I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 779: Big devil

Although the tarantula demon was killed, the poisoning effect on Song fitness did not disappear. Every five seconds, Song Jian would stand like a stone and stay in place for three seconds.

If you are still fighting, this state will be enough for the Tarantula Demon to kill Song Jian three or four times, and he will not be given any time to recover.

Finally passed the poisoning time of thirty seconds, Song Jian found a piece of barbecue and sat down to slowly recover the lost blood value;

"Fight the tarantula demon, don't be contaminated by its venom!" Song Jian secretly said.

It's just a forty-level elite BOSS. With Song Jian's strength, he should be able to hunt each other in a crushing posture, but I didn't expect to hand over the "enemy of death" skills here, which made Song Jian secretly alert.

Picking up the three blue-quality equipment and materials dropped by the BOSS, Song Jian left his mouth, and the forty-level elite BOSS only dropped items worth no more than 30,000 Doom, which was a bit shabby. Already.

不过 "However, there is a lot of experience!" Song Jian looked at the experience value, and a satisfied smile finally appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The experience given by a forty-level elite BOSS is worth more than a dozen ordinary monsters of the same level, plus Song Jian is a leapfrog killing monster. This tarantula demon directly improved his experience slot;

Continue to walk forward. The ruins of the temple inside the mountain occupies a very large area. The monsters here are all elite BOSS, and there is more than one kind of demon. Until now, Song Jian has seen two flame demon and tarantula demon. Species.

But soon, Song Jian saw the sheep-faced demon and the three-headed demon again;

Sheep-faced demons, as the name suggests, have a goat's head, a burly build, and explosive muscles in their bulging muscles.

This is also the only monster that Song Jian has surpassed him in strength attributes since Song Jian possesses first-order combat power. Song Jian ’s bone-bone shield and sheep-faced demon BOSS will break three bone-bone shields at the same time. If it weren't for Song Jian's soul-walking skills, with his powerful skills and attack power, I'm afraid he's not the opponent of this sheep-faced demon at all;

As for the three-headed demon, it looks exactly like the three-headed dog guarding the gates of **** in the legend. It has a huge body, the heads of three savage demon dogs, and the burning flames of the abyss on its limbs and back. The surface of the body is like a spider. The hot cracked magma flowing in the cracks like a net didn't look like a creature, but some like a golem;

These two demons, Song Jian, both failed to be charmed. The sheep-faced demon can directly break the bone shield, while the three-headed demon, the three heads can spit out flames, venom and frost. The shield skills used were all used, and it was not enough time to perform the abyss deterrent order.

"Damn, if my pet can fight and resist in front, it's not too easy to delay for ten seconds!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, at this moment, he suddenly thought that he had a sword shadow avatar skill. Although the strength of the avatar produced is not as good as the body, it is often used to confuse opponents, but it often has wonderful effects.

宋 Just when Song Jian felt a little annoyed, regretting that he hadn't remembered this skill earlier, he finally met the fifth kind of demon, a cloak and a sickle, like a legendary big devil!

The devil's damage is also very high, and it will also perform the teleport ability. After stunning for less than two seconds, it immediately teleported and came to Song Jian's body, raised the sickle, and moved towards Song Jian chopped over;

Under the attack of the devil, the Bone Bone Shield only persisted for three times, and it broke apart directly. A black knife flashed, and Song Jian was split in half by the other party.

However, what made the big devil puzzled was that it had clearly killed the target, but the spell of the abyss deterrent had not disappeared, and it was still echoing in its ear;

"Phantom!" The big devil's face changed greatly, it could feel that a huge threat was coming over it, just as its eyes became scarlet and bloody, and he turned and ran towards Song Jian's real body. The mark of the abyss slave was suddenly imprinted on its brows;

With a scream of scream, the body of the big devil suddenly burned a strong flame. In the flame, its body disappeared suddenly, but in less than a second, the figure of the big devil reappeared. , Holding his head constantly rolling on the gravelly ground;

After a while, this big devil BOSS finally stopped, as if confessing his fate, walking towards Song Jian, kneeling on the ground with one knee, and speaking to Song Jian with the abyss: "Master!"

The hoarse sound of the big devil was like rubbing a handful of sand in his throat, which made Song Jian frown slightly, but when he saw the properties of the big devil clearly, he couldn't help laughing, his heart was full of luck.

This big demon's attributes are extremely powerful, not only possessing super attack power and teleport skills, but also passive attributes, critical strikes. Although it can not have the effect of killing any creature like the undead knight, but Has a chance to trigger triple damage;

As long as it is not BOSS, once an ordinary monster is triggered to triple the damage ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The powerful attack of the big devil is also the end of a direct spike, which is actually no different from the fatal blow of the undead knight;

The most important thing is that the chance of triggering a fatal blow of the big devil is much higher than that of the undead knight, which has a 15% chance, which is very satisfying to Song Jian.

"If I can recruit twelve big demons, then under siege, the probability of this passive trigger will be extremely high, which is simply a weapon against players!" Song Jian secretly said.

With the first big demon, Song Jian's efficiency of brushing monsters improved a lot, and soon, he charmed eleven big demon one after another, forming a team of big devil, in this temple ruins To start sweeping all monsters;

After more than an hour, Song Jian's level directly increased by one level. With Song Jian's current level, if he wants to upgrade one level, he must brush at least half a month of monsters of the same level, but in this temple ruins, the efficiency But increased by a factor of ten;

The level has reached level 38. A newly acquired skill point, Song Jian added to the core skills, the immortal sword body, has been a nine-level immortal sword body, whether it is an increased attribute, or duration, all obtained Has been greatly improved, and it is clear that level nine is not the limit of the indestructible sword body, and this skill can continue to be improved;

The higher the rank of the skill, the higher the upper limit of the level, just like the soul walk ability. Its level limit is twelve. Song Jian estimates that the upper limit of the immortal sword body is at least the same as the soul walk. Soul walk is still high.

Uh ...

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