I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 777: video

Hearing that this player with more than 20 levels spoke, Thomas and Tu Bi suddenly became silent, stopped arguing, and looked at their expressions. They respected this player, and everyone around them took it for granted. appearance.

"Dear Mr. Kuru, then how do you think this matter should be handled?" Tu Bi asked respectfully. Thomas also looked nervously at Kourul.

Kurur seems to be in his forties. In theory, this game will not allow people over 30 years of age to enter the game. However, in the real world, there is such a thing as a "game invitation card", and that Underground arenas are not unique to Linhai City.

Kurur waved his hand and said, "The consortium commissioned me to enter here, just to assist you and serve as a bridge of communication. I also have no right to make any decision on the League of Nations. However, the fallen angels alliance is in the furnace of flames. The main city, and even the hegemony of the desolate highland region, cannot be shaken! "

Tu Bi smiled and said, "Mr. Kuru, this incident is a heavy blow to the reputation of the fallen angel alliance. The other party has only one human being, but it has destroyed our elite team of more than 50 people, let alone say The cost of cultivating so many elite players is simply a loss for their equipment! "

Taking a look at Thomas, Tu Bi continued: "In addition, the abyss imprisoned shield, although it is only a shield of dark gold quality, has no worse properties than an epic shield. Without this shield, it will directly affect In the future, the elite group will brush the progress of the boss. Oh, sorry, I forgot that the elite group has been destroyed by the group ... "

"What the **** do you mean, don't you say ..." Thomas shouted angrily at the picture.

Seeing that Thomas and Tubi were clamoring again, Kururu frowned, and tapped his finger on the conference table a few times and said, "What we need to do now is not to hold ourselves accountable, but how to influence this incident. Minimize, don't affect the position of the fallen angel in the furnace of fire! "

"Chasing and killing the human, and then publishing the video that killed him, let everyone in Desolate Highland know that we fell into the Angel League and killed this human!" Tu Bi said immediately.

Kurur nodded with satisfaction and smiled, "I heard that the mercenary union of the Flame Furnace has already raised this human bounty, and now it has reached 1.5 million doomsday. This number is not only It ’s the players, even many NPCs are starting to be jealous. If the fallen angel can kill this human, it will definitely re-establish its prestige in the furnace of flames! "

"Mr. Kuru, I hope this thing can be done by me, I will be able to kill this human!" Thomas stood up and said immediately.

"You have failed once. I think we should give this opportunity to others!" Tu Bi said immediately.

其他 "Others? Who, are you, Tubi?" Thomas looked at Tubi dismissively and said, "With your strength, to hunt this human off is just a vain death!"

Lu Tubi's face suddenly became gloomy, staring at Thomas and saying: "Thomas, don't think that you have won the Angel Wings, you will feel that you are the first person in the league, you are far behind!"

"Oh, is it?" Thomas sneered: "It would be better for us to go to the abyss arena to discuss, if you win, I will quit, but if you lose, chase Song Jian, then It's my responsibility! "

Tubi was stunned. With his current strength, he is not Thomas' opponent at all, even if the opponent does not need to fall into the wings of angels. After all, Thomas has passed the first-level combat assessment, and it is said that he still passed the B + level assessment. I have failed once. If I want to evaluate again, I have to wait for a month.

"Okay, don't fight!" Kourul glanced at Tubi and said, "It's still up to Thomas to do it. Remember, Thomas, that human must die, this is your last chance!"

Thomas froze and said solemnly: "Mr. Kuru, please rest assured that even if I end up with him, I will kill him!"

Kuru nodded with satisfaction and said, "Remember, it's better to find a way to get that two-handed shield back. That superb shield is so lost! It's a shame!"

Thomas hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth, "I try my best!"

The items that have entered the player's parcel box are very difficult to burst. Even if Thomas kills Song Jian and the luck drops the items, it will not necessarily burst the shield;

The highest explosive rate is Song Jian's equipment before death, followed by the items in the parcel column. If Song Jian did not take the initiative to return this shield, it would be impossible to regain this shield.

The fallen angel union besieged the world boss, but was interrupted by a human who broke into the abyss of hell, which caused the mass destruction. Moreover, the man took away the head of the world boss and obtained a video of an epic item ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Soon appeared in the forum of the main city of the flame furnace.

一 As soon as this video appeared, it caused a commotion among players of the Flame Furnace Abyss. In the center of the city, a huge billboard clearly displayed the last blood of Song Jian's harvest of the world's BOSS.

杀死 After killing the boss, everyone who watched the video focused their eyes on the dazzling fuchsia light.

From the perspective of shooting videos, it was clear that not only the players of Song Jian and the Angel Alliance, but also third-party players appeared, but this player has not shown any movement and no one has found his trace. , Like a ghost, just recorded everything that happened.

This video makes the Fallen Angel League ’s reputation in the furnace of flames plummet. All Fallen Angel League players always feel that others are looking into their eyes, full of jokes;

At the same time, some of Jian's skills and hole cards were exposed in the video. It was seen that Song Jian was like a torture monster, controlling four long swords and killing the Quartet, and almost no one could hold on for a few seconds under his hand All those who intend to hunt him down are stunned and carefully considered in their hearts;

After this video appeared, Song Jian ’s bounty in the mercenary union also increased directly from 1.5 million to two million. Such a high amount of bounty not only made the bounty hunters in the desolate highlands heartbeat, but even Attracted people from other areas of the abyss hell, who came to the furnace of flames in pursuit of Song Jian's whereabouts;

Uh ...

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