I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 790: Player

"Legendary bounty hunter, abyss gunner professional Bourne!" Exclaimed a player.

什么 "What, that npc wearing a black trench coat is the legendary gunner?" There was a shocked expression on the side.

Others also started to talk about it. After all, the name of the abyss gunner Bourne is too big. As long as he is a player who has transferred to the abyss profession and entered the abyss hell, he has heard of its name, even if he has not seen it before;

The Abyss Gunner class is the same as the Soul Ripper class. It is an epic class, but it is different from the player who has been in the Soul Ripper class for only a few months. Byrne is npc. The artillery division has at least ten years and has mastered the core skills of almost all abyss gunners. The strength is not the soul ripper who just took office, only a few abyss players in core occupations can match;

Bourne seems to be a stray npc, it will not stay in one place for too long, but if the reward in a certain area is high, then you will always see it.

Some players tried to contact it and wanted to gain its professional heritage, but it never succeeded;

However, Berne will release many missions, and these missions are very rewarding. Sometimes, you can even learn some general skills of the abyss gunner, which is why most abyss players know it.

After all, an npc like this self-propelled task publisher is in the mind of the player, just like an adventure in the game. As long as it is encountered, there will always be some benefits;

Seeing the appearance of Berne, some players who were still hesitant also rushed towards the Demon Canyon. They didn't care if they could kill Song Jian and get the high bounty, as long as they could get some from Berne. Good, then this trip is worth it to them.

Song Jian took the angel Kerkall away from the gravel mountain and ran towards the exit of the Demon Canyon. He suddenly found that the monsters in the Demon Canyon appeared to be much fewer. After running a few hundred meters, no one was found. Only the fire demon, as if the fire demon in this area have been cleared.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him. He was standing in the air, about ten meters from the ground. He was wearing a black robe and a cape to see his face, and even his attributes were hidden.

Tong Song Jian frowned. This is an abyss player, it seems that he has been waiting here for a long time.

"You ..." Song Jianzheng was about to ask, but he saw the man waving his staff towards him in midair, and a black fireball suddenly fired at him;

Squinting watching the black fireball screamed, Song Jian hadn't started yet, and Kcall next to him rushed up with a sword.

"Here, trial!"

With the swish of the long sword, the divine force spewed out and collided with the black fireball. With a "bang" sound, the fireball exploded and sparks splattered.

The player in mid-air began to chant a spell, and the tone unique to the language of the abyss echoed in the air. A black chain appeared slowly beside him, like a python, moving slowly around him;

Seeing this abyss chain, Kecauer's face changed. For the abyss chain that has been bound for hundreds of years, it has produced a psychological shadow.

When he was a little hesitant, the abyss player in mid-air had completed the spell, and with a wave of his staff, the black abyss chain around him was like a poisonous snake, flying towards the angel Korkel Over the past

With a look of horror on Kecauer's face, he bit his teeth and waved his sword and chopped it towards the abyss chain. With a clang, the abyss chain was chopped into two pieces.

But the chopped abyss chain was like two poisonous snakes, meanwhile entangled with Kalkol's arm, and wrapped around his body. After a while, he tightened up Kakol tightly.

Losing control of his body, Kakaul fell directly from the sky. Song Jian was a little speechless. No matter how weak he was, he was a 50-level elite boss. It was as simple as being caught. Is it?

"Such strength, don't come out to shame, and help me fight, I'm not bad if it doesn't hurt!" Song Jian groaned in his heart, his thoughts moved, the four long swords were like a shooting star, towards the player in midair Flew over

When he saw four long swords flying towards himself, the player finally showed a prudent expression on his face, and his mouth was tilted, and he said softly, "It's interesting!"

虽 Although her voice is small, Song Jian listens clearly and can't help but chant: "Well, it turned out to be a female player?"

You need to know that the abyss player can be regarded as a **** race. After changing careers, there will be some abnormalities on the body, either horns will grow on the head, or black tattoos will appear on the face, or scales will appear on the body. Coupled with the abyssal **** environment, few female players choose the abyss profession.

Seeing four long-swords flying towards herself, Katie smiled slightly, and her staff waved, and a transparent metallic shield shimmering on her side appeared in front of her. Inside the transparent shield, you could see all the , Hair-like, cobweb-like lines, embedded in the entire shield;

嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭!

The four-handed sword was originally hacked towards Katie from all directions ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but at the moment when this shield appeared, all of them were attracted by the shield, and she was summoned by the chopping On a transparent shield

The most important thing is that Katie's shield skill is obviously much stronger than Song Jian's bone shield. The four-stroke sword skills are simultaneously displayed, which is enough to cause more than three thousand points of damage, but chopped on this shield. It just made it tremble slightly twice.

There was a disdainful smile on Katie's face, but Song Jian was shocked.

Although I did not use all my strength, how could it be impossible for my opponent's defense to break with my own injuries? Song Jian became suspicious of his attack for the first time;

The most notable feature of Yujian's career is its powerful attack. Even if there is no dark gold weapon set and Song Jian's damage, it is not something that ordinary players can compete with, not to mention the four-handed sword, which can produce four times the damage, even if it is full. It is the strongest defense of the abyss shield attacker, and it is impossible to resist Song Jian's attack;

"Invincible effect?" Song Jian flashed in his mind and suddenly understood.

For ordinary invincible effects, a hint of "immunity" will appear on the attack, but the attack on the transparent shield of the abyss player has no hint, which is likely to cause misunderstanding and think that the opponent's defense is strong;

"The invincible effect will have a duration. I'd like to see how long you can hold on!" Song Jian's eyes narrowed and his heart moved, and the four long swords made a spin in the air, and continued to chop toward Katie;

Uh ...

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