bourne, and your favorability with each other decreased by 20 points;

The system releases a message almost every few seconds, so that the players around the abyss of Berne suddenly panic and hide behind one after another;

They don't know why Berne made such a big fire. Is it because there are too many people?

Bourne pushed away the others and quickly ran towards the entrance of the Demon Canyon;

At this moment, the player who rushed to the front of the abyss suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly, just like an earthquake;

"What's going on?" The players who were searching looked at each other. At this moment, a player suddenly pointed at the front with a horror and shouted, "Look, what's that?"

The dark canyon, a large black shadow appeared in front of it, like a tide, rushing towards this group of players;

Uh ...

Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Stinging Pig"

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